Friday, January 8, 2010

I need advice on immigrating to the British Isles from America?

I am not set on where I am going but I am really tired of America. I want to go somewhere that I at least have a handle on the language.What I need to know is how do the people feel about new comers? I expect to have to work my way to acceptance on some level, that's just the way it goes no matter where you go. How hard is it to acquire some land, I need to grow plants %26amp; raise animals. General info on what a small country place with say 5 to 10 acres. Thank You for the help.I need advice on immigrating to the British Isles from America?
The British Isles is made of the UK %26amp; the Republic of Ireland, which are two separate countries, unless you can acquire citizenship of an EU member state through a parent (in some cases a grandparent) you will need a visa to enter both countries to live %26amp; work. Both countries are used to immigrants, it won't be a problem, if you wind up in Dublin or London, or one of the other major cities in the UK you won't even be noticed. How easy it is or is not to buy land is something you can find out when or if you get there.

Australia %26amp; New Zealand both speak English as well.

Information on moving to the Republic of Ireland鈥?/a>

Information visas to the UK鈥?/a>

Both countries are still in recession %26amp; it is difficult to find work at the moment, if you need to get a visa you will find it easier if you can get a job first. In the Republic of Ireland %26amp; the UK employers are required to consider their own citizens, followed by citizens of other EU member states then non-EU citizens. Having marketable skills isn't really enough at the moment, if you don't have a unique skill or talent, it will difficult for an employer to justify employing you before a British/Irish citizen or an EU national unless as I've said before you can acquire citizenship of an EU member state through a parent.I need advice on immigrating to the British Isles from America?
Just remember, nobody has a legitimate claim to such vast expanses of land and, theoretically, you have the right to move anywhere you damned well please without having to apply for silly bureaucratic nonsense. Not the answer you want, but I'll say it.

How hard will it be? One hundred times harder than it should be because of the state's regulation barriers to entry on business, land aquisition and free trade.

On another note, what mean you by ';a handle on the language';? We speak nearly the same tongue.
I agree, Australia or Canada would be far smarter. The UK is packed to the brim, the cost of such land would run into tens of millions because there is no space for 10 acres like in the USA!

Even buying a small apartment is difficult for some.
Want my advice, dont. We're already sinking fast and nobody seems to have the intelligence to stop it. Stick with the upcoming countries like Canada, Oz etc.
Fly to France go to Channel tunnell and pretend your Roumanian of Afghan refugee and hey your be fine
First you need to look at requirements for citizenship and visas and all that. Unless you are rich and they have some sort of investment visa, you have to look at requirements to get a work visa so you can work a job. I want to live in Thailand, I dont have a special skill (I did not go to college), so I cant get a work visa. I own my own online company, and they dont give business visas for that. So I can not legally make money there. To own land is very difficult and to just stay there longer than a year, even if i had money saved up and was retired, is very hard at my young age because of the provisions for retirees having to be over 65. Anyways, Im 27, I own my own business, and I can not live where I want. I have to leave every 6 months, stay in Malaysia for 3 months, and then re-enter again to stay another 6 months (assuming I get approved for the tourist visa each time). Its very difficult to immigrate to most countries, Thailand is one of the more difficult ones, but I assume the British Isles have their own rules and visas for immigration and citizenship. I would look into that first before you start making plans of buying land and things like that.

People always say ';if you dont like USA then get out';, but they dont realize how hard it really is to legally move somewhere else.

froggequene, I agree, thats what Im trying to tell her. You explained it much better because I can tell she didnt get what Im saying. I have ';marketable skills';. I do computer programming. I went to a trade school for 6 months. I've done contract work for Google and Sun Microsystems. I run my own myspace type sites which I built from scratch. I could easily get a programming job here in Silicon Valley, but over there its not unique or highly skilled. Theres thousands of THEIR citizens who can do the same job as me. You explained it well

And when I said you'd have to invest and have a lot of money. I didnt mean a simple contribution. They want you to invest a minimum of $1.6 million to qualify for an investor visa.

In Thailand where I'm trying to go, its very similar. But if I had that much to invest, I'd trust investing it in the UK much more than Thailand lol.
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