Friday, January 8, 2010

Your do we make America better?

mandatory breakdancing contests in all schools.

EDIT: hey mase, you're writing things about us right now aren't you?... interesting.Your do we make America better?
Invest in America and strengthen our economyYour do we make America better?
vote - Everyone %26amp; by ABSENTEE ballot ONLY
What the first guy said works for me.
vote for a female to lead it!
Americans are hated because they think the world revolves around them...
get rid of all the fat people XD
Shrink government (by about half). Restore civil liberties. Shut down the 700+ military bases all over the world we spend almost a trillion on per year to maintain.
Compromise. Do things like build up the military but have better diplomacy so we don't have to use them and uphold the second ammendment but do away with spying on the American Public. With more vigilant citizens we won't need our rights taken away for security.
Mase; apparently the world does revolve around Americans. You people seem to spend a lot of time complaining about us and we spend a lot of time not really caring whether you exist or not.

FYI America is the Greatest Country on God's Green Earth.

But my buddy Rob asked a question and I must answer it. As an American I realize that my opinion holds a lot of weight with him; as does the opinion of all Americans.

Lower taxes

Strengthened military

Enforce the 2nd Amendment

Enforce the border

Reduce government interference in all matters
less fast food resturants :] = healthier people.
Read the US Constitution - study it every day and find out what the President can and can not do.

Stop saying this candidate will do that when the 'that'; is constitutionally impossible!
For more bush family members in The White House, since they have proven they are bad for America.
easy, stop electing republican war mongers, stop being religious fanatics, stop starting pointless wars thats a count of 2 by me vietnam and iraq. NOBODY likes people who think they are better than everyone else and are hardpressed to prove it on 99% of the counts. Basically stop being self centered, religiously driven, war mongers

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