Friday, January 8, 2010

I am moving to America in 2 months. Will you give me some advice?

We are moving to USA in 2 months. After we buy the ticket, we are left with $2000. We are going to stay with a family member until my husband finds a job. My university will start in January. I have full scholarship for my PhD from the university of Arkansas, so we will move to Fayetteville. My husband and my baby daughter of 15 months, are both American Citizens, so I got my Immigrant visa. Everything in London is so expensive, and with only him working and getting 拢1200 pcm, we couldn't save money at all after the birth of my child. I am freaking out and I think I am having anxiety attack. I don't know the American culture, English is not my first language, although I passed the GRE and TOEFL, we don't have enough money, I am just so worried.

Can you say something to calm me down?I am moving to America in 2 months. Will you give me some advice?
You are taking some chances there, but that is life. Live frugally, that is all I can recommend.I am moving to America in 2 months. Will you give me some advice?

Our economy stinks, we have no universal health care, our educational system leaves a lot to be desired, the war for oil in Iraq will bankrupt the Nation and our image around the world has been damaged.

Good Luck, anyway.
When you get here you could find a part time job to help your husband it's also gonna help you to find new friends, start being social and feel a little better and start getting used to it
Sure. Arkansas is a hell of a lot cheaper than London.

$2000 will get you about a month of expenses. Staying with family will help stretch that.

Hope your husband can get a job fast.
Calm down. Half of America doesn't speak English anyway. :P You'll be fine. Your husband would show you the ropes I'm sure so don't worry about it.
Fayetteville, Arkansas is fairly cheap compared to much of the US. However, a measly $2000 is not even enough to pay first, last and security deposit on a small apartment. Then you need utility deposits, furniture %26amp; furnishings, groceries, etc. Even $5000 will be a tight squeeze just to get a roof over your head and a phone installed to start job-hunting.

Staying with a family member when there are 3 of you is still going to be very difficult financially and every other way. $2000 is not going to get a car and gas to start job-hunting -- and those are as critical as a phone. And you are still going to need at least $5000 to get into a place of your own and get set up with the barest minimum of garage-sale furnishings.

You definitely need to put together a lot more money for your move. What is your status and have you considered how long it is going to take for your to get work authorization so you can get a job, too? A scholarship is helpful, but what about all of your fees, books, dissertation research expenses, transportation to %26amp; from classes, child care while you are class, etc? You are going to have to work, if you can get authorization and have some sort of skills to get work.

And what is your husband's education and experience? Jobs are scarce in the US these days. Over 450,000 per week are losing their jobs.

You are in terrible trouble any way you look at it. You do not have time to waste on panic attacks, freak-outs, etc. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

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