Friday, January 8, 2010

Bush relies on God for guidance, since America is such a mess now, did God give him bad advice?

God is never wrong.

and Bush is a smart man.Bush relies on God for guidance, since America is such a mess now, did God give him bad advice?
No, I think he was using his black magic 8 ball for answers, and it was the magic 8 ball that gave him bad answers. Actually, I heard that on that fateful night before America shamefully invaded Iraq, he kept shaking his 8 ball until he got a ';Yes'; to invade. Then he did a shooter of jack daniels and went to bed.Bush relies on God for guidance, since America is such a mess now, did God give him bad advice?

He does listen to Carl Rove more.
Bush doesn't really - - - He just wants us to think he does, because he's been ';grape juicing-and-dining'; the religious right!




No, he probably just didn't listen.
Bush is not really a Christian. He just said it to woo right wing evangelicals.
God never gives bad advice. Maybe he listened to too many other people instead of listening to God, or many this is even Gods plan.
Your premise is flawed...assuming it's Pres. Bush's fault.

George Bush has been in office for 7 1/2 years. The first six the economy was fine.

A little over one year ago:

Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;

Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;

the unemployment rate was 4.5%.

the DOW JONES hit a record high--14,000 +

American's were buying new cars, taking cruises, vacations o'seas, living large!...

But Americans wanted 'CHANGE'! So, in 2006 they voted in a Democratic Congress %26amp; yep--we got 'CHANGE' all right!.....

Consumer confidence has plummeted ;

Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon %26amp; climbing!;

Unemployment is up 5% (A 10% increase);

Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS %26amp; prices still dropping;

1% of American homes are in foreclosure.
Good Question

There is a saying '; God only helps those who help themselves '; not to them who only rely on god to do something

Bush stopped listening to God a long while ago, so don't blame Him.
This is why religion should be left out of politics, it gets in the way of rational thinking.
God told him that liberals are horrible people.

And Bush said '; Well heck,I know that!';
yeah cuz everything is Bush's fault and it had nothing to do with the terrorists who attacked us killing thousands of people, and us defending ourselves.
He didn't say which god. Maybe he prays to the Republican god.
As McCain would say ';I have them right where I want them';! Bush has done nothing wrong, at least not in his eyes. The rest of America and the rest of the world see it differently but then they are not the ones who have to get up at 3 AM and answer the phone when the Pizza guy can't find Cheney's address. At least Bush relies on God for guidance; McCain says he has been seeking advice and guidance from Palin for the past two years, the same time she has been governor, He must put a lot of confidnce in her experience as a mayor, a part time mayor of a community of approximately 5000 people. Interesting that he knew very little about her until Cheney talked to her two weeks before McCain announced her selection as his running mate. And, McCain says he would never seek advice or assistance from people like Obama or Bidden - that must be why he did such a poor job in the Senate; wrong advisors, wrong answers, wrong reasoning; Just Plain Wrong; and he proudly refers to that as being a Maverick!!
bush forgot to clean his ears
When you die..and you will...ask Him.
Of course not. People who claim an intimate knowledge of God's will are usually getting it confused with their own will. We all tend to think God's values are -our- values. Who really knows the minute details of God's will?

You know the old saying. If you talk to God, that's okay, that's -prayer-. But if God talks to -you-, that's schizophrenia!
It's all going as planned. With Obama, it's just going to happen sooner.
Maybe he prayed to the wrong god? I pray to Athena.
no, I think Bush heard wrong.
I think so. We should set up an independant, bipartisan committee to investigate God and determine whether or not he is neglecting his civil duties.
One man can't run or ruin a country even the president. We have balance of power, you know three branches, checks and balances.
god was busy helping sports teams and musicians win awards
I think the voice Bush thought was God was really his own.
Bush isn't really Christian, and he definitely does not rely on G-d for guidance.. It's all a sham.
  • blush
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