Friday, January 8, 2010

If Hispanics illegals claim that America is run by the ';gringo'; then why don't they take the ';gringo's'; advice

and learn from American government. Thier countries are economic failures. Why don't they becaome more humble and willing to learn from a better system. Is it against thier deepest emotions to listen to a ';gringo.'; Why must they fight this country?If Hispanics illegals claim that America is run by the ';gringo'; then why don't they take the ';gringo's'; advice
Ah, but those who GOVERN in those countries aren't economically failed! They are the ';ricos'; who gain from the way they run the country. Those illegals have virtually no control, as they have virtually no economic clout. The ';ricos'; have no incentive to pay any heed to the general population.

US workers have had clout through unionization, which has dramatically changed the balance towards more equity, compared to the ';robber baron'; era of the late 1800s and early 1900s. That fact alone dramatically changed the entire economic face of our country.

All that said, I'm NOT a union supporter, as I think many of them exploit their membership. Nor am I a sycophantic promoter of amnesty for illegals. They should be sent back as they are discovered, though I think ';herding'; them up in sweeps is unnecessary. When an illegal is discovered by law enforcement, they should be detained, heard, and quickly deported if they have no valid business in this country.

My initial comments are but a reasonable consideration that must be made.If Hispanics illegals claim that America is run by the ';gringo'; then why don't they take the ';gringo's'; advice
I say don't keep pointing out their errors and let them keep doing as they are. ;)
illegals are too dirty and stupid to learn anything.
Where have you been? America IS run by the gringo. Each country does things its own way.
Gringo is a racial slur. They can call us Gringo but whatever we call them it's racist.

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