Friday, April 30, 2010

Have Europeans already followed Bin Ladens advice? Europe(as a continent) is no ally of America.?鈥?/a>

-If you ask me, I would say that Europe has already turned its back on America. They did it 7 years ago. No one is surprised in America. Are they in Europe?Have Europeans already followed Bin Ladens advice? Europe(as a continent) is no ally of America.?
Hey! Even Liberals in America are also against America.

I am not surprised.Have Europeans already followed Bin Ladens advice? Europe(as a continent) is no ally of America.?
When Europe takes the advice of a mass murderer, it means only one thing: there are too many moslems in Europe
Decode this lyrics '; Little green apple';

In following the dead Mummy risen up from the graveyard with cheap-skate ghostly stories?

With two hands stretching out?

Creaking with skeleton of skull and bones?

Eerily wailing in ghostly kitchen's dialect with ghostly and deadly words?

Blindly searching the way back to the graveyards?

In bringing all the little ones,own children, own generation and living human kind of all tribes of different community along too?

Who lost his way back to the pyramids in Egypt?

Luke 9.55-56

When someone left the road sign pointing towards the pyramids of Egypt in the hotel rooms on the ceiling?

Ever wonder what does the dead Mummy do rocking the bed in the hotel room?

Ever wonder how can a hotel room be a place of worship?

It's quite embarassing with all the cheap-skate ghostly stories out there.

Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

What do you think?
I think not yet but If President Bush is reelected, many Europeans will try to make the European Union a rival superpower to the United States.Led by French President Jacques Chirac, they will find the main justification for further European integration in counterbalancing what they see as irresponsible, unchecked American power.
Most Euros/Commonwealthers are bigoted morons like Run Lola. They were supposed to make a decision on what their part would be on the ';global war on terror'; -- not a war *for* Americans, an issue the whole planet is trying to deal with, and then they blame Americans, instead of their leaders who put them there. They blame the US for friendly fire which happens in every single war. They're still blaming us for 'coming to the war late' and 'putting them in debt'. We're 'obnoxious tourists'. We're 'fat'. They encourage hatred constantly for Americans and then just say we don't understand their 'sense of humor'.

It's no wonder this world is so hate-filled and at war. They never 'had' our backs. ';Ray is back'; has lived with them and I lived with them pre-Iraq and nothing's changed, except through global communication Americans are seeing nonAmericans, especially the British, for what they really are.
Well i would say that more than following Bin Laden's advice, the europians were smart enough to realize who the actual enemy of peace was!
For the record, I don't think whole continents can be allies, only countries. And, British soldiers (the UK is part of Europe) die fighting because they're allies with The States, so the answer to the question would be no. To be honest, The US has turned it's back on it's allies by entering an unjust war.
The French are now looking towards the USA as indeed UK always has and always will, in spite of the rhetoric, the snarling and spitting and all the rest of the family feud etc. Here in UK we call it having an opinion and no matter how crap that opinion is, it has got to be expressed and in no matter what, at the end of the day most Brits like to maintain a good relationship with America but somewhat at arms length. We know the Yanks are plotting something, but what? Meanwhile, we on this side of the Pond are never short of a plot or two of our own. Trick is to try and maintain the secrecy.

Pro-American old soldier British Army 1957-1965 and UK Pensioner.
Have you spent time with the Brits or the euros it is unbelievable what they say about us But no they have not turned back they talk about us they enjoy any news that puts America in a bad lite Just kick over to the U K site It well take you about one min to see what I'm talking about But keep in mind a short time back half the world wanted too destroy us and had the means to do it These clowns are a cake walk We are Americans and they are not

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