Friday, April 30, 2010

I am moving to America in 2 months. Will you give me some advice?

We are moving to USA in 2 months. After we buy the ticket, we are left with $2000. We are going to stay with a family member until my husband finds a job. My university will start in January. I have full scholarship for my PhD from the university of Arkansas, so we will move to Fayetteville. My husband and my baby daughter of 15 months, are both American Citizens, so I got my Immigrant visa. Everything in London is so expensive, and with only him working and getting 拢1200 pcm, we couldn't save money at all after the birth of my child. I am freaking out and I think I am having anxiety attack. I don't know the American culture, English is not my first language, although I passed the GRE and TOEFL, we don't have enough money, I am just so worried.

Can you say something to calm me down?I am moving to America in 2 months. Will you give me some advice?
You are taking some chances there, but that is life. Live frugally, that is all I can recommend.I am moving to America in 2 months. Will you give me some advice?

Our economy stinks, we have no universal health care, our educational system leaves a lot to be desired, the war for oil in Iraq will bankrupt the Nation and our image around the world has been damaged.

Good Luck, anyway.
When you get here you could find a part time job to help your husband it's also gonna help you to find new friends, start being social and feel a little better and start getting used to it
Sure. Arkansas is a hell of a lot cheaper than London.

$2000 will get you about a month of expenses. Staying with family will help stretch that.

Hope your husband can get a job fast.
Calm down. Half of America doesn't speak English anyway. :P You'll be fine. Your husband would show you the ropes I'm sure so don't worry about it.
Fayetteville, Arkansas is fairly cheap compared to much of the US. However, a measly $2000 is not even enough to pay first, last and security deposit on a small apartment. Then you need utility deposits, furniture %26amp; furnishings, groceries, etc. Even $5000 will be a tight squeeze just to get a roof over your head and a phone installed to start job-hunting.

Staying with a family member when there are 3 of you is still going to be very difficult financially and every other way. $2000 is not going to get a car and gas to start job-hunting -- and those are as critical as a phone. And you are still going to need at least $5000 to get into a place of your own and get set up with the barest minimum of garage-sale furnishings.

You definitely need to put together a lot more money for your move. What is your status and have you considered how long it is going to take for your to get work authorization so you can get a job, too? A scholarship is helpful, but what about all of your fees, books, dissertation research expenses, transportation to %26amp; from classes, child care while you are class, etc? You are going to have to work, if you can get authorization and have some sort of skills to get work.

And what is your husband's education and experience? Jobs are scarce in the US these days. Over 450,000 per week are losing their jobs.

You are in terrible trouble any way you look at it. You do not have time to waste on panic attacks, freak-outs, etc. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
  • makeup powder
  • Advice about places not to be missed in Southern South America?

    I'm travelling to Brazil, Peru, Argentina and Chile for 4 months. I have quite a few places I want to go to but has anyone been to any places you'd recommend not to be missed?Advice about places not to be missed in Southern South America?
    The Plains of Nazca. The drawings are pretty cool from the air. Bariloche in Argentina.. If you go in July, you can ski.. since it is winter there. Iguazu falls is worth seeing, also. I would also recommend a side trip to the easter islands off the chilean coast, The statues are pretty cool. I like Macchu Picchu but its really, really touristy.. basically a small city at the base. Lake titicaca is a lake.. so what? Pour some water on you airplane tray and make a paper boat. Then youll have a 5 mile high lake. Advice about places not to be missed in Southern South America?
    I am Brazilian so I can answer about Brazil. Our northest beaches are amazing. I suggest the following beaches: Porto de Galinhas (in Pernambuco), Itacar茅 (in Bahia), Fernando de NOronha (island in Pernambuco), Praia de Pipa (in Rio Grande do Norte), Maragogi (in Alagoas).

    If you are not fan of beach, you can visit Bonito (amazing place with beautiful caverns, rivers, lakes), Chapada Diamantina (amazing landscape), or Len莽玫is Maranhenses.

    I had visit Argentina and Chile and Buenos Aires is a beautiful city to visit, also Santiago City but in Argentina you have Patagonia (amazing cold place) and in Chile you have Ilha da P谩scoa. I had attached some links with photos for you.
    You cannot miss Buenos Aires, is by far the most cosmopolitan city in latinamerica. Go south and you will find Bariloche it's also worht the trip, in winter is as beautiful as switzerlad.
    Iguazu Falls - borders with Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina (or maybe Uruguay)

    Bigger than Victoria Falls - massive natural wonder!
    Lake Titicaca on the Peru, Bolivia Border is a must. Worlds Highest navigable lake.
    You can't miss Machu Picchu, If you can do the 4 day Inca Trail hike...also Patagonia.

    If Hispanics illegals claim that America is run by the ';gringo'; then why don't they take the ';gringo's'; advice

    and learn from American government. Thier countries are economic failures. Why don't they becaome more humble and willing to learn from a better system. Is it against thier deepest emotions to listen to a ';gringo.'; Why must they fight this country?If Hispanics illegals claim that America is run by the ';gringo'; then why don't they take the ';gringo's'; advice
    Ah, but those who GOVERN in those countries aren't economically failed! They are the ';ricos'; who gain from the way they run the country. Those illegals have virtually no control, as they have virtually no economic clout. The ';ricos'; have no incentive to pay any heed to the general population.

    US workers have had clout through unionization, which has dramatically changed the balance towards more equity, compared to the ';robber baron'; era of the late 1800s and early 1900s. That fact alone dramatically changed the entire economic face of our country.

    All that said, I'm NOT a union supporter, as I think many of them exploit their membership. Nor am I a sycophantic promoter of amnesty for illegals. They should be sent back as they are discovered, though I think ';herding'; them up in sweeps is unnecessary. When an illegal is discovered by law enforcement, they should be detained, heard, and quickly deported if they have no valid business in this country.

    My initial comments are but a reasonable consideration that must be made.If Hispanics illegals claim that America is run by the ';gringo'; then why don't they take the ';gringo's'; advice
    I say don't keep pointing out their errors and let them keep doing as they are. ;)
    illegals are too dirty and stupid to learn anything.
    Where have you been? America IS run by the gringo. Each country does things its own way.
    Gringo is a racial slur. They can call us Gringo but whatever we call them it's racist.

    My husband's Ex is moving to South America and wants to take their son. Any advice would help...?

    My husband's Ex is leaving in Nov. to South America to live with their son and we have Joint Custody of the boy who is 9. I know we have to go to court but I was wanting some advice if anyone else has gone through this, what does the courts usually do in these cases... We are really scared about all of this for we don't want to away from him, we are going to try to fight for Full custody and she can have him in summer... My question is what does the court normally do with these cases, and any advice on what we can do or say to help us... Thank YouMy husband's Ex is moving to South America and wants to take their son. Any advice would help...?
    He may just get custody, depending on the judge, the same happened with my husband's ex. She was moving to Germany wanted to take the girls, he took her to court and the judge told her she could either give up custody or stay in the Country. She choose to stay and they continue having joint custody.My husband's Ex is moving to South America and wants to take their son. Any advice would help...?
    So Sharon B., it's perfectly OK to split a father and his son up?

    I would talk to a lawyer about this, and hope that the court sides with you, and maybe figure out how to argue that it is in the child's best interest to stay in the USA.
    I'm not trying to be rude here are not this child's mother. Seeing as courts usually side with the mother in cases of custody (unless of course she's proven very unfit), you probably don't have much of a chance at gaining sole custody.

    I'm sorry.
    That is NOT going to be easy for the mom. Even moving out of State is a big deal when batling custody. I don't think the judge will allow that, particularly because the child is a U.S. Citizen.
    i would advise your husband .as hard as it will be, to avoid legal fess.
    Why would you want to split a mother and her son up. The child has absolutely nothing to do with you.
    The child's best interst is to be with the mom.

    I am a college student living in america and my family in india keep asking when i'm coming,.advice needed

    when i met my cousin from india in new york, he asked me about my vacation time and asked me why i dont come to india..end of july, i got my licence and now my mom wants me to decide on what i want to do and wants me to go to a different community mom and i might go next year but i dont think i last trip to india was in 2003..i realize the more i call and write to keep in touch, the more they're going to keep asking until i actually know when i'm of now, if i decide to go to Santa Ana college, then for Christmas break, i have 8 weeks off..i'm thinking maybe going to a vocatioal college but i dont know..i cant take my family from india out of my mind..every day and night i hear ';when are you coming..ever since my cousin went back to india, he keeps asking and persuading me to visit india in december of this year but i dont think i will be going..please tell me ur cousin and i only got to spend 31/2 days in new yorkI am a college student living in america and my family in india keep asking when i'm coming,.advice needed
    Do what you want to do. Tell them honestly that you love and care for them but that this is your decision and you hope they will understand. After all you have to live with yourself forever so first make sure your true to you, while still remaining respectful to your familyI am a college student living in america and my family in india keep asking when i'm coming,.advice needed
    Dear what's this boaring letter just sweet and short messege %26amp; countinue

    I live in America, want to relocate to the UK, any advice?

    I have lived in the United States my entire life and I want to branch out. I am seriously considering moving to the UK, but I'm not entirely sure where yet. I heard that London is expensive, what city (or country) would you suggest? I am bored of America and it bothers me that this country is so young and lacks true culture and the people are so prude. And the government is just atrocious, doesn't care about it's people, and quite frankly is just embarrassing.I live in America, want to relocate to the UK, any advice?
    dontI live in America, want to relocate to the UK, any advice?
    its a way different country kiddo... American things like food are hard to find.. there ways are different from any other place. the highways are covered by cameras so that speeders can get caught..most of the city's have cameras all over the place..which is good for getting criminals but bad your your individual rights..take a long hoilday ( thats what they call vacation in england) good luck
    Come on now, it cannot possibly be that bad.
    Good luck on your move. lt will be difficult at first if you drive a car as the driver is at the right (you own car?).
    I actually would recommend near the country; an average-sized town near the country is always good. If I were to recommend a specific place, I'd say the Southwest, particularly Devonshire. One of my favorite towns there is Torquay; look it up on a map sometime. With Devon and its surrounding neighbors, you get the added bonus of being near the wilds of Dartmoor (a large and still truly wilderness-based area) and being near the English Channel; a classic crossing point to the rest of the culture of Europe.

    Personally, I lived only in the city of Bath in the north and Teignmouth in the southwest, but I have traveled around the UK a lot. I would not recommend Bath, as it is much like London in being crowded and expensive.

    Oh, one more thing, to speak of expenses: houses are costly, much more than American houses could be. The cost of an average house there would be the equivalent to the cost of a small mansion here. Just warning you.
    My advice is, DO NOT DO IT. Sure, you can find plenty of faults with any place you live, but unless you REALLY like cold damp weather, super high prices, crime that has totally gotten out of hand, LOTS of very wierd people, and practically NO jobs to be found, you are much better off staying here.
    If you move to London, it will help if you learn the language. I am referring to Farsi as within 20 more years, London is on track to become a Muslim city by a majority.

    You could try the Philippines. You can live there quite inexpensively and they also speak English.

    Oh and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
    get outta here, who needs u. JK, hope it works out for u.
    i go to an American/international school in england- surrey. so near to london.

    my friends that have moved here from the states all have really diverse opinions of the UK. some cannot wait to go back and some love it they are all staying here for uni.

    -i think they enjoy having an american community around to help settle in, so research and see where that may be.

    - london is rather expensive so i wouldnt consider that. being close to it is amazing so look at the outskirts of london- that is not so expensive.

    - a lot of americans love the beach so maybe cornwall or brighton they are cool and a bit wacky.

    - have ppl back home to send you american food as it is so expensive here if you can find it but otherwise you will miss a lot of the candy and other such food items.

    hope this helps. can't think of anything else. good luck choosing!
    And you think things will be better in the UK?

    They won't. ALL of the UK is pretty expensive to live in, and fuel costs there make America look like a dream to drive in. The weather is horrible most of the time, and if you think that America has a government that doesn't care about its people, then you have no clue what a government descended from Royal rule is like. Socialized medicine isn't very good either, but they do try.

    Instead of running away, why not make an effort to improve where you are?
    Put quite simply...


    I could almost copy your last two sentences word for word about the UK.

    If you do decide to come here, a lot of things need to be considered, such as how much money you have, and your skills/ type of work.

    All the cities are pretty much the same now (over populated %26amp; expensive), though London has more history to it and is the most expensive.

    There are some nice places to live here, particularly on the south coast, and personally I'd like to live in Dorset, but like most things, it is more down to getting a decent income, rather than enjoying where you live.
    I suggest u take a vaction to the UK before relocating.... dip ur toes into the water b4 taking the plunge... every country has their goods and bads. Everything ultimately depends on u and how u handle things...!!!
    I think I'll just take my two points here. Just in case someone feels completely insulted, (and right they should), to your question, and obvious lack of national pride, and decides to report you or something silly like that. (not to worry though, it wouldn't be me that does it)

    If you decide on the UK, let me know how you make out.

    Take care, Jen
    Moving to another country will immediately solve those problems.
    If you were to move to the UK (I live here) then be warned:

    Most average sized houses over here is roughly 拢200,000.

    That is equivalent to roughly $400. It's very expensive here.

    And the weather isn't good at all. We're lucky if we see 3days of sun each week. 1 Day even sometimes.

    But i'm not sure where to recommend. Scotland is nice. Great views, fantastic country walks to go on, hills, green grass! ;) BUT, they speak in a slightly hard-to-understand accent. Plus, you probably won't as much of the latest news/songs etc.

    Around Manchester/Liverpool/St. Helens, it's quite good. I live in St. Helens. You always get the latest news, songs, items to buy etc, BUT, not really ANY Grassy scenery, and the crime can be quite high depending on which part of them you live in. And there can be drunk teenagers sometimes at night, so, it's quite scary tbh lol. So take your time to think about that.

    Devon is quite nice. From what i've heard its a mix between cities, towns and great walks too. But i'm not sure, you better check on that.

    Anyway! There y'ar. Some ideas on where to live IF you did move to UK. But, it would be a big decision. It can be quite rough over here, depending where you live. PLUS, you've lived in America all your life. Are you really sure you wanna consider moving here?

    Think about it; alot.

    OH AND EDIT: I'm not sure if you should. For a few reasons;

    1. You will need alot of money, so a good job here is needed.

    2. All your family and friends are in America.

    3. If you lose your job, and are stuck for a home to live in, you cannot ask your parents for a place to live in for a few days until you get another job.

    So, you would have to be well prepeared if you where to move here.
    Its sounds like you are describing the UK or any other country for that matter. It's not the country, it's the people. You just need somewhere with a low population so you can judge less people. If you have to go overseas....Amsterdam, Holland sounds like a fit for your persona.
    Yes, please hurry and leave...

    Holidaying in America with a little difference !!!! NEED HELP 'N' ADVICE PLZ! xx?

    I've done the sun, sand and sea holidays, this year I wanted to go America but stay with a family not an exchange thing I cant find the word for it, hotels are sooo boring and I would love to stay with a host family of some sort. I would like some advice on this issue and guidance as to where to find these 'host' families. I am 22 by the way and will be travelling with friends of similar age. I dont know if I gave enough information on here but please ask away and I will respond a.s.a.p !!

    cheers guys your help will be sooooooooooooo appreciated!!Holidaying in America with a little difference !!!! NEED HELP 'N' ADVICE PLZ! xx?
    Its called a bed and breakfast. Their are a lot them here. You stay with a family and they cook you dinner and entertain you.Probably 50 or more at any major tourist destination or attraction.Holidaying in America with a little difference !!!! NEED HELP 'N' ADVICE PLZ! xx?
    sounds like fun, but i dont know how to go about that sorry
  • makeup powder
  • I need advice on immigrating to the British Isles from America?

    I am not set on where I am going but I am really tired of America. I want to go somewhere that I at least have a handle on the language.What I need to know is how do the people feel about new comers? I expect to have to work my way to acceptance on some level, that's just the way it goes no matter where you go. How hard is it to acquire some land, I need to grow plants %26amp; raise animals. General info on what a small country place with say 5 to 10 acres. Thank You for the help.I need advice on immigrating to the British Isles from America?
    The British Isles is made of the UK %26amp; the Republic of Ireland, which are two separate countries, unless you can acquire citizenship of an EU member state through a parent (in some cases a grandparent) you will need a visa to enter both countries to live %26amp; work. Both countries are used to immigrants, it won't be a problem, if you wind up in Dublin or London, or one of the other major cities in the UK you won't even be noticed. How easy it is or is not to buy land is something you can find out when or if you get there.

    Australia %26amp; New Zealand both speak English as well.

    Information on moving to the Republic of Ireland鈥?/a>

    Information visas to the UK鈥?/a>

    Both countries are still in recession %26amp; it is difficult to find work at the moment, if you need to get a visa you will find it easier if you can get a job first. In the Republic of Ireland %26amp; the UK employers are required to consider their own citizens, followed by citizens of other EU member states then non-EU citizens. Having marketable skills isn't really enough at the moment, if you don't have a unique skill or talent, it will difficult for an employer to justify employing you before a British/Irish citizen or an EU national unless as I've said before you can acquire citizenship of an EU member state through a parent.I need advice on immigrating to the British Isles from America?
    Just remember, nobody has a legitimate claim to such vast expanses of land and, theoretically, you have the right to move anywhere you damned well please without having to apply for silly bureaucratic nonsense. Not the answer you want, but I'll say it.

    How hard will it be? One hundred times harder than it should be because of the state's regulation barriers to entry on business, land aquisition and free trade.

    On another note, what mean you by ';a handle on the language';? We speak nearly the same tongue.
    I agree, Australia or Canada would be far smarter. The UK is packed to the brim, the cost of such land would run into tens of millions because there is no space for 10 acres like in the USA!

    Even buying a small apartment is difficult for some.
    Want my advice, dont. We're already sinking fast and nobody seems to have the intelligence to stop it. Stick with the upcoming countries like Canada, Oz etc.
    Fly to France go to Channel tunnell and pretend your Roumanian of Afghan refugee and hey your be fine
    First you need to look at requirements for citizenship and visas and all that. Unless you are rich and they have some sort of investment visa, you have to look at requirements to get a work visa so you can work a job. I want to live in Thailand, I dont have a special skill (I did not go to college), so I cant get a work visa. I own my own online company, and they dont give business visas for that. So I can not legally make money there. To own land is very difficult and to just stay there longer than a year, even if i had money saved up and was retired, is very hard at my young age because of the provisions for retirees having to be over 65. Anyways, Im 27, I own my own business, and I can not live where I want. I have to leave every 6 months, stay in Malaysia for 3 months, and then re-enter again to stay another 6 months (assuming I get approved for the tourist visa each time). Its very difficult to immigrate to most countries, Thailand is one of the more difficult ones, but I assume the British Isles have their own rules and visas for immigration and citizenship. I would look into that first before you start making plans of buying land and things like that.

    People always say ';if you dont like USA then get out';, but they dont realize how hard it really is to legally move somewhere else.

    froggequene, I agree, thats what Im trying to tell her. You explained it much better because I can tell she didnt get what Im saying. I have ';marketable skills';. I do computer programming. I went to a trade school for 6 months. I've done contract work for Google and Sun Microsystems. I run my own myspace type sites which I built from scratch. I could easily get a programming job here in Silicon Valley, but over there its not unique or highly skilled. Theres thousands of THEIR citizens who can do the same job as me. You explained it well

    And when I said you'd have to invest and have a lot of money. I didnt mean a simple contribution. They want you to invest a minimum of $1.6 million to qualify for an investor visa.

    In Thailand where I'm trying to go, its very similar. But if I had that much to invest, I'd trust investing it in the UK much more than Thailand lol.

    Some advice/feedback would be welcome regarding moving to America.?

    Hello! and thanks for taking the time to read this.

    After a couple of years of talking about how nice it would be to travel and exprience living abroad, my partner and I are seriously considering moving to America with our daughter.

    We want to do things properly and not get carried away with the excitement of it all.

    I just wondered if anyone else is considering this themselves or who has actually already made the move? If so, how have you found things? Where did you get your original information from for getting organised for such a move?

    I would be very grateful for any tips or feedback from anyone who has any type of info/experience to share.

    Kind regards,

    Ambrosia.Some advice/feedback would be welcome regarding moving to America.?
    First of all, find out everything you can about where you plan to move to. The US is a BIG country with many different types of regions and people, and they are NOT all the same. Find out which places would suit you the most, and then find out as much as you can about them.Some advice/feedback would be welcome regarding moving to America.?
    Denver is a higher elevation city - be prepared to spend some time getting used to the thinner air, but if you do more here, enjoy it! - Paul

    Report Abuse

    The U.S. is a big country and not all regions are the same. What areas are you considering? We might be able to give you more feedback.

    Despite much negative press, most Americans are very friendly and welcoming of people from other countries. It still is very much a land of opportunity.

    Have Europeans already followed Bin Ladens advice? Europe(as a continent) is no ally of America.?鈥?/a>

    -If you ask me, I would say that Europe has already turned its back on America. They did it 7 years ago. No one is surprised in America. Are they in Europe?Have Europeans already followed Bin Ladens advice? Europe(as a continent) is no ally of America.?
    Hey! Even Liberals in America are also against America.

    I am not surprised.Have Europeans already followed Bin Ladens advice? Europe(as a continent) is no ally of America.?
    When Europe takes the advice of a mass murderer, it means only one thing: there are too many moslems in Europe
    Decode this lyrics '; Little green apple';

    In following the dead Mummy risen up from the graveyard with cheap-skate ghostly stories?

    With two hands stretching out?

    Creaking with skeleton of skull and bones?

    Eerily wailing in ghostly kitchen's dialect with ghostly and deadly words?

    Blindly searching the way back to the graveyards?

    In bringing all the little ones,own children, own generation and living human kind of all tribes of different community along too?

    Who lost his way back to the pyramids in Egypt?

    Luke 9.55-56

    When someone left the road sign pointing towards the pyramids of Egypt in the hotel rooms on the ceiling?

    Ever wonder what does the dead Mummy do rocking the bed in the hotel room?

    Ever wonder how can a hotel room be a place of worship?

    It's quite embarassing with all the cheap-skate ghostly stories out there.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?
    I think not yet but If President Bush is reelected, many Europeans will try to make the European Union a rival superpower to the United States.Led by French President Jacques Chirac, they will find the main justification for further European integration in counterbalancing what they see as irresponsible, unchecked American power.
    Most Euros/Commonwealthers are bigoted morons like Run Lola. They were supposed to make a decision on what their part would be on the ';global war on terror'; -- not a war *for* Americans, an issue the whole planet is trying to deal with, and then they blame Americans, instead of their leaders who put them there. They blame the US for friendly fire which happens in every single war. They're still blaming us for 'coming to the war late' and 'putting them in debt'. We're 'obnoxious tourists'. We're 'fat'. They encourage hatred constantly for Americans and then just say we don't understand their 'sense of humor'.

    It's no wonder this world is so hate-filled and at war. They never 'had' our backs. ';Ray is back'; has lived with them and I lived with them pre-Iraq and nothing's changed, except through global communication Americans are seeing nonAmericans, especially the British, for what they really are.
    Well i would say that more than following Bin Laden's advice, the europians were smart enough to realize who the actual enemy of peace was!
    For the record, I don't think whole continents can be allies, only countries. And, British soldiers (the UK is part of Europe) die fighting because they're allies with The States, so the answer to the question would be no. To be honest, The US has turned it's back on it's allies by entering an unjust war.
    The French are now looking towards the USA as indeed UK always has and always will, in spite of the rhetoric, the snarling and spitting and all the rest of the family feud etc. Here in UK we call it having an opinion and no matter how crap that opinion is, it has got to be expressed and in no matter what, at the end of the day most Brits like to maintain a good relationship with America but somewhat at arms length. We know the Yanks are plotting something, but what? Meanwhile, we on this side of the Pond are never short of a plot or two of our own. Trick is to try and maintain the secrecy.

    Pro-American old soldier British Army 1957-1965 and UK Pensioner.
    Have you spent time with the Brits or the euros it is unbelievable what they say about us But no they have not turned back they talk about us they enjoy any news that puts America in a bad lite Just kick over to the U K site It well take you about one min to see what I'm talking about But keep in mind a short time back half the world wanted too destroy us and had the means to do it These clowns are a cake walk We are Americans and they are not

    Legal advice, how long will he be in jail? Video link, arrest made at mall of america.?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    How long do you think he'll be in for?Legal advice, how long will he be in jail? Video link, arrest made at mall of america.?
    Unless hes your um...boyfriend I wouldn't think about it. Honestly, if I were a gang member in that area I would consider that pretty disrespectful of the administration of the properties and probably target mall executives and administration. Just saying, it is pretty disrespectful, and that's what it's all about on the street...respect.Legal advice, how long will he be in jail? Video link, arrest made at mall of america.?
    Depends on his lawyer. I would hope he gets no time at all. By the way, what reason did the police give for arresting 15 - 20 individuals, just because they're in a gang? That makes no sense.
    jajajaja, what a country, farmers are called ';gang members';, jajajajajja!

    here when someone says the police are dead it happens in five minutes.

    you peoples watch too many movies.

    At what point did the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders?

    It's incredible their wisdom and foresight at times.

    Jefferson said a mouthful here;

    ';If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.'; Thomas Jefferson

    and I think it applies to what is going on in America right now, we have so much knowledge available yet arrogantly choose to ignore and take it for granted. Our system is failing because it worked so well to provide for people who abuse it in my opinion. What a disgrace.

    Jefferson: ';Information is the currency of democracy.';

    Seems to me that we're broke, and our proverbial currency has lost it's value.

    All that from That guy on the $20 bill, amazing.At what point did the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders?
    History repeats itself and our leaders suck at history.At what point did the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders?
    Our founders probably understood that 250 years later America would be very different. I wouldn't ask them advice about powdering my wig because I don't wear one... so while I think they have a lot of precios wise gems I won't expect a modern nation to be chained to everything that the founders mandated. As a matter of fact, they even knew that times would change so they made the Constitution a evolving document by allowing a process to amend it at any time.
    First off, it's Alexander Hamilton on the 20$ bill. Second, we've probably considered the founding fathers' words to different extents, and interpreted them in different ways throughout History. Most Liberals aren't really crazy about the 2nd Amendment, and if you believe every adult American Citizen should have access to a firearm, then you'd probably be considered Conservative. Were they really completely infallible?
    1776, the colonies were founded by English pilgrim fathers who most wanted to spread Puritanism and Calvinism to people who had never been oppressed by foreign powers. The revolutionaries of 1776, (that would now be called terrorists and insurgents) had zero consideration for what the original settlers would have wanted and you know it!
    January 20th 2009 is the point that the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders.
    LONG ago..
    I hear you!

    Watch what THOMAS PAINE says about it with this link, he too says we are giving away what was given to us:

    Any advice on Chile?(the one in South America..)?

    I am moving to Chile to finish my last year of college and was wondering if anyone had any good advice about where to live, eat, drink, internships ect....I will be in Valparaiso or Vina.Any advice on Chile?(the one in South America..)?
    Hi. I know where is Chile 'cause I live there. Well... here:). About good advices... mmm don't know. Here we have a lot of exchange student from the United States and I don't think they have problems finding places to live, eat and drink. I study in the Pontificia Universidad Cat贸lica de Valpara铆so so, if you are coming to this university, let me know in case you need some extra information.

    Espero que est茅s practicando tu espa帽ol.


    (uff I need to erase the ';geek'; word in my screenname)Any advice on Chile?(the one in South America..)?
    I didn't know there was a Chile other than the one in South America
  • makeup powder
  • Looking for advice on a tropical vacation spot. My wife speaks fluent spanish so maybe south america..?

    10 days just me and her..Looking for advice on a tropical vacation spot. My wife speaks fluent spanish so maybe south america..?
    I sort of agree with terminator. However, San Andres is pretty crowded. It is one of the fave destination spots for Colombians. Also note that duty free does not always mean ';cheap';. San Andres has some fun stuff to do. The night life is pretty good. I would stay at the Mar Azul. It's all inclusive and then I would rent myself a Golf Cart so I could see the island. But, You can really see all there is to see in San Andres in 5 days. I would also plan a side trip to Providencia. It is a very tranquil island. You can walk around it in a very short period of time. Some of the things to do in San Andres are:

    Go on the slide at Westview and feed the fish bread. Take you own bread however, because they sell a slice of old bread for 1000 pesos. Total rip off. You can Snuba at Westview and there is a glass bottom boat or you can Scuba (Sea Garden is the best, Banda sucks) You can go out to Johnny Caye and see them feed the Stingrays. Way fun. You can go out to the Aquarium and see a lot of fish and get a very good shrimp cocktail You can go to Rocky Point, the food is pretty good. You can see the blow hole and have a coco loco. You can hike to the freshwater reservoir. You can see what is allegeded to be Morgans cave.. (It isnt and its full of mosquitoes so dont go too far in) Tons to see and do in Colombia.. If you like Nature.. Los Katios will take more than 10 days to explore.Looking for advice on a tropical vacation spot. My wife speaks fluent spanish so maybe south america..?
    Break from the norm and avoid tourist-jam-packed traditional vacation spots.

    Why not head South to San Andres Island (Colombia) in the Caribbean? It is a cosy, hosptiable and since it is a Duty Free port it is great for purchases.

    Ask around, San Andres is great for romance. If you really want to splash out then Cartagena is the place for you.
    Chile has thousands of miles of coastline on the Pacific. The most northerly areas are around Arica and Iquique. Arica is just 35 km south of the Peruvian border. The have a surfing festival there each year.

    Arica is a pretty basic, laid back, beach resort town. Iquique is a bit farther south and more upscale. La Serena is not really tropical .. think Central California weather .. but even more sublime.

    Chile is very stable and has an honest police force.
    The island of Roatan, Honduras is a new favorite for my wife and I. We spent a week there last March and are going again at the end of next month. Direct flights from major U.S. cities, exceptional diving/snorkeling, and a great beach are the the reasons we like it. We stated at the Bananarama Dive resort last time (might do it again). There is a lot to do on the island and I think you could find at least 10 days of entertainment.

    Another fun spot we visited a couple of years ago was Isla Mujeres just off the coast from Cancun. We stated at the Avalon Reef (nice beach, nice facility, crappy food) but there are a number of nice places to stay on the north end. It was easy to get too and exploring the island and other beaches was fun. Might get kind of long after 10 days

    On the high end, we also really like Couples Swept Away in Negril, Jamaica. Unbelievable beach, all-inclusive, lots of stuff to do, top notch resort (oh, and no kids!). It would be hard to get bored after 10 days here.
    Nicaragua - Corn Islands - Little Corn - Farm ';Peace and Love';

    google it and check it out - you're truly ';away' from it all. great beaches, warm water and ';dolce far niente';............

    a little work to get there - plane, plane, boat, boat - but worth the trip, which becomes part of the vacation.
    Belize or Puerto Rico (rent a car and drive around the island hitting up all the best spots as you go)

    Costa Rica is popular - but there is a lot of crime there and Americans are subject to being robbed and kidnapped - doesn't sound like fun to me
    Costa Rica! Natural water slides, beautiful, lush vegetation! Absolutely perfect!
    brazil, chile, argentina

    Looking to move to america after college. need advice?

    I'm 19 and i am about to start my year at college on a HNC Health, Fitness and Exercise course. After this year at college i am looking to move to america, i know i need to get a visa which i can sort.

    What i was wondering was, if anyone knew how i could try and find a job to go over there and also a place to stay? an apartment or something of that idea?

    Right now i'm not 100% set on where i want to go, so i'm happy for any ideas. Apart from New York, i'm not a big city kind of person, but i don't want a back wood either lol.

    thanks :)Looking to move to america after college. need advice?
    The first thing you must do is contact the American Embassy for the current legislation. If you want to live there permanently you can do it in one of three ways - marry an American citizen, invest minimum 拢100,000 in an American business, get sponsored by an American employer (from the preferred employment list). As a UK citizen you cannot compete in the Green Card Lottery Scheme. Other than these, you can get a visa for 90 days at a time but you must then return to the UK for a set period of time, before you can return. The Embassy is your first port of call though; they will be able to give you the up-to-date legislation. 'Phone them and make an appointment to speak to them.

    One month in South America- please give me advice on organizing my trip?

    I'll be spending six weeks already in Quito in an intensive pre-med program; I'll have the weekends free so I can visit some other places in Ecuador. Then I'll spend two weeks in the Amazon studying native medicine. After that I'll have an extra month and I really want to travel around. I'd love some advice/recommendations! Please help, I really don't know how to go about doing this. 10 points to best answer :)

    I definitely want to do the ancient sites of Peru, however long is necessary to do them properly. What is the best way to visit Cuzco, Macchu Picchu, etc.? And then where else do you recommend I go? I'm willing to take a flight to another country if I need to

    Just FYI I speak Spanish and French well but no Portugese, I have a fair amount of money but I'd like to keep it somewhat cheap, and I'm not picky. I want to be safe (since I'll be alone), but otherwise I'm no stranger to hostels, I'm not a snob and I'm perfectly willing to hike a lot and take public transport. (Though I do love trains) ;) While I'd love to make the most of my trip, I don't want one of those ultra-packed we'll-see-every-sight-and-then-leave kind of trips, I do want something a little more relaxed where I can really interact with people

    OK I know this is a lot but I need help. Thanks!One month in South America- please give me advice on organizing my trip?
    I think I answered another question of yours, but I can give you more detail here. Since you'll be in Ecuador, I would say the best way to get to Cuzco would be via airplane. You can fly directly from Quito to Cuzco. From Cuzco, you take a train to Macchu Picchu, that's the only way to get there. I would recommend buying your train ticket to Macchu Picchu early. Figure out when you want to go to Macchu Picchu and buy your train ticket at least 2 days before you want to leave. There's a little town at the base of the city where you can easily find a hostel, there's a plethora. We only stayed one night, because you can see Macchu Picchu in a day and then easily make it back to the afternoon train back to Cuzco. The town doesn't offer much beside lodging and food. There are two ways to get up to the top, you can take a bus which is outrageously priced compared to a normal bus fare in Peru, or you can hike up to the top. It's up to you what you'd rather do. I would allow at least 5 days in Cuzco/Macchu Picchu. It's a beautiful area of the country.

    I would also recommend going to Colombia. Cartagena is a beautiful city, especially in the old city. It's very quaint and magical. It feels like the true Colombia. Santa Marta is also a wonderful city in Colombia along the coast. It's a nice little town with a nice beach and plenty of lodging and restaurants. If you like hiking, you can do a trek to Ciudad Perdida and the tourist office you sign up with is located in Santa Marta. It's a 6-day trek throught the Colombian jungle where you end up at Ciudad Perdida which is another ancient civilization, but it's not overrun by tourists. The only way to get there is via this trek or helicopter. It truly is beautiful there. You're one among maybe 20-25 people versus 500 at Macchu Picchu. Plus, the guides are very friendly and knowledgeable and the food is good, there are natural swimming holes at every campsite that feel fantastic after a day of hiking. You sleep in hammocks and it's just magnificent. I couldn't recommend it more. Plus, you'll meet lots of people from foreign countries. If you do anything in your month of travel, I would do that.

    Anyway, have a fantastic time. I'd recommend making it out to the coast during your weekends off. It's a great place to relax. Montenita is especially nice. One month in South America- please give me advice on organizing my trip?
    if you wanna be in the better beaches in south america. come to maragarita in venezuela and Archipielago Los Roques in mountain come to the longest and highest fonicular in the world.. Teleferico de Merida.. lookig for it in google or wikipedia.. bye bye
    Hello,I am a hot Latin american,jajaja.

    you can visit many pretty sights,the countries most turistics of Spouth america are:

    colombia:San andres,Santa martha,riohacha,cartagena,bogota,medelli鈥?cafetero,and the amazonas.

    venezuela:Margaritas islands,caracas,maracaibo.

    brazil:rio de janeiro,san pablo,hippanema,salvador do bahia,amazonas.

    argentina:Buenos aires,Cordoba.

    Now day Colombia is not dangerous,this country is a hidden paradise,I recommend to you visit can informnarte here:




    santa marta:

    san andres:鈥?/a>

    Eje cafetero:鈥?/a>


    I need a girlfriend because my old one moved to America now im depressed so advice on getting a new one?

    I'm really sad :( at the moment!I need a girlfriend because my old one moved to America now im depressed so advice on getting a new one?
    You don't ';need'; a girlfriend. You need oxygen! You need food! You need water! But you don't need a girlfriend. And if you feel you do, well unless you live in that remote part of the world where women don't exist, girls are everywhere.

    But you want one because you are sad and depressed because you are are identifying your happiness with being with another. Try being happy on your own. Finish (or start school), get that promotion, beef up your game, hit the clubs and get laid.

    Live life for yourself, instead of having it tied to one person. Not only will that make you a more well rounded person, but also create an air of independence and self confidence that women like.I need a girlfriend because my old one moved to America now im depressed so advice on getting a new one?
    Why cant you still date her??? i mean just cause she lives in ameica doesnt mean u cant visit her??? try to meet someone at a club or something if its that big of a deal.
    are you sad coz you actuall MISS ur girlfriend or just coz you're without one???

    Coz you sound like youre desperate - not sad!

    Auditioning for America's Next Top Model. Advice?

    I am going to a casting call this weekend. I have all the paperwork, pictures, etc that I need. Does anyone know...

    What I should wear?

    How I should do my hair/make-up?

    What I will be asked or asked to do at the audition?

    I know I should look natural, so any advice would be GREAT! Thanks!Auditioning for America's Next Top Model. Advice?
    I would say wear something simple, such as a black fitted tee or a black tank top and jeans. You don't want your clothes to take away from your looks. Also, I think you should go for a natural look with your make-up. Not too much eye make up, foundation, etc. As for the actual audition, I've never auditioned before, so unfortunately I can't help you with that! :( I'm sorry!

    Good luck to you!!!!! I hope you make the cut!!!!!!Auditioning for America's Next Top Model. Advice?
    Wear your hair however you want, probably down. Don't wear a lot of make-up, because it would look like you are trying too hard. Wear something along the lines of skinny jeans, a tank top, and high heels. You will be asked to walk in a swimsuit and maybe even strike a few poses. But most of all, have tons of personality, be nice and try not to come off cold and mean, and don't let your nerves get the best of you. That will make you be remembered by Tyra and the other judges!

    Hope I helped! Maybe I'll see you on the show! Good Luck!
    i was watching that show yesterday, lol. and anywayyyy i picked up some stuff.

    hair - ponytail!

    clothes - you should wear a simple dress that is like a solid color not too bright, and make it strapless. not fancy at all.

    makeup - Concealer, eyeshadow, and a single swipe of mascara :)

    America to England immigration advice?

    I'm a 20 yr old female British citizen and my partner is an 18 yr old American. She is currently living with me on a tourist visa, I work and pay for everything we eat and do with no help off the government. But she has to leave here when her 6 month Tourist visa expires. I know there is no way for her to stay with me now, but when she goes back how do we get her over here on a more permanent basis? We are too young to be considered in a relationship - not sure how you can put an age requirement on love but there you go. She has a high school education and has some medical knowledge. I have been advised to get a solicitor to solve this for us but you never know I may find my answers here!

    Many thanksAmerica to England immigration advice?
    I don't think a lesbo can sponsor can sponser another lesbo for immigration purposes. You'll have to apply for a work permit or something.America to England immigration advice?
    Why are you too young to be considered in a relationship? I don't understand. She's been here for 6 months, surely that ocunts for something. That aside your best bet would be to marry her %26amp; you owuld have to contact the Home Ofice for more info on that. It's not cheap nowadays to get a fiance visa though.
    Am i reading this correctly. You are both female? I might be wrong but if she goes back to USA for a week or 2 she can come back on another 6 month visa. This is correct for someone going to USA from UK.
    It would be worth asking Citizens Advice bureau - it's free and in every area. Good luck
    She's 18 which means she probably just graduated from high school, right? Why doesn't she go to university there..
    Do what all the other immigrants do to buck the system - get married!!

    How do you think they do it....
    She can come on a fiance visa if you get engaged. She will have to fill out an application, which costs around 拢500. Its quite a form that will ask you tons of questions. Your age shouldn't matter too much, I was 20 and my husband was 19 when I did this three years ago. The only thing with a fiance visa is that they like you to get married within 6 months, which is the length of the visa. After you're married she can then apply for a limited leave to remain, which will last two years. Then after that, she can apply for settlement and stay for the rest of her life.

    This website helped me the most...

    The form can be used for same sex couples, like yourselves. Good luck with it! I know its a bit scary at first, but it will work out!

    -Edit- Oh no, things have changed? I'm really sorry :( Keep trying though! Things will work out.

    Advice on nannying in America.?

    I know this is a bit of a random question but I'm studying education and english in the UK at the moment, I'm actually English myself, and I've pretty much spent my summer applying and failing to get crappy jobs. I've decided that next year will be different and my dream is to spend some time in New York City. As I'm studying to be in education I thought it would be an excellent idea to maybe spend the summer nannying, maybe in NYC! I was wondering what qualifications I have to have to do this, I have good experience of looking after young children as my mother is a childminder, I have volunteered in playschools and primary schools and I often nanny for my mothers clients. Has anyone done this? Has anyone had an English nanny in America? ANY advice would be welcome!Advice on nannying in America.?
    Well, don't forget you'll need to get the proper visas and work permits, etc., too.

    I would suggest you contact The Nanny Network website as they seem to have a big directory of placement agencies and referral services, etc., and offer advice to both nannies and the couples who hire them, so they'd probably be a good place for you to start.

    Good luck, and the link below is to their webpage, and to the website of the US Department Of State Visa agency, too...Advice on nannying in America.?
    I would go right to the source. Try posting the same question here:

    And set up the gig for next year ASAP.

    Advice on travelling to America with a criminal record?


    my uncle booked a holiday to America about 3 weeks ago to see some relatives, however, he has a criminal record from about 20 years ago and didn't realise that this would be a problem as he's never done anything like this before. He was told he needs to contact the American embassy for an interview to get a Visa but the next one available is in June and his flight is in April. He can't get a refund and its too late to get the name changed on the ticket so he stands to lose close to 拢2000.

    Is there anything he can do? Is it the travel company's responsibility to make him aware of these things rather than just assume he knows?

    thanksAdvice on travelling to America with a criminal record?
    No it's his responsibility to know what is required although the travel agency has a responsibility to advise him of the newly introduced USA travel requirements under the visa waiver scheme.

    He need to file an online application and get travel authorisation in advance of his travel.

    He can do that on:鈥?/a>

    Get other advice here:鈥?/a>

    Please check out both the above and I suggest you read the www.britishairways one first

    If he fills in the online questionnaire, he will be advised of the next steps to take.

    The outcome will largely depend upon what the criminal record was for and whether he decides to declare it. If it was for something minor 20 years ago, will there still be records? The US government would have no knowledge and would not be able to find out, nor would want to unless there were special circumstances.

    If he was trying to emigrate there it would be different, but just for a holiday? Think hard before you fill in the questionnaire.

    Good LuckAdvice on travelling to America with a criminal record?
    Good luck. In addition to the other posts, more info at:鈥?/a> and鈥?/a>
    If he used a travel agent then yes they should have helped him apply for the Visa

    Im abc who hate america. wanna go live in taiwan. advice?

    cant write no chinese. can do basic conversational mandarin though. dont got nothing going for me but a computer science degree from ucla in a few years. what job opportunities for people like me got in taiwan? just wondering; not serious about going; will i be poor there? any better degrees more suitable? more curious than anythign. thnx; dont need to convince me to stay in america.Im abc who hate america. wanna go live in taiwan. advice?
    Believe me- you will DIE in Taiwan if you ';cant write no chinese'; and ';dont got nothing going for me.'; Why bother going?

    I disagree with nina, though. Taiwanese ';hard to befriend';? That's a new idea for me. Also, I'm an ABC whose English has NEVER been corrected. In fact, I corrected my cousin's English teacher, who treated me like an idol, because of my bilingual talent. Get real!

    If you are an ABC, you might as well become an English teacher in Taiwan. What you might want to do is do some serious brushing up on your English grammar and get a degree in teaching in Taiwan (which might be hard with your lack of knowledge about Mandarin- it's not as easy as you think, buddy). Perhaps you can marry a rich spouse.Im abc who hate america. wanna go live in taiwan. advice?
    People who are not happy in one place are not likely to be any more happy in the next place--they simply take their obstacles to happiness along with them.

    If you are unhappy in the USA because of the political situation, you will find there is plenty here in Taiwan to annoy you as well.

    Just because you are an ABC does not give you any particular advantage for jobs in Taiwan, especially if you can speak only rudimentary Mandarin and cannot read and write. In fact, for jobs as English teachers, there is a strong preference for applicants who are young and Causcasian. Employers frequently specify the gender of the applciants in whom they are in interested.
    Than you should come to Singapore than Taiwan caused you are american by birth and a chinese by race. But since you choose Taiwan, you should learn how to write and type in chinese before you go there, as its needed for you to actually find a job in Taiwan for anything to do with PC.
    Good bye, hate to see you go hehehe
    Don't come to Taiwan. There are already more than enough so called ABCs trying to swindle their way through life and the entertainment business through the use of their ABC status. Head to Singapore- maybe you'll land a teaching job there and help them improve their communication skills.
    I've lived in Taiwan. They are not that receptive to ABC's. they just tolerate them, unless you are in the entertainment business there is no place for you there. Firstly,you must speak and write Mandarin to land a decent job. they also think ABC's are more dim than a native Taiwanese and will also try to correct your English as they think they speak better English as they've heard Americans don't do well in school. Also, you will be bored in Taiwan as there is not much to do there except shop. Taiwanese people are not easy to befriend and they don't drink or go out much.
    If you can't read or write Chinese, you might as well forget the idea of living in Taiwan.

    Your English needs some improvement too......

    UK (nottingham) gal wants to go to south/central america on budget, advice?

    about flights there from where i am re. connections/campsites/money/places that aren't on the well-trodden backpacker's track.

    i'm quite concerned where the flights go from and to do so on the easiest route poss and cheapest. we;re planning for 2wks in Oct. we're not fussed about going to too many places just going to one country and travelling round. don;t know if our combined budget of 拢1500 is enough all incl.? buernos aires/rio de janerio are possibilties... we;re campers but i hear it's not worth going coz of the safety aspect, but dont want to go into hostels in case of theft you hear about..UK (nottingham) gal wants to go to south/central america on budget, advice?
    you should get 'The Rough Guide to South America' and that gives you loads of information about where to stay, eat, things to be careful of etc

    Roughly 16k in debt with bank of america and need advice on whether they will sue.?

    Ok here is the situation. I had a 10K credit card and a 10k line of credit used about 7k on each add late fees etc..around 16k owed 5 months behind and minimums on each are more than what I make in a month

    (including if i worked overtime). I tried working with them and even got offers to reduce the amount owed by HALF but here's the kicker....every offer they threw my way they also denied because after we factored in rent, car note, insurance (second car note basically. and before you say anything it the cheapest i could possibly find) utility bill, food and gas (89% of travel is back and forth to work) I mostly wind up in the negative. hell they even asked me how i survive on a daily basis. anyway they left a message saying that this was my ';last chance'; to talk to them before its ';too late'; so assuming that it goes so far as me getting sued what are my options? btw bankruptcy cost and if i had the money for that i could have paid my freaking bill. Last note before you get up in arms about me not paying in the first place fyi the first time i was gonna be late on a payment (by 1 week) i called ahead of time to let them know and they basically said tough shat not our problem and screwed me over with interest after over 4 years of flawless payments now they wanna be all buddy buddy but its too late.Roughly 16k in debt with bank of america and need advice on whether they will sue.?
    Make NO mistake they WILL sue at that level of debt. Creditors are going to court for aas little as 400 dollars anymore.

    ';btw bankruptcy cost and if i had the money for that i could have paid my freaking bill. ';

    If you need to file BK then find a BK attorney who will take payments. Many do as they know you have no money to begin with. Depends on the chapter but their fees can be thrown in the mix. Call around and find one!Roughly 16k in debt with bank of america and need advice on whether they will sue.?
    The amount is just too large.

    Debt collection usually deals with smaller amounts.

    They may make a court judgement against you and garnish your wages.

    Make any payment you can to them to delay this process. Making an effort to pay each and every month will delay the process.

    It seems you are in a serious debtor predicament. If you default at this level of debt, they will certainly sue and likely prevail.
    They won't sue. But if you default, they sell off your debt to a collection agency. It hurts your credit. And unless you work out an arrangement with the collection agency then will annoy you in every way possible to get some sort of payment out of you.

    However, the collection agency may be more flexible in working out an arrangement with you than Bank of America (BOA) was. If you had $16,000 debt, BOA may have sold you're debt to a collector for $8,000. The collector now only has to get more than the $8,000 out of you for them to make a profit so they will be more flexible. (Note: I'm just using these numbers as an example. I have no idea what percentage collection agencies usually pay when they buy up debts.)

    If you go into bankruptcy, then that will put a halt to any harassment from creditors but it will be up to the bankruptcy judge to decide who get's how much of what they're owed. If you have very little left over after you pay you're monthly living expenses, then bankruptcy is probably the best option.
  • skin cream
  • I'm thinking of going to America, but need advice please?

    I'm a young guy from london england, and really want to go to live in new york for at least a few months next year. And i know i'll love it there, but i also really would like to spend time traveling across America and see outside the big cities. The thing is whilst i'm sure rural America has lovely people in it and stuff, i have been put off because like you always see these crazy God types from these places on TV with like the most narrow minded views ever and loads of guns everywhere and everyone like all super duper conservative, none of which is really my thing!

    So do you reckon i should just stick to big places, or do you think i could enjoy some rural america, without being scared of being shot for not believing in God?

    Am i just being stupid? if so does anyone recommend good places in rural America? I'm thinking of going to America, but need advice please?
    You are totally wrong, America is a great place to visit as long as you are respectful and smart, see all the interests place to see in'm thinking of going to America, but need advice please?
    if you want to see some nice rural areas while avoiding the redneck theistic bumpkins, stay away from the south unless you're in a big city. those nutjobs are the reason the rest of the world thinks we're all stupid.

    Howard County, Maryland is one of the nicest rural areas in the whole country. i highly recommend it.

    also, visit Philadelphia. it's a great city.
    don't believe everything you see on tv, 90% of the country is not like that. in fact you'll love rural america, like ohio and indiana
    Come to california its way better than new york!!(:
    You are being stupid, but stay in England. We have to many sissy's in the 'big places' as it is.
    Mogo- Thanks, but you're wrong. Some very prominent people come from the South. Though, Georgia may not really be considered the ';Deep South'; or ';Country';, we have some hicks, and quite frankly it is the hicks that ruin the South, but not America as a whole. there are PLENTY of ';non-smart'; kids throughout America, so you can't just blame 1 place in America, that's stereotyping. Now, seeing as I grew up in the South, I was offended by this. Seeing as I am one of the smartest kids in the state (acording to my counseler and SAT papers), we are not all dumb hicks. In 7th grade, I made a 1530/2400 on my SATS w/o having to study. That was enough to get me into college. Many times i was offered to skip a grade, but I declined. In my Junior year, I made a 2180/2400, around the average or better than most ivy league schools. However, I'm putting this aside to answer this question.

    I live in a very small town known as St.Marys, GA, the 2nd oldest town in existance in America today (Which I reccomend, it has so many nice non- brand name resturaunts and shoppes, and the people are very nice.) ,with St. Agustine being the first. Most people are religious, but you will NOT, I repeat NOT get shot for not believeing in God. 2 of my very good friends don't believe in God or any god for that matter, and their parents, nor them have gotten shot yet. I would start out in the big cities first and work your way down because, well, the air is cleaner here (It's called oxygen). But, that's what I'd do.
    You got some good answers, but you need to know that you cannot stay in the U.S. for more than 90 days under the visa waiver program. You can stay as long as 6 months in a one year period if you apply for an B-2 tourist visa thru the american embassy. When you visit different places, just be patient, tolerant, listen to other people's views, say, '; that's interesting.'; Don't argue or push your opinion...just listen and nod and be pleasant. I am an American living in Mexico, and find it is often best when I encounter people withtotallyy different outlooks, to just nod and comment on that being interesting, but not to engage in arguing or saying things that may cause the other person to become defensive. One good thing about traveling is that you get to meet different people with different views...and as time goes by and you think again about what they may modify your views....never know. Traveling really can broaden your mind and give you a better understanding of other people.

    South America vacation-18 days-advice?

    What places should we go? We are independent travelers. We have 18 days and some cash on hand. We want a nice vacation but we don't want to run around like freaks who only take pics and move on. Quito must be on the agenda. A flight or two within South America would be ok. Any suggestions?South America vacation-18 days-advice?
    Chile, Chile, Chile!

    Beautiful country. Santiago is cooling down a bit weather-wise. The Lakes district is truly memorable. Reasonably priced.

    If Ecuador is a must, try booking a Galapagos excursion.

    Need help with research paper on America's debt! Advice not asking for you to do it!?

    Ok so I need to write an 8 page research paper on americas debt. In the Intorduction I need the background, problem statement, purpose statement, amd scope. Then 3-5 body topics, and conclution: Summarizes key ideas, stresses why the topic is important, leaves a lasting impression on reader.

    I was thinking about haveing my three body topics being the reason why debt in america is so bad:

    1) Credit cards

    2) Natinal debt (Bad example for citicens)

    3) Our life style

    4) ?

    5) ?

    If you could help me come up with 1 or 2 more topics and maybe some sources that would be awesome ; ). Any other help you could give me would be greatly appreciated also.Need help with research paper on America's debt! Advice not asking for you to do it!?
    4. Outsourcing products ( foreign made products sold in the us)

    5. offshoring of jobs to different countries.

    Good websites鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    I just did a paper like this one for my Gov. Class in college- I got a good grade because this stuff is like a big topic of discussion when talking about us economy.Need help with research paper on America's debt! Advice not asking for you to do it!?

    I used ';Credit Solution'; to settle my debt and improve my credit score.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58% .It's legitimate.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:

    If you could give the youth of North America just one piece of advice, what would it be?

    I know I have used this before as an answer but I really feel they are good words to live by.

    What you do for yourself dies with you, it is what you do for others that can live forever.If you could give the youth of North America just one piece of advice, what would it be?
    follow me, damn it!If you could give the youth of North America just one piece of advice, what would it be?
    Question everything.
    Watch your cornhole.

    Don't ask your parent's for money once you turn 18.
    Repent of your sins and ask Jesus to come into your heart, find a Bible based church and become actively involved. Tell others about Jesus.
    You are not alone. Treat everyone as you want to be treated yourself.
    don't listen to your will be one one day...and you want to have plausible deniability...

    You must stay in school. It is also important to party. SO, party at school!
    learn to duck, your government is making you the most hated nation in the world, and no it is not envy there are plenty of countries that have a higher and better standard of living than you now
    Appreciate what you have, because it won't always be on a silver platter for you or even there at all!
    Don't let others lead you into thinking that you are screwed up due to your parents. It will forever chain you to them and keep you from attaining happiness. What you are and how you feel depend on You alone once you're old enough to stand on your own two feet.
    Remember that history repeats itself and all great empires must one day fall.
    Don't spend more than you earn.
    Wear sunscreen!

    I want to live and work in America?? Need some advice?

    Im a 17 year old biritish citizen and would really like to live in and work in America. Ive been there a few times before and know that is what I would like to do, however do not know what the first step is that I should be taking, in order to make that happen.

    Im unfortunate in the sense that I still do not have any idea what I want do career wise yet, so Im in an office trainee job at the moment doing admin work etc. This is not what I want to do on a permanent basis, but is just to gain some work experience and bring in an income.

    How would I be able to make this possible? As i do not know where to start. Please can you also suggest some career paths that I could take or what my next step should be?

    It seems like a real longshot at the moment but I know it is where I want to live and work so want to try and make it happen. Thanks for reading!I want to live and work in America?? Need some advice?
    You will have better chance getting hired by US Employer and get workers visa or green card when you have high skilled job that is in demand, such as high technology, science, medicine.

    Here are the categories of Employment based immigration to US. E1 has more chance of getting green card easier and sooner than E2. And E2 still has more chance than E3. E3 has long wait from 5 to 10 years.鈥?/a>
  • skin cream
  • What advice do you wish you could give America's youth?

    get right with God in other words get Saved.

    Jesus Saves lost sinners. Jesus Saves me in 1995

    at Deck Valley Baptist Church

    I am ready to die when it is time for me to die

    everyone will die one day young and old

    Check out the website What advice do you wish you could give America's youth?
    educate yourself

    question the media

    don't believe everything you see or read

    inform yourself about world affairs

    spend only what you can afford to

    save for retirement

    when shopping, always ask yourself ';is this a want or a need?';

    show respect to others, and you'll be respected

    give back to the community

    be humbleWhat advice do you wish you could give America's youth?
    Put down the Mountain Dew, pull up your pants, get your head out of your a$$, and make the most of your educational opportunities, because some day you will have to support yourself and by the time that happens this country will have extremely limited opportunities.

    BE yourself

    RESPECT yourself

    DO NOT CHEAT yourself (MIND)

    FIND yourself WHY are you on EARTH?
    wait to have children until you are in a stable relationship and when your older and able to financially able to take care of them
    Focus on your education and don't get caught up in the whole boyfriend girlfriend thing, you've got your whole life to do that!
    Virginity only comes once, save it for someone who counts...
    Don't smoke cig Don't go to a bar room

    Don't do dope and used common sense
    continue your education after high school.
    boo hoo... get over it

    and that's coming from a ';youth';, if 17 is youth still
    You don't know what you have until its gone.
    Don't listen to the media and

    Don't give in to the man!
    Don't spend beyond your means.
    Don't drop out of school.
    There's a world out there. Go and see it.
    stay off the damned dope
    Take your only have one chance to be a child.

    I'm in America for the Summer and I need to get a cellphone. Any advice on which network I should go with?

    I'm looking for value for money here btw!!I'm in America for the Summer and I need to get a cellphone. Any advice on which network I should go with?
    Depends where in america you are staying. I know for a fact though that most people on the eastern shore New York down uses Verizon. I know most of the west and lower America uses Verizon too and I know that exeption to Washington and Oragen state the west coast uses Verizon too.

    Guess I'm saying get Verizon because chances are everyone else where you will be staying will have that network too. (Get a plan though if you go with Verizon because prepaid sucks.)

    But if you are going to do prepaid do Virgin Mobel because the have awesome perpaid plans.

    Hi, I'm an Asian male, educated, fun, good-looking. Need advice about America?

    Seriously, I'm in my 20s, American raised and everything and I've only had a few dates in my life and never had a gf. I'm confident in myself, flirt with girls I like and I always act cool when I ask them out. I believe there is still deep seated racism toward Asian guys in which we are not even given a chance to try. What's the deal? Am I bound to be single in America simply cause of my race? Frustrated and confused that I can't even be myself, a real catch....Hi, I'm an Asian male, educated, fun, good-looking. Need advice about America?
    I hate it when Asian guys feel like this. I hate how they are treated, because I personally see them as the hottest race of men on this planet. I am a white girl, and I find even average Asian men very attractive. It sounds like your an awesome guy. I am sure that you will find a girl whether she is Asian, or an Asian Loving Non Asian Woman such as myself. Just let women know you are into dating, and make the first move... show them you are romantic. : )Hi, I'm an Asian male, educated, fun, good-looking. Need advice about America?
    Racism. The beast that continuously slows the growth and maturity of America down each and everyday. While you'll find numerous people who won't accept you for who you are, there are just as many people who will. Rather these people be black, white, latino, indian of any other race, there's always acceptance of races somewhere. To get a girl, simply be confident and believe in yourself. Though this may sound slightly childish, dress in clothes that you feel confident, and tell yourself you can do it. Believe it or not, there's a girl out there waiting for you, you just have to look. Best of wishes.
    I am American and I have to tell you stay away. They look down on anybody educated here, especially foreign educated. Now there are positive aspects to America. Asians demanded respect and they have got it in America, they are the most successful group after whites.

    There is the negative asian little man stereotype in America, which is one of the negative aspects of America I have told you about.
    Beautiful black girls are interested in Asian guys. My girlfriend is black. They're way better than white, latin, and asian women. They don't see you for your race (although they are highly attracted to asian men), and they are tons of fun. They face so much racism in this country, and the media tries to make black girls look bad when they are great. And they are SO exotic looking, try a black girl.
    No thats not true. look around before you say anything racism. YOU will find someone. i think you need to try some new tactics on getting your catch. Maybe you need to go to some new places, and hop on the internet, and start looking. just be patient, im sure you are frustrated in trying to look for someone special. maybe you just havent found someone special and you will!!! im sure if i were single, and i met you, i would be open to dating you. Im not racist. but, if you really look around, you will see how color are not issues here in America. we date and marry different genders and races.....We have no issues with Asians where did you come up with that? just be patient and try some new tips on sure you are a catch....bless you in your search and good luck. happy holidays.
    Dude, im asian too, same problems and stuff (i think im not as good looking o_O';). Anyways, you are not alone. You don't have to be single anyways. I mean, there are two 'mericans who like me, but people pick on meh b/c of my race DX. I just say in my head f**k them, and i just be myself. I belive racistism shoud stop. I think we should have more ineratial (cant spell that word XD) babies. Anyways, you won't be single 4ever. JUST BE YOURSELF. Remember, ***whoever hates you becuase of your race, and if they are friends or gfs, they dont really like you***
    I have many Asian friends who are in their 20s also. Just be yourself and you will find a girl who is right for you. That being said however, nothing is more attractive to women than confidence in yourself. When a guy exudes confidence, women will flock to him!
    Dude its all about the game. Also if your suggesting that their is a deep seeded racism in America with women against Asians, you would be mistaken. I have not seen any evidence of such.
    do you live in a small town??? People for the most part could care less about race. Go to college, just keep pressing on. Go somewhere where theres more people. The right girls will want you to be yourself ....
    Are U Jack the one that graduated from high school 2 years ago

    The one who worked for the senior yearbook for ur class of 07

    And had art 6th period of ur senior year
    nope. not trying to be a douche or anything, but this is true: if you were mexican then i would undestand the ';racism'; thing.. but EVERYBODY knows that EVERYBODY loves asians!
    I know a lot of Asian guys who have girlfriends or are married...

    If you can't get/keep a date, your ';dating skills'; aren't as good as you make them out to be. No?
    Get yourself a nice car.. go bar and club hopping with your male buddies.. hit up some house parties.. be yourself and don't try too hard.. and you'll be okay.

    Just socialize and make your presence known!
    i agree with love me or hate me GO ON A LOVE WEBSITE

    if not who cares wait for them to come for you if not just enjoy your life with ya mates.

    it depends are you only trying to date one particular type of girl? if so then you are the one restricting your options.
    Yeah they're is a lot of racism toward Asians. its stupid. but not all girls are like that.i think asian guys are hott =]
    i've personally dated 3 asians, i have a thing for them. lol. you'll find the one.
    i got two thing for you dude lower expectations and find a dating site
    toshi? you better email me if its you, you know who it is
    2 words for yo my man

    be yourself and keep doing what you're doing

    I am going to America soon,is there any advice that an earnest young Scotsman like myself should follow?

    One thing about us Americans is, our looks tell you everything,

    If they look like a dumb-*** they are, avoid these people... most likly a Redneck, or crazy Yankee.

    If they look like gang banger they are or wannabes AVOID!!!

    Accents are cool here so no worries.

    Americans have a very open culture, you shouldnt have a problem

    Try to avoid talking bad of how America is in the world now. Some may understand, and be ok but we still get very defensive even in the wrong sometimes

    If you have the cash go to an NFL game(baseballs over) so it the closest thing you can get. you will never forget it. one of the most American things you can do, other than a baseball game.

    ask for the best hotdog place in the town your staying at, get you 2.

    nothing beats an american hotdog, every countries they may all seem the same but they are all different(I know)

    if you want an american desguise buy a Yankee baseball hat and BAM your american. LOL

    Eat some apple pie.

    go sight seeing.I am going to America soon,is there any advice that an earnest young Scotsman like myself should follow?
    I wouldn't say don't wear a kilt. I mean, he's right that there are a lot of ignorant and intolerant people here who wouldn't understand. But I've had friends that have worn kilts and no one bothered them about it.

    Just make sure to wear underwear (bloomers) under the kilt, lest the police arrest you for indecent exposure if the wind kicks it up.

    Do not drink and drive under any circumstances, especially if you're not sure where you're going because you aren't familiar with the territory. If you drive erratically because you're looking for somewhere and you get spotted, they will do a sobriety test on you. Automatic lock up.

    As far as worrying about your safety, it depends on where you are. If you are anywhere near the Mexican border in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, or California, you'd want to be aware of horrific drug violence as of late. If you are in major cities you'd want to be aware of where the gangs are so as not to cross with the wrong people. Keep an eye open for carjackers and whatnot.

    For the most part, the States are pretty safe. Just be friendly and be yourself and you'll meet similar in return. I am going to America soon,is there any advice that an earnest young Scotsman like myself should follow?
    Don't wear a kilt. Americans (for the most part) are remarkably intolerant.

    Don't play bagpipes. With the exception of a few (myself included) most Americans think the sound of bagpipes is like the sound of two cats fighting in a sealed bag.

    Other than that, you should be fine. Our cultures are similar enough that you won't have to adjust much, if at all.

    Plus, the ladies (and some of the guys!) will absolutely love your accent!

    Good luck, and a safe flight!
    1)use your accent alot. people seem to love and respond to that well.

    2)drive on the right side of the road.

    3)dont drink and drive

    4)eat some apple pie

    5)people are more snobby over here no matter how pathetic they are.

    6)there are plenty of hicks and a lot of overweight people. get used to it.

    7)there are no chavs over here.

    8)dont get caught up in drugs. it happens alot.

    9)dont get caught giving your friend a piggyback ride during the national anthem underneath the flag pole at a game. believe me it can happen and its akward.

    I made out with a Scottish transfer student before. He was hot!


    Yeah, just be yourself. Don't try to change yourself to fit in here too much. I'm assuming you're coming either for education reasons or just for a visit. Just enjoy your time and don't worry about what people think. Some Americans can be very full of themselves.
    I wish that you were more specific. Are you talking about safety issues, vacation or something else? what part of the country are coming to? are you moving here, or just visiting?

    Judge people of different races individually, not as they are sterotyped to be.

    Oh and stay away from republicans or those goofy McCain supporters.

    ...wear condoms love...

    I wanna move to America. Any advice? please?

    I'm 16 and I'm graduating this year, thenI'm going to college in Moscow and then I want to move to the USA and live there.I've been an exchange student in COlorado last year and I really liked it. I also have lots of friends and my host family in CO and I love America and I hate my own country cause it's horrble to live here, our society is not democratic and our rights are not secured. I can't be not in America.please give me some advice, I would really appreciate your help, thanks. StacyI wanna move to America. Any advice? please?
    The easiest way is to marry an American citizen. If you have American friends ask them to help you find love with an American.I wanna move to America. Any advice? please?
    This is true. My Russian girlfriends tell me Russian men are terrible and Russias dual economy is just awful. Contrary to what they tell you in Russsia you do not need to pay a dating service.. you can just hunt by interest on the yahoo directory or use yahoo personals to find some one.

    Report Abuse

    well stay out of trouble totally,moscow isnt good to immigrate from,i tried to get my finacee over from there before she turned out to be totally screwey.

    get a host of representative,someone to stand for you for at least seven years. the marriage laws have changed in the us, we can bring a foreign wife in but then we are responsible for them as long as they are in the country,which could be forever, so until that changes husband wife deal may be cut into some what if they know the new laws.

    thre are waivers for entry to us and special categories for entrance, become a dr of medicine, transfer tto the us and work for the us government for seven years.... clear citizenship represented by the us government :)

    drop a note to me @ YAHOO.COM
    try going on line and looking uo the embassy for your country to the US. They can help you with paper work that you might need. you can go for a student visa to live there. a work wisa, though those are harder to obtain. Just google Emabassy to the United States and look for your country. They are alot of help. It helped me obtain the info i needed to move to another country. good luck!
    Get advices from American Embassy or Consulate in your area. They will explain more legal details professionally.
    ';our society is not democratic and our rights are not secured'; neither are ours. money, youll need to get lotsa money. get married, apply for citizenship, claim exile...
    Stacy, study up on the Constitution - I'm honestly not sure about the contents of the citizenship/naturalization test, but I think you have to know some things about the amendments and some basic facts concerning the government. My source link is a Google search containing various links with such information, and some have fairly simple practice tests.

    If you're anything like what I hear about most newly naturalized Americans, then by the time you pass the test, you'll know more about the Constitution than most native Americans. Good luck and I hope you make your dreams come true!

    (And I can see why you loved Colorado - I lived in Denver for 2 years and the scenery is beautiful.)
    Lot of people want to after they have been here. Get your educational visa and take subject work that we need. My former German teacher came here on visa and got a doctorate on American history. America has plenty of history teachers and there is no need for American history teachers in Germany. Our govenment wants to deport him. We dont need teacher we need people who will do jobs no one else will. Good luck and we have plenty of room for you.
    I dont know why you say that about russia its really a great country !but if you wanna do so you'd better try some websites like: or the under construction site called

    and absolutely the best choice is to have correspondence with your favorite university in the U.S. and try to get invitation and educational visa to study but when you finished your study,you should apply for American citizenship ofcourse that is not going to be that easy.(but if you are really somebody when you have finished university dont worry they don't let you go!!)

    and you say you got someone in U.S. and that'll be a reall chance for you !and things will settle faster!Why?
    Why not try applying for a scholarship grant there. You may get the info from their embassy's website.
    Go to the US embassy in Moscow. They can give you information. Also you can get a visa to go to college in America. You can check on that too.
  • skin cream
  • Looking for advice about sleepy towns in America. I'd like to move to a small, clean one. Any suggestions?

    depending on what kind of work you do any town in New Mexico is great. the 4 corners offers a great variety of towns in Co %26amp; NM. there are different ones in each corner, and what is sleepy to you?Looking for advice about sleepy towns in America. I'd like to move to a small, clean one. Any suggestions?
    Warenton, Va; Pembroke, Ga; Harrington, Del; Titusville, Fl; Mims/Scottsmoor, Fl; these are all towns that I have been in and they are considered small, clean, ';sleepy'; one.Looking for advice about sleepy towns in America. I'd like to move to a small, clean one. Any suggestions?
    I think that any small town is a nice one I live in a small town in Sunbury, Ohio I love it that people are nice and it is clean and kept that way...
    There's a guide called ';Places Rated'; or something like that, that ranks places by various criteria. There may even be a website.

    I am a U.S. citizen preparing to marry an Indian citizen here in America...I need advice!!!?

    My sweetheart is coming from India to here on a B-1 visa and we plan to get married here in America. What procedures do we have to follow for this? What documents are needed? We only plan on living in the U.S. together for 2 years and then move to India permanently, but during the 2 years we want him to be able to work. How do we get him work authorization? and can he live here legally after we get married? Please...we need advice. Thanks!I am a U.S. citizen preparing to marry an Indian citizen here in America...I need advice!!!?
    You really need to speak to an immigration attorney.

    You can find general answers to your questions online at the websites for the INS and the State Department, but you need to talk to someone who specializes in this area of law in order to fully understand what you need to do. You don't want to make ANY mistakes, and it's totally worth paying for a lawyer just to make sure you do everything correctly. The US government is not very forgiving about mistakes in this area, I assure you.I am a U.S. citizen preparing to marry an Indian citizen here in America...I need advice!!!?
    Getting married on a B visa is legal. Trying to stay is prima facie evidence of visa fraud! 10 years federal prison each and deportation and lifetime ban for him. Usually they just deport the alien and ban them for life. You may just have to go with the K-1 if you want him to stay here.
    I married an Indian but not from India and she was granted a work permit immediately after getting married. But I understand laws have changed since 9/11.

    Your best bet is to consult an immigration lawyer. You might find free advice on the Homeland security website.
    Using tourist visa as fiance visa is Visa Fraud. If you file him for K1 Fiance visa and marry him in US, then file AOS. He will get work permit when you file I-751 along with I-485.鈥?/a>
    if u are a natural american citizen, then when you marry someone from another country they automatically become american citizens. it's naturalization 101. once he marries you, he doesn't need a visa.
    Big mistake, a B-1 is a visitor's visa. A B-1 visa allows him to visit the US and then return to India. In theory he can get married here but it would violate the terms of his visa making him subject to removal. With a B-1 visa he cannot work, he cannot stay beyond the length of the visa, and cannot change his statuts. Any application made to extend his visa based on the fact he married an American citizen or to change visa status due to he married an American Citizen while on a B-1 visa will be rejected do to the fact he intentionally concealed material facts from the immigration officer upon his application for the visa. I believe the correct type of visa he needs is either a K-1 or a K-3 visa which must be issued before he enters the US. Best advice I can give is speak to an immigration lawyer as the last thing you want is your new husband walking out of your home in handcuffs and facing a 10 year ban from the US because he is here illegally due to getting the wrong visa.
    ..I suggest you marry other race such as black or mexican here in u.s it would be better that way instead of bring in your own people in the country. We are currently facing economy meltdown and high unemployments. Are you marry him for money and wealth or cast system crap you guy have within your culture.