Friday, January 8, 2010

America stand up! - Please advice?

Okay so Im watching Hannity last night %26amp; at the end of the show he basically says-america we need to stand up now

well my question is how? how exactly are we suppose to stand up! Im thinking everybody should just quit there jobs %26amp; collect welfare b.c that seems to be who congress is fighting for these days anyway. They sure as heck aren't fighting for me-the one who's worked 2 jobs for the last 5 years simultaneously or other equally hard working people!

We can just be one big welfare country leeching off the tit of this country until we suck it dry

its actually I think im going to throw up..I have too much pride %26amp; integrity to live off of other people hard work - Id be a waste of space if I did that..but so yeah short of us all just going on welfare %26amp; saying f*ck it- how the heck are we suppose to ';stand up america';!?!America stand up! - Please advice?
To begin with you have to voice your opinion to the government. The federal, state, local, and in your own communities. It's ok to talk about it on Y/A and to listen to people who don't pander to the new prez. but it's the people who don't agree with what's happening to stand up and let their voices be heard. This is what our elected officials are for. The capitol was slammed with phone calls and e-mails with the spending bill. It passed but that doesn't mean we have to like it. Keep voicing your opinion by looking up your Representatives e-mail, calling your senators, and you can even call the white house comment line and leave your opinion.

Next is to be active in your community. Look for ads in your paper and see if there are any groups wanting to meet to discuss what's next and how to take action. The Republicans are reforming their party, so get involved in this if you are conservative, or join the Independent party.

Most every state has sent in a letter to succeed from the U.S.government, if the government begins to take away their rights to live and work. Join this movement. Google it!

Glenn Beck has a program going now that is asking people to join him in standing up and being counted. Go to his web-site and see if you agree with this.

God Bless America. We need everyone to stand up and be counted.


To set the record straight about what Improper said about the Welfare act and Clinton...The real truth is this.

We almost fixed it in 1996 when the welfare reform act was passed. Clinton got a ton of credit for this bill and was written about like he was a welfare reform genius.

It was not demorcrats that created the Welfare Reform Act that Clinton took all the credit for. It was written by republicans, passed by republicans, and under threat of a veto overide signed into law by BJ Clinton.

Blessed knows how the story ends! Blessing to you for preaching the truth!America stand up! - Please advice?
Thanks for the points and I'm glad you are watching Glenn :) he's a man on a mission, and todays show was very informative. He talked about the end of this coming March becoming the ';Great'; depression and that the closure of major department stores and commercial properties closing down will bad!

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By stand up america he meant start to let your voices be heard. Start flooding your local parliaments with letters and let congress know how america truly feels.Start picket lines at welfare centers across america and stop just sitting on our asses complaining about how things are going and start doing something to change this. Theres a perfect saying for this';If you want to change the world you must first look within yourself';. Let our voices be heard!!!!
I saw that also....In my area there is a group that has been meeting.

I have inquired for more information.Sarah Palin also has a website you may wish to join for discussions. Together we can make a difference to the good of this country....I myself think educating people that are not aware of what is going on is a good place to start.
Stop paying your taxes. That's how this insanity is funded.

Its sad that most people are too fearful of the IRS to participate in so simple an act of civil disobedience. Sure they might go knocking on one person's door, but if millions did so....

They don't have the resources to stand up to such a massive protest.
We are Americans first and we have always risen to the occasion when our country was threatened, this time it is from within, but if we stand strong ans work for the common goal of righting this wrong we will win and that is what is important, USA first
Well, since Clinton enacted welfare reform in the 90's, you can try it but you'll be lucky to get a month's worth of money. Welfare now forces you to find work or you are snit out of luck.
I too am trying to figure it out. Everybody can start by not paying taxes since the politicians don't seem to mind.

I want all my social security benefits now I can handle my money better than the government.

Drug test those wanting welfare!
Let's make this Wednesday Feb 11th ';STAND UP AMERICA'; day. Everyone flood your reps and the White House with calls and emails saying NO to this robbery of our grandkids money.
You've been watching too much Hannity. If you think living on welfare is easy, you should try it. It's not a lifestyle people choose if they have options.
and what did Hannity mean by this....stand up by doing what?

Hannity lately has been one of the main naysayers in cooperation...he is actively undermining the is he ';standing up';?
Hannity said has lost you any credibility. And the rest of your post is steeped in the ignorance that has been chocking this country.
Good Question! If I stand up there will be freeloaders jumping on my back!!!!!

We're screwed for the next few years, the most we can hope for is ';Change'; (I hope you get my feeble attempt at humor!)
HOW to stand up for america? hum.

united we stand,divided they fall, but if we just rollover, play dead, or pity me.

then, so be it, the romam empire of america will repeat history, Rots from within, THEN, United Europe (a place to moved to??) will become the superpower of the world.

NOW, that one side.

the other side.

Christ is coming.

the church will have to UNITE and power from above flows, deaf to ear, eyes to see, wealth transfer (Ps112) to the righteous.

we are in mild chaos, a transformation if you will. america is dividing out of darkness, coming into light. the love of money had or nearly had destroyed our nation and probably the world as well.

it need to be balance, but it was removed. as we've notice by the doing of democrats (few of satan pawns in high places, barney frank, chris dobb, whoever else?) BOTTOM LINE, WE DON'T HVE ANOTHER 400 YEARS OR 100 YEARS MAYBE 60 OR 30 OR 10 YEARS. the purpose of life on earth is..FIND CHRIST the son of GOD, i'm a child of GOD,anointed, and learning much power, truth, love, peace, joy, faith knowledge, ect.

USA, will fall, europe will rise. prophecy shall not be altered. but what is important is, are you saved? are you born of GOD? are you a follower of Christ?

it not about religiousness..NO..don't go down piety, self righteous or hater, NO.

the grace of GOD is, JESUS the CHRIST is the pathway above, babylon government.

the government of GOD eperate on faith,

so IN GOD WE TRUST, truly has to be a RELAITY CHECK within you.or don't trust in GOD?


we need 'born again' christians leaders in politic, congress, news anchors, hollywood, dept of education, ect.

they all tied to holiness, GOD, love others, love self, in that order. congress is love self, love others, hate GOD. they will have to be ousted out, by our voting power. but as we notice media slander GOD people..palin for example.

so you see, all of the correction we need in america is grassroot FIRST.

preacher are handcuff to speak against politic, preacher are threaten of their tax exmempt, truly equality, justice, fairness, is fading fast and faster and soon GONE...america has remove bible, prayer, and permitted witchcraft, hinduism, jihad muslim, on and on.

and mock our and capped out, limited out, ousted our national heritage to the garbage bin. removing freedom of speech on street, to tv movies.and permit cussing with holy names..and we christian just forgive the sinners..and before ya know it. we're like a frog sittling in a pot of water, slowing coming to a boil..stealing our rights, and liberty, made our kids stupid and the rest of the world are smarter than us, when in the bible days in public school..we were the smartest of the world. in science, in invention, in will power to win world war 1 and 2.

we abandon GOD during vietnam, that why we lost. and that was the beginning of corruption in whitehouse, congress, ect.

as we've notice of many assination of the 60's.

we war not with flesh and blood

we war with spirit princes in high places.

of government of the world, of media..of hollywood, dept of education, of drugs, or farming, and so on.

business steals the wealth of their workers IRA and so on.

becaue they did not have a biblical foundation in their public school days or universty created by christians of the 1700s 1800's are not..preachers of atheism...our country is becoming a mirror of Russia..if the church continue to do HOW DO AMERICA STAND UP?

pray to GOD to forgive us of our sins, of abortion of whatever else.

sweden and others nation has this welfare system too.

the bible the last days.

we will be trading buying and selling.

probably that will be our source of extra or only income.

THEN..come mark of the beast where mankind of ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT say we have to have this computer chip in our right hand or order to buy or sell or trade..that is a ways ahead and truly in YOUR and my Lifetime.

only the christians united, is HOW things will change..but till then.

we'll suffered, till we're tired of suffering.%26gt;THEN%26gt;.america and christian will rise a light house.

so like the days of 30's.gospel music was healing for the humble..but for the proud, they will reject the gospel..and hell on eaRTH..will truly come to pass before them..that even GOLD will have no values way way in the future..but truly in YOUR life time. FIND CHRIST while he is still avialable without a cost, he just need your WORD, if your word has meaning to you.
if all of the producers could take a one year sabbatical from work, it would go a long way toward cutting the serpent's head off by drying up a huge source of their tax revenue. unfortunately, that is not possible for most. that leaves the next effective remedy. identify anyone that did not read the spending amendment and voted FOR it. vote them out of office! next year 100% of the house is up for reelection along with 1/4 of the senate. same rules, if they didn't read bill, and voted yes. . . zap 'em. it won't take a lifetime to clean up this disgraceful mess if we act accordingly!
Im thinking everybody should just quit there jobs %26amp; collect welfare b.c that seems to be who congress is fighting for these days anyway. They sure as heck aren't fighting for me-the one who's worked 2 jobs for the last 5 years simultaneously or other equally hard working people!


Well, the republicans had congress and the senate for 10 of the past 12 years, and 8 of the past 8 years. The past 2 years that republicans lost total control of congress and the senate, they were still able to stop the democrats, and when they weren't able to, Bush would use his veto (which he didn'[t use once for seven years when the republicans controlled everything. So, the way we Stand Up is to remove republicans from ofice (unless by welfare you mean the government giving some poor whit hillbilly food stamps, and not republican style welfare where the government gives the oil companies 1/2 a billion dollars or banks 1 trillion dollars. Why do you not rant about that?
First thing Americans need to understand. Regardless of a Republican or Democrat in the Whithouse, it will ALWAY be business as usual.

I think that the term Americans stand UP means get rid of this two party system that has been strangling us. They look at the polls and slide to the left or right just to get in office, then they do what they want to do. Does your Representative represent you, or your neighbors? When a majority of your representatives receive phone call, emails and faxes and more than seventy percent of that correspondence is against a bill like this stimulus bill, and then that rep. votes for it anyway, then he or she does not represent his constituents. That marks the point when that rep. needs to be replaced. And the time is now to start looking at replacements for these people. NOW. STAND UP AMERICA!
I am not a repub but I agree very strongly with the extreme conservatives. I am working my butt off in my new business that is supposed to take care of my family. Instead of hiring someone else that I cant afford yet, I have to find the work, do the work and all of the paper work that comes along with that myself! On top of things, I cannot even afford a shop yet because I choose not to borrow money that I don't have to grow my business(unlike our big banks and Washington R's %26amp; D's). I have to pay twice as much social security as the average working joe.. because their employers match them, AND I have to pay Workman's comp insurance even though #1 I don't have any employees and #2 I don't benefit from it in the least! Make sense? I don't think so! Our country began to feel enabled when their neighbor quit bringing them their hard earned money as charity. When you don't see the sacrifice on someones face bringing you what they have, you kind of loose touch with reality and think that because you are a citizen of the country you deserve to be taken care of. Our charitable causes have been taken on by our socialistic government as a response to some pitiful sob stories. We should be the one taking care of grandma directly and grandma should have saved enough for her own retirement to begin with. I think as a whole, if our country can't come together and stop playing party politics, we won't achieve anything and the socialists will win their coveted power and that will be the ruin of our nation(already is).

Whoever keeps reporting me for my answers is wrong. They just choose not to face the music and think that if they bury their head in their covers the monsters in the closet will go away. NO we need to face our fears and collectively tell washington to quit spending PERIOD! Inflation is not the answer. Borrowing from China is not the answer. Hard work and selling our products to other countries while stopping most of our imports is the answer.

ha hah ha hah ahhahahahha

pat robertson said so
  • blush
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