Friday, January 8, 2010

I am moving to America in 2 months. Will you give me some advice?

We are moving to USA in 2 months. After we buy the ticket, we are left with $2000. We are going to stay with a family member until my husband finds a job. My university will start in January. I have full scholarship for my PhD from the university of Arkansas, so we will move to Fayetteville. My husband and my baby daughter of 15 months, are both American Citizens, so I got my Immigrant visa. Everything in London is so expensive, and with only him working and getting 拢1200 pcm, we couldn't save money at all after the birth of my child. I am freaking out and I think I am having anxiety attack. I don't know the American culture, English is not my first language, although I passed the GRE and TOEFL, we don't have enough money, I am just so worried.

Can you say something to calm me down?I am moving to America in 2 months. Will you give me some advice?
You are taking some chances there, but that is life. Live frugally, that is all I can recommend.I am moving to America in 2 months. Will you give me some advice?

Our economy stinks, we have no universal health care, our educational system leaves a lot to be desired, the war for oil in Iraq will bankrupt the Nation and our image around the world has been damaged.

Good Luck, anyway.
When you get here you could find a part time job to help your husband it's also gonna help you to find new friends, start being social and feel a little better and start getting used to it
Sure. Arkansas is a hell of a lot cheaper than London.

$2000 will get you about a month of expenses. Staying with family will help stretch that.

Hope your husband can get a job fast.
Calm down. Half of America doesn't speak English anyway. :P You'll be fine. Your husband would show you the ropes I'm sure so don't worry about it.
Fayetteville, Arkansas is fairly cheap compared to much of the US. However, a measly $2000 is not even enough to pay first, last and security deposit on a small apartment. Then you need utility deposits, furniture %26amp; furnishings, groceries, etc. Even $5000 will be a tight squeeze just to get a roof over your head and a phone installed to start job-hunting.

Staying with a family member when there are 3 of you is still going to be very difficult financially and every other way. $2000 is not going to get a car and gas to start job-hunting -- and those are as critical as a phone. And you are still going to need at least $5000 to get into a place of your own and get set up with the barest minimum of garage-sale furnishings.

You definitely need to put together a lot more money for your move. What is your status and have you considered how long it is going to take for your to get work authorization so you can get a job, too? A scholarship is helpful, but what about all of your fees, books, dissertation research expenses, transportation to %26amp; from classes, child care while you are class, etc? You are going to have to work, if you can get authorization and have some sort of skills to get work.

And what is your husband's education and experience? Jobs are scarce in the US these days. Over 450,000 per week are losing their jobs.

You are in terrible trouble any way you look at it. You do not have time to waste on panic attacks, freak-outs, etc. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Advice about places not to be missed in Southern South America?

I'm travelling to Brazil, Peru, Argentina and Chile for 4 months. I have quite a few places I want to go to but has anyone been to any places you'd recommend not to be missed?Advice about places not to be missed in Southern South America?
The Plains of Nazca. The drawings are pretty cool from the air. Bariloche in Argentina.. If you go in July, you can ski.. since it is winter there. Iguazu falls is worth seeing, also. I would also recommend a side trip to the easter islands off the chilean coast, The statues are pretty cool. I like Macchu Picchu but its really, really touristy.. basically a small city at the base. Lake titicaca is a lake.. so what? Pour some water on you airplane tray and make a paper boat. Then youll have a 5 mile high lake. Advice about places not to be missed in Southern South America?
I am Brazilian so I can answer about Brazil. Our northest beaches are amazing. I suggest the following beaches: Porto de Galinhas (in Pernambuco), Itacar茅 (in Bahia), Fernando de NOronha (island in Pernambuco), Praia de Pipa (in Rio Grande do Norte), Maragogi (in Alagoas).

If you are not fan of beach, you can visit Bonito (amazing place with beautiful caverns, rivers, lakes), Chapada Diamantina (amazing landscape), or Len莽玫is Maranhenses.

I had visit Argentina and Chile and Buenos Aires is a beautiful city to visit, also Santiago City but in Argentina you have Patagonia (amazing cold place) and in Chile you have Ilha da P谩scoa. I had attached some links with photos for you.
You cannot miss Buenos Aires, is by far the most cosmopolitan city in latinamerica. Go south and you will find Bariloche it's also worht the trip, in winter is as beautiful as switzerlad.
Iguazu Falls - borders with Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina (or maybe Uruguay)

Bigger than Victoria Falls - massive natural wonder!
Lake Titicaca on the Peru, Bolivia Border is a must. Worlds Highest navigable lake.
You can't miss Machu Picchu, If you can do the 4 day Inca Trail hike...also Patagonia.
  • skin cream
  • If Hispanics illegals claim that America is run by the ';gringo'; then why don't they take the ';gringo's'; advice

    and learn from American government. Thier countries are economic failures. Why don't they becaome more humble and willing to learn from a better system. Is it against thier deepest emotions to listen to a ';gringo.'; Why must they fight this country?If Hispanics illegals claim that America is run by the ';gringo'; then why don't they take the ';gringo's'; advice
    Ah, but those who GOVERN in those countries aren't economically failed! They are the ';ricos'; who gain from the way they run the country. Those illegals have virtually no control, as they have virtually no economic clout. The ';ricos'; have no incentive to pay any heed to the general population.

    US workers have had clout through unionization, which has dramatically changed the balance towards more equity, compared to the ';robber baron'; era of the late 1800s and early 1900s. That fact alone dramatically changed the entire economic face of our country.

    All that said, I'm NOT a union supporter, as I think many of them exploit their membership. Nor am I a sycophantic promoter of amnesty for illegals. They should be sent back as they are discovered, though I think ';herding'; them up in sweeps is unnecessary. When an illegal is discovered by law enforcement, they should be detained, heard, and quickly deported if they have no valid business in this country.

    My initial comments are but a reasonable consideration that must be made.If Hispanics illegals claim that America is run by the ';gringo'; then why don't they take the ';gringo's'; advice
    I say don't keep pointing out their errors and let them keep doing as they are. ;)
    illegals are too dirty and stupid to learn anything.
    Where have you been? America IS run by the gringo. Each country does things its own way.
    Gringo is a racial slur. They can call us Gringo but whatever we call them it's racist.

    My husband's Ex is moving to South America and wants to take their son. Any advice would help...?

    My husband's Ex is leaving in Nov. to South America to live with their son and we have Joint Custody of the boy who is 9. I know we have to go to court but I was wanting some advice if anyone else has gone through this, what does the courts usually do in these cases... We are really scared about all of this for we don't want to away from him, we are going to try to fight for Full custody and she can have him in summer... My question is what does the court normally do with these cases, and any advice on what we can do or say to help us... Thank YouMy husband's Ex is moving to South America and wants to take their son. Any advice would help...?
    He may just get custody, depending on the judge, the same happened with my husband's ex. She was moving to Germany wanted to take the girls, he took her to court and the judge told her she could either give up custody or stay in the Country. She choose to stay and they continue having joint custody.My husband's Ex is moving to South America and wants to take their son. Any advice would help...?
    So Sharon B., it's perfectly OK to split a father and his son up?

    I would talk to a lawyer about this, and hope that the court sides with you, and maybe figure out how to argue that it is in the child's best interest to stay in the USA.
    I'm not trying to be rude here are not this child's mother. Seeing as courts usually side with the mother in cases of custody (unless of course she's proven very unfit), you probably don't have much of a chance at gaining sole custody.

    I'm sorry.
    That is NOT going to be easy for the mom. Even moving out of State is a big deal when batling custody. I don't think the judge will allow that, particularly because the child is a U.S. Citizen.
    i would advise your husband .as hard as it will be, to avoid legal fess.
    Why would you want to split a mother and her son up. The child has absolutely nothing to do with you.
    The child's best interst is to be with the mom.

    I am a college student living in america and my family in india keep asking when i'm coming,.advice needed

    when i met my cousin from india in new york, he asked me about my vacation time and asked me why i dont come to india..end of july, i got my licence and now my mom wants me to decide on what i want to do and wants me to go to a different community mom and i might go next year but i dont think i last trip to india was in 2003..i realize the more i call and write to keep in touch, the more they're going to keep asking until i actually know when i'm of now, if i decide to go to Santa Ana college, then for Christmas break, i have 8 weeks off..i'm thinking maybe going to a vocatioal college but i dont know..i cant take my family from india out of my mind..every day and night i hear ';when are you coming..ever since my cousin went back to india, he keeps asking and persuading me to visit india in december of this year but i dont think i will be going..please tell me ur cousin and i only got to spend 31/2 days in new yorkI am a college student living in america and my family in india keep asking when i'm coming,.advice needed
    Do what you want to do. Tell them honestly that you love and care for them but that this is your decision and you hope they will understand. After all you have to live with yourself forever so first make sure your true to you, while still remaining respectful to your familyI am a college student living in america and my family in india keep asking when i'm coming,.advice needed
    Dear what's this boaring letter just sweet and short messege %26amp; countinue

    I live in America, want to relocate to the UK, any advice?

    I have lived in the United States my entire life and I want to branch out. I am seriously considering moving to the UK, but I'm not entirely sure where yet. I heard that London is expensive, what city (or country) would you suggest? I am bored of America and it bothers me that this country is so young and lacks true culture and the people are so prude. And the government is just atrocious, doesn't care about it's people, and quite frankly is just embarrassing.I live in America, want to relocate to the UK, any advice?
    dontI live in America, want to relocate to the UK, any advice?
    its a way different country kiddo... American things like food are hard to find.. there ways are different from any other place. the highways are covered by cameras so that speeders can get caught..most of the city's have cameras all over the place..which is good for getting criminals but bad your your individual rights..take a long hoilday ( thats what they call vacation in england) good luck
    Come on now, it cannot possibly be that bad.
    Good luck on your move. lt will be difficult at first if you drive a car as the driver is at the right (you own car?).
    I actually would recommend near the country; an average-sized town near the country is always good. If I were to recommend a specific place, I'd say the Southwest, particularly Devonshire. One of my favorite towns there is Torquay; look it up on a map sometime. With Devon and its surrounding neighbors, you get the added bonus of being near the wilds of Dartmoor (a large and still truly wilderness-based area) and being near the English Channel; a classic crossing point to the rest of the culture of Europe.

    Personally, I lived only in the city of Bath in the north and Teignmouth in the southwest, but I have traveled around the UK a lot. I would not recommend Bath, as it is much like London in being crowded and expensive.

    Oh, one more thing, to speak of expenses: houses are costly, much more than American houses could be. The cost of an average house there would be the equivalent to the cost of a small mansion here. Just warning you.
    My advice is, DO NOT DO IT. Sure, you can find plenty of faults with any place you live, but unless you REALLY like cold damp weather, super high prices, crime that has totally gotten out of hand, LOTS of very wierd people, and practically NO jobs to be found, you are much better off staying here.
    If you move to London, it will help if you learn the language. I am referring to Farsi as within 20 more years, London is on track to become a Muslim city by a majority.

    You could try the Philippines. You can live there quite inexpensively and they also speak English.

    Oh and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
    get outta here, who needs u. JK, hope it works out for u.
    i go to an American/international school in england- surrey. so near to london.

    my friends that have moved here from the states all have really diverse opinions of the UK. some cannot wait to go back and some love it they are all staying here for uni.

    -i think they enjoy having an american community around to help settle in, so research and see where that may be.

    - london is rather expensive so i wouldnt consider that. being close to it is amazing so look at the outskirts of london- that is not so expensive.

    - a lot of americans love the beach so maybe cornwall or brighton they are cool and a bit wacky.

    - have ppl back home to send you american food as it is so expensive here if you can find it but otherwise you will miss a lot of the candy and other such food items.

    hope this helps. can't think of anything else. good luck choosing!
    And you think things will be better in the UK?

    They won't. ALL of the UK is pretty expensive to live in, and fuel costs there make America look like a dream to drive in. The weather is horrible most of the time, and if you think that America has a government that doesn't care about its people, then you have no clue what a government descended from Royal rule is like. Socialized medicine isn't very good either, but they do try.

    Instead of running away, why not make an effort to improve where you are?
    Put quite simply...


    I could almost copy your last two sentences word for word about the UK.

    If you do decide to come here, a lot of things need to be considered, such as how much money you have, and your skills/ type of work.

    All the cities are pretty much the same now (over populated %26amp; expensive), though London has more history to it and is the most expensive.

    There are some nice places to live here, particularly on the south coast, and personally I'd like to live in Dorset, but like most things, it is more down to getting a decent income, rather than enjoying where you live.
    I suggest u take a vaction to the UK before relocating.... dip ur toes into the water b4 taking the plunge... every country has their goods and bads. Everything ultimately depends on u and how u handle things...!!!
    I think I'll just take my two points here. Just in case someone feels completely insulted, (and right they should), to your question, and obvious lack of national pride, and decides to report you or something silly like that. (not to worry though, it wouldn't be me that does it)

    If you decide on the UK, let me know how you make out.

    Take care, Jen
    Moving to another country will immediately solve those problems.
    If you were to move to the UK (I live here) then be warned:

    Most average sized houses over here is roughly 拢200,000.

    That is equivalent to roughly $400. It's very expensive here.

    And the weather isn't good at all. We're lucky if we see 3days of sun each week. 1 Day even sometimes.

    But i'm not sure where to recommend. Scotland is nice. Great views, fantastic country walks to go on, hills, green grass! ;) BUT, they speak in a slightly hard-to-understand accent. Plus, you probably won't as much of the latest news/songs etc.

    Around Manchester/Liverpool/St. Helens, it's quite good. I live in St. Helens. You always get the latest news, songs, items to buy etc, BUT, not really ANY Grassy scenery, and the crime can be quite high depending on which part of them you live in. And there can be drunk teenagers sometimes at night, so, it's quite scary tbh lol. So take your time to think about that.

    Devon is quite nice. From what i've heard its a mix between cities, towns and great walks too. But i'm not sure, you better check on that.

    Anyway! There y'ar. Some ideas on where to live IF you did move to UK. But, it would be a big decision. It can be quite rough over here, depending where you live. PLUS, you've lived in America all your life. Are you really sure you wanna consider moving here?

    Think about it; alot.

    OH AND EDIT: I'm not sure if you should. For a few reasons;

    1. You will need alot of money, so a good job here is needed.

    2. All your family and friends are in America.

    3. If you lose your job, and are stuck for a home to live in, you cannot ask your parents for a place to live in for a few days until you get another job.

    So, you would have to be well prepeared if you where to move here.
    Its sounds like you are describing the UK or any other country for that matter. It's not the country, it's the people. You just need somewhere with a low population so you can judge less people. If you have to go overseas....Amsterdam, Holland sounds like a fit for your persona.
    Yes, please hurry and leave...

    Holidaying in America with a little difference !!!! NEED HELP 'N' ADVICE PLZ! xx?

    I've done the sun, sand and sea holidays, this year I wanted to go America but stay with a family not an exchange thing I cant find the word for it, hotels are sooo boring and I would love to stay with a host family of some sort. I would like some advice on this issue and guidance as to where to find these 'host' families. I am 22 by the way and will be travelling with friends of similar age. I dont know if I gave enough information on here but please ask away and I will respond a.s.a.p !!

    cheers guys your help will be sooooooooooooo appreciated!!Holidaying in America with a little difference !!!! NEED HELP 'N' ADVICE PLZ! xx?
    Its called a bed and breakfast. Their are a lot them here. You stay with a family and they cook you dinner and entertain you.Probably 50 or more at any major tourist destination or attraction.Holidaying in America with a little difference !!!! NEED HELP 'N' ADVICE PLZ! xx?
    sounds like fun, but i dont know how to go about that sorry

    I need advice on immigrating to the British Isles from America?

    I am not set on where I am going but I am really tired of America. I want to go somewhere that I at least have a handle on the language.What I need to know is how do the people feel about new comers? I expect to have to work my way to acceptance on some level, that's just the way it goes no matter where you go. How hard is it to acquire some land, I need to grow plants %26amp; raise animals. General info on what a small country place with say 5 to 10 acres. Thank You for the help.I need advice on immigrating to the British Isles from America?
    The British Isles is made of the UK %26amp; the Republic of Ireland, which are two separate countries, unless you can acquire citizenship of an EU member state through a parent (in some cases a grandparent) you will need a visa to enter both countries to live %26amp; work. Both countries are used to immigrants, it won't be a problem, if you wind up in Dublin or London, or one of the other major cities in the UK you won't even be noticed. How easy it is or is not to buy land is something you can find out when or if you get there.

    Australia %26amp; New Zealand both speak English as well.

    Information on moving to the Republic of Ireland鈥?/a>

    Information visas to the UK鈥?/a>

    Both countries are still in recession %26amp; it is difficult to find work at the moment, if you need to get a visa you will find it easier if you can get a job first. In the Republic of Ireland %26amp; the UK employers are required to consider their own citizens, followed by citizens of other EU member states then non-EU citizens. Having marketable skills isn't really enough at the moment, if you don't have a unique skill or talent, it will difficult for an employer to justify employing you before a British/Irish citizen or an EU national unless as I've said before you can acquire citizenship of an EU member state through a parent.I need advice on immigrating to the British Isles from America?
    Just remember, nobody has a legitimate claim to such vast expanses of land and, theoretically, you have the right to move anywhere you damned well please without having to apply for silly bureaucratic nonsense. Not the answer you want, but I'll say it.

    How hard will it be? One hundred times harder than it should be because of the state's regulation barriers to entry on business, land aquisition and free trade.

    On another note, what mean you by ';a handle on the language';? We speak nearly the same tongue.
    I agree, Australia or Canada would be far smarter. The UK is packed to the brim, the cost of such land would run into tens of millions because there is no space for 10 acres like in the USA!

    Even buying a small apartment is difficult for some.
    Want my advice, dont. We're already sinking fast and nobody seems to have the intelligence to stop it. Stick with the upcoming countries like Canada, Oz etc.
    Fly to France go to Channel tunnell and pretend your Roumanian of Afghan refugee and hey your be fine
    First you need to look at requirements for citizenship and visas and all that. Unless you are rich and they have some sort of investment visa, you have to look at requirements to get a work visa so you can work a job. I want to live in Thailand, I dont have a special skill (I did not go to college), so I cant get a work visa. I own my own online company, and they dont give business visas for that. So I can not legally make money there. To own land is very difficult and to just stay there longer than a year, even if i had money saved up and was retired, is very hard at my young age because of the provisions for retirees having to be over 65. Anyways, Im 27, I own my own business, and I can not live where I want. I have to leave every 6 months, stay in Malaysia for 3 months, and then re-enter again to stay another 6 months (assuming I get approved for the tourist visa each time). Its very difficult to immigrate to most countries, Thailand is one of the more difficult ones, but I assume the British Isles have their own rules and visas for immigration and citizenship. I would look into that first before you start making plans of buying land and things like that.

    People always say ';if you dont like USA then get out';, but they dont realize how hard it really is to legally move somewhere else.

    froggequene, I agree, thats what Im trying to tell her. You explained it much better because I can tell she didnt get what Im saying. I have ';marketable skills';. I do computer programming. I went to a trade school for 6 months. I've done contract work for Google and Sun Microsystems. I run my own myspace type sites which I built from scratch. I could easily get a programming job here in Silicon Valley, but over there its not unique or highly skilled. Theres thousands of THEIR citizens who can do the same job as me. You explained it well

    And when I said you'd have to invest and have a lot of money. I didnt mean a simple contribution. They want you to invest a minimum of $1.6 million to qualify for an investor visa.

    In Thailand where I'm trying to go, its very similar. But if I had that much to invest, I'd trust investing it in the UK much more than Thailand lol.
  • skin cream
  • Some advice/feedback would be welcome regarding moving to America.?

    Hello! and thanks for taking the time to read this.

    After a couple of years of talking about how nice it would be to travel and exprience living abroad, my partner and I are seriously considering moving to America with our daughter.

    We want to do things properly and not get carried away with the excitement of it all.

    I just wondered if anyone else is considering this themselves or who has actually already made the move? If so, how have you found things? Where did you get your original information from for getting organised for such a move?

    I would be very grateful for any tips or feedback from anyone who has any type of info/experience to share.

    Kind regards,

    Ambrosia.Some advice/feedback would be welcome regarding moving to America.?
    First of all, find out everything you can about where you plan to move to. The US is a BIG country with many different types of regions and people, and they are NOT all the same. Find out which places would suit you the most, and then find out as much as you can about them.Some advice/feedback would be welcome regarding moving to America.?
    Denver is a higher elevation city - be prepared to spend some time getting used to the thinner air, but if you do more here, enjoy it! - Paul

    Report Abuse

    The U.S. is a big country and not all regions are the same. What areas are you considering? We might be able to give you more feedback.

    Despite much negative press, most Americans are very friendly and welcoming of people from other countries. It still is very much a land of opportunity.

    How much does it cost to travel around South America? And can someone give me advice?

    I'm not picky (aka I'll gladly stay in hostels and take cheap buses), I just need to be safe, since I'm a white American woman who will be traveling alone.

    I should be doing three one-month internships, two in Ecuador and one in Peru. I'll be able to travel some around Ecuador on weekends, and I'm intending to do at least two weeks after the Peru internship with my family. (So I can see all the great Inca stuff).

    Since I'll already be down there, though, I would like to travel around. I want to do Buenos Aires and Montevideo for certain, but I'd like to see more than just these two cities. Where would you recommend I go? How should I travel? And if I were to stick around for three months, how much would it likely cost? (Between lodging, transportation, admission fees to sights and food...) Thanks!How much does it cost to travel around South America? And can someone give me advice?
    Budget can be fixed only when you know where you want to go to and what you intend to visit and do.

    Iguazu Falls (unesco world heritage) situated at the border of Brazil and Argentina is a must. It can be reached from towns of Foz do Igua莽u (Brazil), Puerto Iguaz煤 (Argentine) and from Ciudad del Este (Paraguay).

    Galapagos islands (Ecuador) is another unesco world heritage place.

    Cuzco Machu Picchu and Inca trail in Peru.

    Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay): still another Unesco site

    In fact, South-American countries have many top places and world heritage sites.

    As for places to see and things to do, I suggest you have first a look at the web sites of the tourist offices of the countries and cities you want to go to.

    You may find them with a specialized travel directory such as Willgoto

    Enjoy your trip.How much does it cost to travel around South America? And can someone give me advice?
    Don't miss Bolivia, it has some great touristic sites (Titicaca lake, Uyuni Salt Flats, Jesuit Missions, Amazon rainforest, etc.) and it is probably the cheapest country in Latin America. As long as you take reasonable commonsense precautions, you should be safe.

    There is a directory of Bolivia attractions at:
    advice? dont drink the water
    Use a South_America Travel Pass to book all your flights!鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>


    Buenos Aires

    Iguazzu Falls

    Mendoza on your way to Chile

    Usuahia, etc.





    Punta del Este in Summer

    Colonia del Sacramento鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    I need some advice in planning a trip to South America?

    My boyfriend and I are planning a trip to South America for May 2010. We will have about 16 days. We want to probably spend most of our time in Peru, but I would also like to go to the Iguazu Falls in Argentina and a city in Northern Chile called Iquique. In Peru we want to spend about 5 nights in Cusco and go to Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca and then spend about 3 or 4 nights in the Amazon. I have talked to a couple of travel agencies, but I don't really want anything too structured, I want to be able to stay at hotels of my choice and do excursions of my choice as well. Is it easy to get there and find your way around and plan your own trip and flight, or is it best to have it planned out and do a packaged thing? Can someone who has gone before tell me what they did?I need some advice in planning a trip to South America?
    My fiance and I have just come back from 3 months in South America, almost 2 of which we spent in Chile inc Easter Island . I guess it will be easier to go with a structured package, but it will be so much more expensive and you won't have as much freedom. Personally, I'd plan my own, as you get more choice.

    Can i just ask, is there a particular reason you want to go to Iquique? I love all things Chilean (being Chilean myself hehe), but I'm not too sure what there is there, saying that, I have never been there (just the airport). My cousin went there earlier this year and told me there was a beautiful oasis about an hour away from it. In the very north we went to Arica and San Pedro. We both loved San Pedro, it was extremely touristy, but it's a beautiful little town, there are lots of tours and you can even do the Uyuni salt flats tour to Bolivia from there.

    I would book your flight tickets in advance, as prices do go up. Be warned, flights in SA are VERY expensive! A lot more pricey than here in Europe.

    In general, I would book trips and excursions when you're there. i was freaking out before we left as I wanted to have everything done, but that's not possible, if you want flexibility try and book when you're there. One thing though, if you want to do the Inka trail you will need to book months in advance. I booked last November and we did it on March, if you are interested in the trail then I'd really recommend the company that we did it with

    I would suggest you get (if you haven't already) the Lonely Planet's South America on a Shoestring.... it's the travellers bible! It has so much information and help us out A LOT when booking accommodation, tours, etc. I also used tripadvisor when looking for accommodation. A lot of travellers like to book when they get to places, and this is possible when in a lot of places is SA, but I didn't feel comfortable with the idea, plus in my opinion, it's a waste of time, esp if you're not staying long in a place.

    Please email me if you have any more questions.... just so you know, we went:

    Peru - Cusco, Inka trail, Arequipa.

    Bolivia - La Paz, Copacabana (for the Titicaca Island of the sun), Uyuni Salt flats tour.

    Chile - A bit of everywhere!

    Good luck!

    Edit: i completely agree with the other answerer, please don't try to fit in too much, it's a shame and a complete waste having to rush to see a bit of everything. I think it's much better to spend more time in fewer places. He is also right about Iguazu being too far, we tried to fit them in, but it was just a nightmare trying to get transportation from/to either Bolivia or Chile, so we had to give it a miss. Oh and one more thing, if you buy flight tickets with Aerosur, expect cancellations! They nearly ruined our Inka Trail! Thank God for extra long journeys on coaches :). Good coach firms are Cruz del Sur in Peru and either Tur Bus or Pullman Bus in Chile.I need some advice in planning a trip to South America?
    You want to go to some of the most touristy places in SA. It is very easy to do your own trip. 16 days is not a long time, and doing Cusco, Lake Titicaca, Iguazu Falls, and the Amazon is far too much to do in that short amount of time. I would suggest just doing Cusco and the Amazon, and maybe you can fit Lake Titicaca in there, but Iguazu Falls is too far away to fit that in.
    well regarding traveling to peru. If you have never been there before, I highly recommend finding a travel agency that will have everything ready. I have been to Cusco (Machu Picchu) before and I didn't call any travel agency. I went on my own with a cousin of mine. The reason we did this was to save money and practically do whatever we wanted without having someone telling us what to do as the travel agencies do( they have a large group of people together for the entire trip and only leave you alone during the night.) We also spoke spanish which helps a lot!! so you dont get ripped off when purchasing things along the way. We also had a friend who lived there and whenever he was free he would tell us where to go and what to do in order to see Machu Picchu and other places.....but is really up to you..if you want to take your risks...but as a Peruvian myself I recommend a travel agency...or else your trip could be a disaster...but if you are those people that love adventures...hey go for it...isn't that what life is about....adventures??as far as those other places you mentioned...can't say anything... haven't been there.

    Ive traveled peru a few times and the one place you don't want to miss is Machu Picchu. Cuzco is a cool place, but not worth spending 5 whole days there. If you don't want to hike to machu picchu on the inca trail you can just take the buses and trains and you can do it one day. Flights are the only option you have with your limited time. The amazon is hard to get to by bus. I took a bus from cuzco to Puno (lake titicaca) last time i went and it was only about 7-8 hours. The buses are much nicer there than they are here too. Oh, and domestic flights aren't that expensive in Peru. You don't have to book them in advance either. International flights to Argentina to go see the falls will be expensive, but I here Iguazu is amazing. So Cuzco and Machu Picchu should be 2 to 3 days max! leaving you with a week and a half for the amazon and argentina. I would say its doeable if you rush rush. Note. you'll have to fly back to Lima to catch a flight to Argentina.

    I would go Lima - Iquitos - Cuzco - Machu Picchu - Puno (lake Titicaca) Peru is beautiful! Go for it!!!

    I want to go to college in america but i live in england. Advice please?

    Hi. I'm 15, 16 at the end of the year. I finish compulsory education this time next year. I'm from england. After my GCSE'S i want to go to America and go to college, i'd be nearing 17 by then. But the thing is, i have no idea if this is possible, or even sensible seeing as i'd be young. My parents wouldn't move with me. Also, i have no idea where in America i'd move to. So i'm just asking for some advice. Also if anyone has been in this sort of predicament please post. Thanks :)I want to go to college in america but i live in england. Advice please?
    You cannot move here until you are 18 and you must also find a college that you can afford and will accept you..And it depends on what you want to major in, as to where you will want to move..I want to go to college in america but i live in england. Advice please?
    If I were you I would start by deciding what you would want to study in college in America. Then go on line and find out which colleges offer those studies. Then find out about costs for those schools and the possibilities of scholarships. Remember there are thousands of colleges in America from large to small. In big towns and small towns. Then discuss living in America far away from your family while you study. America is very different from England as far as food, dress and language. Our language is different in many ways from yours. And our social mores and activities are different. When you have put all of those factors together then you can start to make decisions. If you decide to come here to go to college I'm sure you will do well and it will be a wonderful experience for you and for America.
    I hope you understand that US private schools are about 10 times as expensive as UK universities. Even the US state schools are 5 times the price for out of state students.

    Unless your parents have $40,000 a year to spare, you will be going to school in the UK.

    Even with a scholarship, it still cost $30,000 a year to send my Canadian daughter to a US school for 3 years. She did her first year in Canada.
    Stay where you are. American colleges aren't all they're cracked up to be.

    I just got back from America's Armpit NJ head my advice?

    I am from Indiana and this state is the state of natural beauty and small town charm. That is the least I can say about NJ and the buffoons that inhabit that state. I mean I went to NY and did not like them all that well, but they are even better than NJ.

    Out of all the people I have seen MA and Boston had the best people in the Northeast, but what is wrong w.North-easterners especially people in NJ. Do they not know what Midwestern charm is? They are the most arrogant and unfriendliest lot one can ever come across w.

    They have Italian like accents and if they don't they try to talk all gangster and are wary of out of state visitors w.o giving them a chance. It is also a hellhole of filth and disorder,so much crime and utter dirtiness. I am glad I am in good ole Indy.I just got back from America's Armpit NJ head my advice?
    Have you been to Vermont?I just got back from America's Armpit NJ head my advice?
    I've been to Indiana and it ain't exactly paradise either, dude
    People aren't going to be nice to you every where you go, it's something you have to get over.
    I am from small town Ohio so I get the Midwestern charm. My dad's family is from the Atlantic City/Egg Harbor area and I have spent A LOT of time there. Once you just deal with the fact that they aren't interested in making small talk you will be fine. It is just their culture. When my cousins would come here they would be amazed at how friendly everyone was. It almost made them uncomfortable.

    My problems with Jersey are as follows:

    The Circles..I have driven there hundreds of time andI still think I am going to cause an accident

    If you ask anyone in In South Jersey where they are from 8 times out of 10 the reply is : Oh, I'm from South Jersey...It's like no sh*t, what freaking town are you from.

    The accents: I was trying to find The Jinty stop outside the Borgata and the doorman kept talking about Jenny until I realized what he was talking about I was highly comfused

    Advice on places to immigrate to in America?

    Hello there!

    I am currently studying towards becoming a chartered building surveyor (the highest level) and construction manager in the UK, my home country. Since this is a very sought after skill I was always interested in moving to Vancouver Canada...

    However, I have heard nothing but bad things in regards to 'immigrants' with skills trying to obtain jobs, and their crazy cost of living. Therefore I have set my sights south to America.

    So my question is; I'm looking to live near a big city that has alot of opportunities for construction projects. However, I want to actualy live somewhere that offers the beautiful scenery to match Canada's, (mountains, rivers, forest).

    I want to live somewhere recluse in the nature, but still be within an hours drive of a city!

    Thank you very much for your help!

    It is very much appriciated.Advice on places to immigrate to in America?
    The USA is even more difficult to get into than Canada. To go to Canada, you only need score enough points. In the USA you need to have an employer sponsor you. However, this is generally impossible without an advanced degree in engineering or the sciences. The other ways to get into the USA is if you are rich, are world famous, marry a US citizen or your British employer transfers you to their US office.

    As for the construction industry, in the USA this has all but shut down. There are hundreds of thousands of construction workers out of work of all types from carpenters all the way up to mortgage loan people. It is very unlikely any employer can fail to find a qualified American for construction management for many years to come.

    Also note that it can take 8 to 10 years now to get an employment based green card to move to the USA.

    This is because credit will never again flow as freely as it once had.

    In Canada, immigrants from the UK or the US are given a slightly fairer time of things than from other countries. Just remember that Canada too is suffering from the economy as badly as the USA and at this time, there are lots of construction people out of work there as well.Advice on places to immigrate to in America?
    Colorado (Denver area), Utah (Salt Lake City area), parts of New Mexico (Santa Fe, Albuquerque area), Arizona (northern half of the state).

    Other areas worth mentioning are Northeastern Georgia, Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina... all located in the Smokey Mountains and, until recently, experiencing good economic growth, especially construction (located not far from Atlanta, Charlotte and Chattanooga).

    Upstate New York, New Hampshire, Vermont and especially parts of Maine are fantastic, but the taxes are crushing and the area economically depressed. This whole area is losing population.
    i lived in salt lake city,utah for a long time and its beautifull. the entire state is surrounded with mountains and there are loads of hiking trails and snowboarding and skiing. it is a bit cold but worth it
  • skin cream
  • I need some advice about driving a car from the U.S. to Central America?

    1.) Don't travel alone. 2.) Don't travel at night. 3.) It's better if you travel with another car. 4.) Check with each Country's Embassies including your own. 5.) Read the CIA's Fact Report on each Country 6.) AAA in the larger US cities have excellent people %26amp; books. 7.) Much better to have someone who speaks Spanish with you. Tools,xtra parts,water,tires ect...Park in well lighted areas. Each Country has their own Laws %26amp; Rules.You will need special permits proving you do not intend on selling or leaving the car. As much as you may wish - don't take ANY firearms, if your foolish to take one anyway make sure the diameter/bullet is .38 Cal./ 9 mm or smaller.The difference can be an additional 20 Yrs. in prison. If you are unable to stick with these recommendations, I would consider flying. Good Luck, M. SwansonI need some advice about driving a car from the U.S. to Central America?
    Good question! We plan to move to Guatemala (from U.S.A.) soon, and have been trying to find out from experienced travelers what to do about a vehicle. It seems that if you take an older one in, you will get charged a lot of taxes; usually more than the vehicle is worth, or at least as much as it is worth. A newer vehicle is less in taxes, but because there is no insurance available (I am pretty sure, anyways, and I mean outside of the U.S. and Mexico), you probably don't want to take a vehicle of much value as the driving there is quite insane and with one good accident you could lose all of the value. We have decided to just use a bus instead! Also, to get from here to there, you need to drive through Mexico. That in and of itself is not necessarily safe either. Good luck with your journey!

    P.S. The answer above seems really good, too!I need some advice about driving a car from the U.S. to Central America?
    Don't do it. If bandits catch you out in the boonies your *** is grass. No real law to protect people away from the populated towns.

    If America Had Of Taken Carter's Advice, Would We Be Better Off Today?

    I sse that the republicans love to take pot shots at Jimmy Carter, but I have a question about one of his ideas.

    He suggested way back then in the 70s that we start seriously investigating and developing alternate energy sources, because he realized the danger that relying on the limited resources and the middle east, was dangerous, and could put the U.S. in peril.

    (Bush, on the other hand, just a few years ago, was giving out tax cuts for people to buy gas hogging Hummers). If we had of taken Carter's advice, do you think that the Oil Barons would be licking their wounds, instead of reloading their guns (which they have aimed at the heart of America's recovery)?If America Had Of Taken Carter's Advice, Would We Be Better Off Today?
    Jimmy Carter was right on the mark!

    What did we get after that? HUGE gas guzzlers!!If America Had Of Taken Carter's Advice, Would We Be Better Off Today?
    Gov't stopped alternative energy by its over taxation of business in the 70's--Remember 70% tax rates on business--
    America has lived with the broken promise of ending our dependence on foreign oil by every administration since Eisenhower.
    We have been aware of this problem for 35 years or more and yet we still depend on foreign oil as our politicians sit on their hands. This is not going away and our future is bleak as long as we buy oil from the people that our intent on our demise.
    We have been looking for ways to get rid of foreign oil WAY before the peanut man came to power

    Im young british but hoping to move to america when im older, any advice?

    Im 14 and hoping to move to Houston, Texas when im about 20. Im dying for school to end a.s.a.p and just get out of Britain, as its just to gloomy and boring. Do any americans have any advice and info about this part of the US?Im young british but hoping to move to america when im older, any advice?
    Seriously, this is the AUSTRALIA category, why do people keep posting questions about the UK and US here. Im young british but hoping to move to america when im older, any advice?
    I used to have similar aspirations, but over time the desire went away. So don't stock all your eggs in one basket. The best thing to do in my opinion would be to get half decent grades in school, then go to university to do American Studies. Most of them have a year or 2 year transfer in a state of America (bare in mind Texas may not be one of them but one uni is bound to have it). This will let you experience the country and maybe set yourself up with a job so you can stay. If it isn't for you then you have a good qualification and good grades to stick with the Brits. Lots of Unis do American studies so to be hoenst provided you go onto A level you can get not to good grades and get ona course somewhere, but try your best. Oh and it is not just American Studies that does this, many courses do. I'm lookign at Sociology and some of them have a transfer year. Good luck mate, keep the dream.

    To the poster above me you do not need to be ashamed of your country to move, some people like change.
    You are Young see how you feel when you are twenty The USA is only more fun if you can afford the Glamourous life style, and most people can't although a lot of Americans think they are going to get rich after the election tomorrow. (I think there will be a lot of broken dreams unfortunately).

    Good on you for wanting to get away and see the world with your life.

    All i can say though is dont get too carried away - get your grades and have a career to look forward to! Also, what do you think will change (excitement wise) when you move to America? Its the same stufff... Just warmer!


    well i live in america! a bit north of that but its pretty hot there! you'll love america i know i do! and im 13 and i know people will be obsessing over your accent. its not that different than america. but ull love it.
    Texas is awesome! It is hot, sunny, and fun. Love it (I live there) I love horses, so its not to hard for me to love it because its a horse state:)
    Come to Australia first, as you are in this section now ;)

    You can always head to USA afterwards...

    So why are you asking in the Australia section? Lots of American influence there, certainly, but not quite one of the States yet.
    You no the grass is always greener on the other side. Why texas? If you think britain is boring then god help you there!
    try asking in the american section
    i'm sorry mate but you offended me a bit lol i'm proud to be british :/

    Personal Advice - should I do Teach for America or get my Master's at a university?

    pros of doing Teach for America:

    make a big difference

    learn a lot of responsibility

    be on my own and working, not in school

    get about $9,000 reward toward grad school

    live in the same city as my bf/maybe soon fiance (we live 5hrs apart now)

    pros of starting grad school for a master's in ed.

    get my master's out of the way

    much easier than committing to teach for america and dealing with rough students, situations, etc.

    would live closer to my mom%26amp;dad and best friends

    wouldnt have to move to a new city

    I really want to make a difference while I'm still young, and I think I'd learn a great deal of responsibility through T4A. But it's obviously hard, and a big commitment. Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions are much appreciated.Personal Advice - should I do Teach for America or get my Master's at a university?
    if i were you i would apply for both. you would be surprised at the number of people who apply for teach for can be a difficult selection process, and i'm not sure how they pick. i've met a few people in the program who didn't strike me as ';able'; and i've met people who were turned away that would make awesome teachers.

    if you decide on teach for america, you may also want to apply for graduate admissions in the event that teach for america doesn't work out.Personal Advice - should I do Teach for America or get my Master's at a university?
    Its better to do masters in ed age is on ur side with masters u can upgrade ur skills leran new teaching approaches and change ur personality

    Help! Advice on booking a holiday to america-prices etc.?

    I want to book a first time one or two week trip to the states, possibly Los Angelos or New york. I need advice on where to book the holiday (im in ireland, but can book from northern ireland also - hence can pay sterling) what travel agencies are cheapest for booking to the states?

    what time of year is best for going to the states?

    I really dont know where to start or what price would be deemed as reasonable for a trip to the states. Help would be great!!

    thanks very much!!!!! :)Help! Advice on booking a holiday to america-prices etc.?
    try direct flights they are real goodHelp! Advice on booking a holiday to america-prices etc.?
    i went to newyork at de start of october with my partner and two kids we only went for 3 days and 4 nights and it cost us 3,600 (all inc) that was 950 each for adults and de rest was 4 de kids, we stayed in 5* hotel and it was a kip!!! this was bang smack in de middle of manhatton! when we spoke to the hotel manager about this he said ';this is 5* for new york';

    we spoke to other people when we got back and we were told dont pay for anything ovr 3* because its all the same!!!

    the hotel name was ';affinia';

    i went with thomas cook in blanchardstown are good with prices!

    I'm not sure how old you are, but if you're 30 or under this may be useful (I think you must be 30 or under to saty in the hostels, check it out).

    They have free downloadable pocket guides, videos and podcasts on this site too and a whole heap of advice!!!

    Search for blogs on going to America and try the Lonely Planet Guides, they're supposed to be good.

    Have a good trip!!!
    have a look at they should help you find a good deal

    I'm going to America in about 2 weeks....any advice?

    I'm BritishI'm going to America in about 2 weeks....any advice?
    Make sure you complete the on line visa application I flew over yesterday and was questioned because I hadn't! the air hostess said I was the only person on the plane who hadn't!I'm going to America in about 2 weeks....any advice?
    It depends where you're coming to in America. If you're on vacation, or college, you'll have a good time. But if you intend on living and working here, you'll probably second guess your decision all the time. You'll have to grown some patience here, especially depending on where it is you're going in the U.S., because many Americans are not for being the wisest lol Most people will like your accent. I'm not sure what it is though, because the UK isn't just England. There's other accents in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Most American's like British people, more than other Europeans (some Americans don't like the French lol). but many have never met any.
    We love your accents, you'll be really popular. We don't call it the loo, we call it the bathroom or the toilet if you are talking about the object. We call crisps chips and we call chips french fries. You don't have to call them that, because we like when Brits say that, just thought you might want to know in case you didn't. Plus we drive on the right side of the road, haha.
    Airport-- Very crowded. America is way different than Britian. Airport do not barf seeing hobos. And plus don't give up money. Best is to not get into a taxi that isn't yellow. If your going to Brooklyn, let's hope u survive.
    Make sure you have filled out your visa online to gain entry once you're there.鈥?/a>

    Where are you going to? Depending where you are going, I could tell you some good places. I've been around quite a bit of the states
    buy a gun for protection
    We love the Brits! Just wear one of our baseball hats.

    You'll be fine.
    They like to call us Brits limeys - ignore them.
  • skin cream
  • I am a single guy from S. America in need for an advice from a Midwest American woman?

    Hi, my name is Alvaro, I am 34 and I am from S. America.

    I have been twice in the United States and since then I fell in love with American womens heart.

    My two best friends are American women, both from the Midwest and both are in a wonderful relationship and they have adviced me to look for love Online because they know how much I respect and value American women.

    I am planning a business trip this winter and afterwards will start planning where to move in the US so I can run my business from there, obviously moving there takes time so I am guessing maybe a year maybe more after my business trip is done.

    So I have setted up a Myspace profile and a Youtube channel, where I upload webcam videos of me talking about life and what I offer and what I want to find.

    I am looking for a 18 to 35 year old American single woman, who is decent, emotionally stable and is very sweet and caring.

    My question is actually two, one is where can I find Midwest girls, I want to reach more American women especially from small town America where the values and morals remain more solid, I need a girl who believes in God and who is family oriented and not materialistic.

    I also want to know what do you feel can help me convince them that a long distance relationship for some time can work and can help us get to know eachothers inside before we meet in person?

    I am very patient and I believe in sacrifice and fighting for what you want, I believe in fairytales and look at the romantic stories of the past where a woman and a man would write to eachother letters for years and they would cultivate, build true love based in honesty, commitment and faithfulness, so I am looking for someone special that still believes love may be far from your town, but will come rescue her and live with her for the rest of their lives.

    If anyone has useful ideas to appeal to American single women Online let me know, again I am not looking for sex or someone that will allow me to move there, I am financially stable and I will establish my business there legally so I am looking for something serious and real, no games, all honest and transparent, that鈥檚 what I am all about!

    Thanks for any help you can give me.

    Alvaro.I am a single guy from S. America in need for an advice from a Midwest American woman?
    Well to start out, you need to do a lot of research into why you want to find a woman online? Is it because you feel that you need to have someone once you come to the States? I think you need to wait until you come here first and then meet someone that you can spend time with in person. Meeting people online is a great way to meet people, but you never know who you are meeting and if it is really them. The webcam is a great way to ';see'; the person but I don't think that you should base your first impressions on a online dating source. Wait until you come to the States and then start a friendship first and then continue to communicate via online if you both feel you want to continue the friendship. Relationships start out as friends first and then progress into something deeper. Don't run out looking for love, you will fall head first and be disappointed if it goes wrong. Just be careful and have fun!

    If you could give ONE piece of advice to today's youth of America, what would it be?

    No sex, unless it is safe sex.If you could give ONE piece of advice to today's youth of America, what would it be?
    I'd say ';don't try so hard, don't try at all, go with the flow and relax. if something remotely mortifying happens, it's not the worst thing';

    But I'd never give advice on drinking/drugs/sex it's just not my place.If you could give ONE piece of advice to today's youth of America, what would it be?
    Be honest with yourself and your friends (if a friend is telling you stuff about another friend then chances are they're talking about you to other people), Have fun, don't worry about fitting in so much because as soon as school's over so are the cliques and if you made no good friends then it's only gonna get harder from there, take it easy on the 'rents they're just worried about you and it makes life easier when you have a good relationship with them. FINISH SCHOOL NO MATTER WHAT. You may as well get it done while you're already there because it's seriously hard to get it done once you've gotten used to not being there.
    get an education.
    tough it out suck it up and be the best you can
    Enjoy the free ride and pay back your cosmic debt.
    Give up now.
    be yourself. don't be a sheep who does what everyone else is doing. nobody would listen, but at least i tried...
    Sit down, shut up and listen to the knowledge that the older folks have to impart.
    Don't leave God out of your life. There's far more good advice for living in the Holy Bible than I can type out here!
    ';You are NOT the center of the universe'; aka ';Nobody cares wtf you think?!?';
    Sart saving money now for retirement as you won't be able to count on any social security when you get old.
    Just one word: ';Plastics';
    Violence is never the answer.
    Enjoy your youth wile you still have it, Don't waste it on drugs, booze or anything of the sort that will end your life to quickly, help yourself to be a better person, study hard to get what you search for in life, weather it's cars, clothes or any material needs. Be yourself. Explore!
    yeah.....USE CONDOMS!
    Always, always, ALWAYS use a condom.
    Stay in school!
    Be yourself whether or not society accepts it. When it comes down to it individualism is directly related to happiness.
    Listen to your parents.
    Know that you must work hard for everything you have. That's why an education is so important. You appreciate things more when you've work for them yourself and not had them given to you.

    Movin to america at 18. i need advice on finance, education, career and renting properties?

    I'm 14 now and i plan to move to america when I am 18. if i put questions in a list it's probably easier then a big paragraph:

    1. How do i organise emigration?

    2. What are the best states and areas in them to go to (I would love somewhere sunny)

    3. Do i need to live with someone if i am still a teenager?

    4. What type of schooling will i need to be a surgeon (I'm talking like high school not college yet)

    5. how long will i need to do that?

    6. How do i apply for a college/university?

    7. What courses will i need to do and how are they relevent to A-levels and GCSEs and that lot

    8. Is there like a seperate medical school?

    9. How much on average will it cost to move to the states?

    10. (a couple i missed from earlier) how much is it generally to rent in the area suggested?

    11. Will i need help signing the contract?

    12. How does the health system work?

    13. Will i be able to drive?

    Any other useful info will be apreciated and i hope some one will be bothered to do this cos i am realy serious about this and need a lot of help (as you can probably tell lol)Movin to america at 18. i need advice on finance, education, career and renting properties?
    I don't know the answers to all the questions, but I'll try to help.

    2. Florida, California, Hawaii, and basically anywhere in the South is sunny.

    3. If you are 18, you don't have to live with your parents. It would probably be a good idea to have a roommate though to help with rent and bills.

    4. You should be done with high school by 18 and starting college. Then you would have to get your Master's and Phd.

    5. 4 years of college, two years for Master's, and I'm not sure about the Phd.

    6. Just figure out which college you want to go to, and get on their website and send an application. You have to figure out how you will pay for it, and you have to have acceptable grades to get in.

    10. The rent varies... It could be $500-$1500 a month.

    11. If you have no credit or bad credit, you'll have to have a co-signer.

    12. Health insurance isn't free here, and jobs don't always provide you with it.

    13. I don't see why not.Movin to america at 18. i need advice on finance, education, career and renting properties?
    please find a different goal as what you are wishing for is not possible at this time

    Central America backpacking for 3 months - advice pls!?

    Hi, im planning a trip to C.A from December to March and i cant wait but i need a little advice!

    Has anyone done a route from Panama to Guatemala (or vice versa)?

    How long did you do it in?

    I'm planning on a 3 month trip and i'd like to take in the majority of places along the way, inc a few islands, ruins, beaches, highlands, colonial towns etc. I'd also like not to do it in a mad rush if poss!

    What would you recommend as a budget?

    I think around $3500 US dollars should be enough bearing in mind im not doing Mexico and dont plan on spending lots of time in the more expensive Costa Rica.

    I'll be after the cheapest hotels and food, and splurges on nights out wont play a massive part in my trip.

    Thanks for your help!Central America backpacking for 3 months - advice pls!?
    3 months sounds good, $3500 is plenty of money and the trip from Panama to Guatemala could be done in a day or two, if that was the case.

    I've travelled in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala - so I don't know too much about the rest, but I'll share with you what I know.

    Guatemala is an amazing country and you can easily spend a month discovering all the amazing sites there!

    Must do's: Flores in Pet茅n to visit Tikal and other surrounding ruins, Chichicastenango market, Antigua colonial town and hike to Pacaya volcano at sunset, towns around Lago Atitl谩n - these are just a few I mention, there's lots and lots more! I found it super interesting to travel around Quetzaltenango to San Andr茅s Xec煤l (the bright yellow church), Fuentes Georginas thermal baths.... Also you've got the super funky place of Livingston with a culture completely different to the rest of Mayan Guatemala - here there are the black, caribbean garifuna folks.

    Honduras I found pretty boring and a bit too much of a hassle. I didn't get a good feel here. But I DID LOVE staying for a good while in Utila island, as the laid back diver's life there is just awesome! Breakfast, dive, lunch, dive, BBQ with the diver buddies and then partying after... and repeat the same routine all over again the next day! Awesome! Then Copan ruinas is also a must see, of course.

    El Salvador surprised me. At first, when entering through it's northwestern corner, it was the disgusting garbage everywhere that surprised me but it got better as I got more inland. The Ruta de las Flores (Juay煤a etc) and the Ahuachap谩n area is nice! Also Parque Nacional Imposible with Manolo is a must do in El Salvador! It goes from the town of Tacuba.

    I'd recommend you to try and stay in hostels. is good! Got more variety of hostels than most sites I know of.Central America backpacking for 3 months - advice pls!?
    I have been to all the Central American countries except Nicaragua. I would say start in Panama City and drive/take the bus up to Guatemala. There is pleny to see and do. Beaches, rich history (500 year history), incredible culture, rainforests, mountains and volcanoes.

    $3500 and cheap hotels is plenty of money in C.A. Nigh life is better in Panama and Costa Rica. Most beautiful girls: Costa Rica.
    Three months should be plenty of time (as long as things don't go wrong), you shouldn't be too rushed. $3,500 should be plenty as well, especially if you are staying in hostels and eating cheaply you should do fine. Staying in cheap hotels can run you anywhere from $7 - $30 a night depending on if you are staying in hostels or hotels. And eating cheaply you can make it on $10 a day easily as well (most meals I have eaten down here in lower end resturants is about $3). You should probably even have money left over on that budget.

    I'm going to America in about 2 weeks....any advice?

    I'm BritishI'm going to America in about 2 weeks....any advice?
    In the U.S. you have your good and your bad. just avoid the drama other than that you will have a blast. plus like the guy said above its a big place so each state has something to offer. have fun!I'm going to America in about 2 weeks....any advice?
    I live in america! lol it depends on what part you are going to visit.... I reccomened at least visiting the country part once, beautiful veiws. Also eastern washington is very beautiful so is oregon.. but thats just me lol
    Assuming you will be arriving on the East Coast.

    Should get along fine wherever you go.

    There will be plenty of questions about the UK %26amp; maybe some leg pulling.

    Depending on where you will be staying %26amp; doing, there will be some adjustments but not too much culture shock.

    eg.If you end up in NYC.,you will hardly be noticed.

    Cities are larger %26amp; the pace is faster.

    Worked w/ anumber of Brits on fmr job %26amp; they fit in fine after a short time .

    In fact , they had seen more of the US than I ever will .

    One piece of valuable advice........Look to the left when you step off a sidewalk or you will experience the US healthcare system.

    Have a good time.

    Best regards
    People will ask you to say things in a British accent a lot. You'll be fine as long as you like talking a lot.

    Ignore Ayita. She's a troll. Americans HAVE seen black people before.
    come to the West Coast man. there are sooo many different views. Mountains, oceans, deserts, etc.

    im planning to move there soon. :)

    and just have fun. drive on the right side is all i can say.

    and avoid skinheads...
    I know you will enjoy it(of course if you are on the East Coast) D.C. has so many things to do. Philadelphia is also awesome. Have fun....
    that's cool. i live in America and it's great! what part are you going to? it's a pretty big place...
    there may be some differen things that your not accustoumed to, like drvinf on the oppsite side of thw road. good luck and half fun!
    Where are you going?

    Judging by your avatar, I would assume that you are Black. Be prepared for people looking at you funny...
    1. people drive on the rite side of the road, not the left.

    2. act natural, and be ur self!
    Yes, please don't overstay your visa.
    dont go to new york

    Miss America 2008 at Planet Hollywood in LV. Need travel advice.?

    My daughter is a contestant in the Miss America 2008 competition. It will take place in Jan. in Las Vegas at the Planet Hollywood Resort.

    Can someone give me advice on where to stay? I know that PH is very expensive. I will be there for 8 nights and I will be traveling with children and 2 other adults. My budget is limited as well.

    Tips on what to do during the day would be great also. And advice on family shows too.

    Thanks.Miss America 2008 at Planet Hollywood in LV. Need travel advice.?
    you can go to circus circus casino since it's in the LV's a good place to keep children occupied...they have free circus acts in the midway in circus circus....or you can go to excalibur casino also but excalibur has a king arthur theme to it ^^Miss America 2008 at Planet Hollywood in LV. Need travel advice.?
    You might be able to find cheap rates all over in January, Excalibur, Circus Circus and Statosphere are the first places to look and good rooms. Circus Circus like someone was saying is good for the kids, there's a few malls on the strip, and one being right in PH.
    Congratulations on your daughter making it to the competition what state is she from? I will make sure to watch. I would check out the Platinum Hotel. The rooms are fair price, I believe they are large enough for all of you to stay in one room which will cut down the price. Also look into the Flamingo.
    I believe circus circus is a pretty good place to stay. However, you are talking about Las Vegas, so it will pretty much depend on your budget. Plus you have to remember that you are going during a time of a major event,2008 Miss America, so hotels tend to run high during the event. If you want to save on all of your future travel, go to This really is true savings. You pretty much purchase a vacation package to become a member. You never pay retail on hotel, resorts, condos, cruises, and more ever again. It's an awsome package. I went to Disney World and only paid $12 a night. That's a bargain.
  • skin cream
  • Could someone give me some advice (websites etc.) in order to find a job as medicinal chemist in America?

    Here are some links to career sites for pharma, clinical chemistry, and analytical biochemistry. Two are employer-job seeker matching sites and the other two are more about career planning.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Hope that helps!

    Advice on living in central america?

    i want to live there on the beach preferably. i am a us citizen. where would you suggest i plan to stay? i was thinking panama but considering no one would hire me.. maybe not. im also up for islands as long as the real estate for an acre is under 100k. i want to be out of the path of hurricanes for the most part. being secluded isnt an issue as long as im close to an airport. i intend to build my own gas/ solar powered home. so power isnt an issue either

    suggestions? have you ever been there? lived there? are there passable roads? hospitals?Advice on living in central america?
    how do you feel about...Costa Rica or Nicaragua?

    I don麓t think El Salvador or Guatemala are good choices because in my opinion those are the unsafest countries in Central America (due to maras ';gangs';, and there is a lot of crime)

    I think Panama is a good choice also...I don麓t know about Honduras...

    Costa Rica is the country with more economic development

    and Nicaragua is the safest and biggest country in CA but has had political issues lately, but also has a lot of cultural diversity due to a vast european immigration during the last century...

    You can check this links which will you give you info about both countries. on living in central america?
    There are many US citizens living on the North coast and Bay Islands of Honduras. La Ceiba and Roatan both have an international airport, good doctors, hospitals, roads and the cost of living is a pittance compared to the US. Do a bit of research on the web then pay us a visit.
    Check out the Bay Islands of Houduras. Many English speakers there already.

    Take a long vacation there and check out each island and see if one of them says to you, ';Yes, you could live here.';
    Good luck with that.
    I dont have a clue cos i live in scotland
    Check out the Bocas del Toro region of Panama. The area around Isla Colon (Bocas) is very touristy and there are people that will hire you simply because you can speak english. Most islands in this area your are able to get 100 year leases from the governement and water concessions for your dock. They do not charge on improvements to an island for 20 years (taxes). If you buy from a local person you can get a small island for 10,000. If your buying from a non local expect to pay 40,000 and up. There are no hurricanes in this area. Isla Colon has business that provide solar systems, water systems, and even internet. This area is mostly a boating area although there are some roads on Bocas. The hospital is great for small injuries and very cheap however a serious condition would require a flight or a bus ride to either David or Panama city. I lived three years in Panama and if you have any questions about it you could email me.

    Advice about road trip across America?

    Hello, I'm currently living in england and I'm wanting to drive a scenic route across America along with my best friend... We would like to drive motorcycles (preferably sport/tourers) and i am hoping somebody who reads this will be able to give us some advice one routes... costs etc etc... Below is a list of questions that i would much appreciate answers to!

    I can also say that money isn't really and issue for me however my friend is on a tighter budget than me! So we are looking for the cheapest of the cheap apart from when it comes to BUYING the bikes (you will see further down) however we dscenicant anything to pricey as we will just be scrapping them when we get to calafornia!

    1. A GOOD cenic routedoesn'twould prefer to avoid motorways wherever possible and pass through mileageg sites... The route doesnt need to be straight across America.... and also a rough adoesn'tof milage to be covered we are hoping to bCaliforniaroad for 21days - 28days... (east to west) doesnt matter where we start but must finish in calafonia somewhere...

    2. The cost of fuel per liter? is it the same as in the UK (拢1.20/liter / 拢6.00/gallon (($2.40 / $12)))

    3. Price of food? (basic food boprobablyy)

    4. Price of lodgings? (an average price per night per person will be good)

    5. This is proboably the most pressing question.... We are unsure if we should rent bikes or just buy second hand ones.... Could somebody give me rough prices on a 4week rental of some sport/tourer bikes (ie: VFR750 / CBR1000 / CB750) and then some prices of buying a second hand bike (ie: bikes from 1992 - 2000 of answerame type as above)

    Hopefully somebody here can help me.... If you think you can help leave an aswer here or contact me on MSN or via e-mail


    MSN -

    Thanks in advance -Levi

    Advice about road trip across America?

    It sounds like a fantastic trip!!

    I can't give you exact routes to take, but I can offer some guidance. If you go onto the Harley Davidson touring sites, they have all kinds of different routes (scenic) for crossing the US. They can also provide rental information, or used bike information.

    The cost of gas currently is about $3.80 per gallon on the east coast and can range up to $4.50 a gallon on the west coast.

    Since you'll be traveling scenic (backroads), there will probably be many mom and pop type restaurants (cheaper and usually good food), that you could probably get for anywhere from $5.00 - 15.00 per meal. There are also many chain restaurants that are cheap -- KFC, McDonalds, etc., that are really cheap, but it's mass-produced food, so you can choose if you want some home cooking or fast food.

    I'm sure there are many small hotels along the way, or motels, that you could stay for anywhere from $40 - $80 per night, for a basic room with little amenities. Of course, there are Holiday Inns and such that will cost more -- it all depends on the amount of luxury you're looking for.

    You have to remember that you will be crossing mountain ranges (Appalachian in the east, and the Rockies in the west) and have to be prepared for the weather changes that will involve. It can get very cold in the mountain passes, even in autumn, so be prepared with some colder weather gear, especially in the Rockies. Some of the mountain passes close at the end of October because of snow.

    Generally, autumn is the driest season, but there are occasional rainfalls, so you'll need to be prepared for that.

    This is a very ambitious trip to undertake on motorcycles, so be careful and plan your trip no later than October, as it will be hard to travel afterward through the mountains. Unless you choose the southwest, which is hotter and drier, and doesn't get the kind of snow that the mid-Rockies get.

    Sorry I can't tell you more. If I were you, I'd contact one of the touring sites and they can give you information on specific routes and provide you with the cautions necessary.

    Either way, have fun and be careful.

    Best of luck.

    Legal advice, how long will he be in jail? Video link, arrest made at mall of america.?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    How long do you think he'll be in for?Legal advice, how long will he be in jail? Video link, arrest made at mall of america.?
    Unless hes your um...boyfriend I wouldn't think about it. Honestly, if I were a gang member in that area I would consider that pretty disrespectful of the administration of the properties and probably target mall executives and administration. Just saying, it is pretty disrespectful, and that's what it's all about on the street...respect.Legal advice, how long will he be in jail? Video link, arrest made at mall of america.?
    Depends on his lawyer. I would hope he gets no time at all. By the way, what reason did the police give for arresting 15 - 20 individuals, just because they're in a gang? That makes no sense.
    jajajaja, what a country, farmers are called ';gang members';, jajajajajja!

    here when someone says the police are dead it happens in five minutes.

    you peoples watch too many movies.

    At what point did the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders?

    It's incredible their wisdom and foresight at times.

    Jefferson said a mouthful here;

    ';If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.'; Thomas Jefferson

    and I think it applies to what is going on in America right now, we have so much knowledge available yet arrogantly choose to ignore and take it for granted. Our system is failing because it worked so well to provide for people who abuse it in my opinion. What a disgrace.

    Jefferson: ';Information is the currency of democracy.';

    Seems to me that we're broke, and our proverbial currency has lost it's value.

    All that from That guy on the $20 bill, amazing.At what point did the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders?
    History repeats itself and our leaders suck at history.At what point did the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders?
    Our founders probably understood that 250 years later America would be very different. I wouldn't ask them advice about powdering my wig because I don't wear one... so while I think they have a lot of precios wise gems I won't expect a modern nation to be chained to everything that the founders mandated. As a matter of fact, they even knew that times would change so they made the Constitution a evolving document by allowing a process to amend it at any time.
    First off, it's Alexander Hamilton on the 20$ bill. Second, we've probably considered the founding fathers' words to different extents, and interpreted them in different ways throughout History. Most Liberals aren't really crazy about the 2nd Amendment, and if you believe every adult American Citizen should have access to a firearm, then you'd probably be considered Conservative. Were they really completely infallible?
    1776, the colonies were founded by English pilgrim fathers who most wanted to spread Puritanism and Calvinism to people who had never been oppressed by foreign powers. The revolutionaries of 1776, (that would now be called terrorists and insurgents) had zero consideration for what the original settlers would have wanted and you know it!
    January 20th 2009 is the point that the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders.
    LONG ago..
    I hear you!

    Watch what THOMAS PAINE says about it with this link, he too says we are giving away what was given to us:

    Any advice on Chile?(the one in South America..)?

    I am moving to Chile to finish my last year of college and was wondering if anyone had any good advice about where to live, eat, drink, internships ect....I will be in Valparaiso or Vina.Any advice on Chile?(the one in South America..)?
    Hi. I know where is Chile 'cause I live there. Well... here:). About good advices... mmm don't know. Here we have a lot of exchange student from the United States and I don't think they have problems finding places to live, eat and drink. I study in the Pontificia Universidad Cat贸lica de Valpara铆so so, if you are coming to this university, let me know in case you need some extra information.

    Espero que est茅s practicando tu espa帽ol.


    (uff I need to erase the ';geek'; word in my screenname)Any advice on Chile?(the one in South America..)?
    I didn't know there was a Chile other than the one in South America
  • skin cream
  • Looking for advice on a tropical vacation spot. My wife speaks fluent spanish so maybe south america..?

    10 days just me and her..Looking for advice on a tropical vacation spot. My wife speaks fluent spanish so maybe south america..?
    I sort of agree with terminator. However, San Andres is pretty crowded. It is one of the fave destination spots for Colombians. Also note that duty free does not always mean ';cheap';. San Andres has some fun stuff to do. The night life is pretty good. I would stay at the Mar Azul. It's all inclusive and then I would rent myself a Golf Cart so I could see the island. But, You can really see all there is to see in San Andres in 5 days. I would also plan a side trip to Providencia. It is a very tranquil island. You can walk around it in a very short period of time. Some of the things to do in San Andres are:

    Go on the slide at Westview and feed the fish bread. Take you own bread however, because they sell a slice of old bread for 1000 pesos. Total rip off. You can Snuba at Westview and there is a glass bottom boat or you can Scuba (Sea Garden is the best, Banda sucks) You can go out to Johnny Caye and see them feed the Stingrays. Way fun. You can go out to the Aquarium and see a lot of fish and get a very good shrimp cocktail You can go to Rocky Point, the food is pretty good. You can see the blow hole and have a coco loco. You can hike to the freshwater reservoir. You can see what is allegeded to be Morgans cave.. (It isnt and its full of mosquitoes so dont go too far in) Tons to see and do in Colombia.. If you like Nature.. Los Katios will take more than 10 days to explore.Looking for advice on a tropical vacation spot. My wife speaks fluent spanish so maybe south america..?
    Break from the norm and avoid tourist-jam-packed traditional vacation spots.

    Why not head South to San Andres Island (Colombia) in the Caribbean? It is a cosy, hosptiable and since it is a Duty Free port it is great for purchases.

    Ask around, San Andres is great for romance. If you really want to splash out then Cartagena is the place for you.
    Chile has thousands of miles of coastline on the Pacific. The most northerly areas are around Arica and Iquique. Arica is just 35 km south of the Peruvian border. The have a surfing festival there each year.

    Arica is a pretty basic, laid back, beach resort town. Iquique is a bit farther south and more upscale. La Serena is not really tropical .. think Central California weather .. but even more sublime.

    Chile is very stable and has an honest police force.
    The island of Roatan, Honduras is a new favorite for my wife and I. We spent a week there last March and are going again at the end of next month. Direct flights from major U.S. cities, exceptional diving/snorkeling, and a great beach are the the reasons we like it. We stated at the Bananarama Dive resort last time (might do it again). There is a lot to do on the island and I think you could find at least 10 days of entertainment.

    Another fun spot we visited a couple of years ago was Isla Mujeres just off the coast from Cancun. We stated at the Avalon Reef (nice beach, nice facility, crappy food) but there are a number of nice places to stay on the north end. It was easy to get too and exploring the island and other beaches was fun. Might get kind of long after 10 days

    On the high end, we also really like Couples Swept Away in Negril, Jamaica. Unbelievable beach, all-inclusive, lots of stuff to do, top notch resort (oh, and no kids!). It would be hard to get bored after 10 days here.
    Nicaragua - Corn Islands - Little Corn - Farm ';Peace and Love';

    google it and check it out - you're truly ';away' from it all. great beaches, warm water and ';dolce far niente';............

    a little work to get there - plane, plane, boat, boat - but worth the trip, which becomes part of the vacation.
    Belize or Puerto Rico (rent a car and drive around the island hitting up all the best spots as you go)

    Costa Rica is popular - but there is a lot of crime there and Americans are subject to being robbed and kidnapped - doesn't sound like fun to me
    Costa Rica! Natural water slides, beautiful, lush vegetation! Absolutely perfect!
    brazil, chile, argentina

    Looking to move to america after college. need advice?

    I'm 19 and i am about to start my year at college on a HNC Health, Fitness and Exercise course. After this year at college i am looking to move to america, i know i need to get a visa which i can sort.

    What i was wondering was, if anyone knew how i could try and find a job to go over there and also a place to stay? an apartment or something of that idea?

    Right now i'm not 100% set on where i want to go, so i'm happy for any ideas. Apart from New York, i'm not a big city kind of person, but i don't want a back wood either lol.

    thanks :)Looking to move to america after college. need advice?
    The first thing you must do is contact the American Embassy for the current legislation. If you want to live there permanently you can do it in one of three ways - marry an American citizen, invest minimum 拢100,000 in an American business, get sponsored by an American employer (from the preferred employment list). As a UK citizen you cannot compete in the Green Card Lottery Scheme. Other than these, you can get a visa for 90 days at a time but you must then return to the UK for a set period of time, before you can return. The Embassy is your first port of call though; they will be able to give you the up-to-date legislation. 'Phone them and make an appointment to speak to them.

    One month in South America- please give me advice on organizing my trip?

    I'll be spending six weeks already in Quito in an intensive pre-med program; I'll have the weekends free so I can visit some other places in Ecuador. Then I'll spend two weeks in the Amazon studying native medicine. After that I'll have an extra month and I really want to travel around. I'd love some advice/recommendations! Please help, I really don't know how to go about doing this. 10 points to best answer :)

    I definitely want to do the ancient sites of Peru, however long is necessary to do them properly. What is the best way to visit Cuzco, Macchu Picchu, etc.? And then where else do you recommend I go? I'm willing to take a flight to another country if I need to

    Just FYI I speak Spanish and French well but no Portugese, I have a fair amount of money but I'd like to keep it somewhat cheap, and I'm not picky. I want to be safe (since I'll be alone), but otherwise I'm no stranger to hostels, I'm not a snob and I'm perfectly willing to hike a lot and take public transport. (Though I do love trains) ;) While I'd love to make the most of my trip, I don't want one of those ultra-packed we'll-see-every-sight-and-then-leave kind of trips, I do want something a little more relaxed where I can really interact with people

    OK I know this is a lot but I need help. Thanks!One month in South America- please give me advice on organizing my trip?
    I think I answered another question of yours, but I can give you more detail here. Since you'll be in Ecuador, I would say the best way to get to Cuzco would be via airplane. You can fly directly from Quito to Cuzco. From Cuzco, you take a train to Macchu Picchu, that's the only way to get there. I would recommend buying your train ticket to Macchu Picchu early. Figure out when you want to go to Macchu Picchu and buy your train ticket at least 2 days before you want to leave. There's a little town at the base of the city where you can easily find a hostel, there's a plethora. We only stayed one night, because you can see Macchu Picchu in a day and then easily make it back to the afternoon train back to Cuzco. The town doesn't offer much beside lodging and food. There are two ways to get up to the top, you can take a bus which is outrageously priced compared to a normal bus fare in Peru, or you can hike up to the top. It's up to you what you'd rather do. I would allow at least 5 days in Cuzco/Macchu Picchu. It's a beautiful area of the country.

    I would also recommend going to Colombia. Cartagena is a beautiful city, especially in the old city. It's very quaint and magical. It feels like the true Colombia. Santa Marta is also a wonderful city in Colombia along the coast. It's a nice little town with a nice beach and plenty of lodging and restaurants. If you like hiking, you can do a trek to Ciudad Perdida and the tourist office you sign up with is located in Santa Marta. It's a 6-day trek throught the Colombian jungle where you end up at Ciudad Perdida which is another ancient civilization, but it's not overrun by tourists. The only way to get there is via this trek or helicopter. It truly is beautiful there. You're one among maybe 20-25 people versus 500 at Macchu Picchu. Plus, the guides are very friendly and knowledgeable and the food is good, there are natural swimming holes at every campsite that feel fantastic after a day of hiking. You sleep in hammocks and it's just magnificent. I couldn't recommend it more. Plus, you'll meet lots of people from foreign countries. If you do anything in your month of travel, I would do that.

    Anyway, have a fantastic time. I'd recommend making it out to the coast during your weekends off. It's a great place to relax. Montenita is especially nice. One month in South America- please give me advice on organizing my trip?
    if you wanna be in the better beaches in south america. come to maragarita in venezuela and Archipielago Los Roques in mountain come to the longest and highest fonicular in the world.. Teleferico de Merida.. lookig for it in google or wikipedia.. bye bye
    Hello,I am a hot Latin american,jajaja.

    you can visit many pretty sights,the countries most turistics of Spouth america are:

    colombia:San andres,Santa martha,riohacha,cartagena,bogota,medelli鈥?cafetero,and the amazonas.

    venezuela:Margaritas islands,caracas,maracaibo.

    brazil:rio de janeiro,san pablo,hippanema,salvador do bahia,amazonas.

    argentina:Buenos aires,Cordoba.

    Now day Colombia is not dangerous,this country is a hidden paradise,I recommend to you visit can informnarte here:




    santa marta:

    san andres:鈥?/a>

    Eje cafetero:鈥?/a>
