Wednesday, April 28, 2010

WORLD CITIZENS: If you could give America one piece of advice, what would you say?

Thanks for sharing.WORLD CITIZENS: If you could give America one piece of advice, what would you say?
A country built on revolutionary traditions should not be afraid to change and embrace progress. Don't let the nay sayers convince you their reactionary and narrow minded view of what the US should stand for is what defines America. Truth be told they're the same folks who were British loyalists back in 1776.

Proud Americans, true patriots in the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, let no one stop you from taking your rightful place in the world socialist revolution.

Together we can bring the change our world so desperately needs and end this irrational for profit system that exploits the masses for the benefit of the privileged few

Let's do this before capitalism kills us allWORLD CITIZENS: If you could give America one piece of advice, what would you say?
Thanks. You know what I like

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I would say, stop interbening in world affairs and stick to domestic, you don't even have a united populus, how can you expect to ';lead'; us if you squable amongst yourselves.

Thanks for sharing?

Sharing what exactly, Global Warming.

Yea thanks for you extreme co2 and sulfur output, thank you we really needed that.
Well, regardless of those playing games with semantics, I'm both a US and a world citizen.

My advice to my countrymen would be this: first, focus on making a living and not a dollar; second, stop believing in popular lies because they make you feel good; third, learn what socialism is or stop using public roads; and fourth think of the future, STOP reproducing.

Good question. We kind of have a who's who of ignorant posters on here: comments about Obama, how we don't pray enough and best of all people who've never left the country and who know nothing about the world trashing Europe. Little did I know that our military keeps Europe safe. Too funny.

I guess my last bit of advice to my countrymen would be to learn something, like unbiased history
I'm American and if i could give advice to my own country it would PROBABLY be stop being so ';we are the greatest country in the world!'; attitude and also work on getting healthier food in this country its completely disgusting how much crap is in our food.
Put an end to greed, even if you have to punish a few people to do it.

Also, get with the rest of the industrialized world and join the 21st century, for cryin' out loud!
STOP Acting as the Judge of the world , giving yourself the right to interfere in other countries internal Policies and then we' might get along fine
I think you meant Denizens. A citizen is subject to a body of authority, and there is no ';World Government'; present at this time.
Keep doing what you're doing. Thank God Europe has the United States military to use a shield, we wouldn't know where we would be with out United States funding our little socialist fairyland.
Good work. You picked the right guy for the job, or at the very least the best available option. Now quit your bitching and let the man work.
Watch your back.Many powerful civilizations have fallen over the history.
What's a world citizen? Like people who aren't American?
Take care of your own before trying to take care of everyone else. Get your own house in order.
We are one race, 'The human race' fear breeds bigotry, so get educated and acquainted (cool it rhymes)
Take care of yourself first, Help the rest of us when you can, Don't meddle in the politics of other countries.
Stop telling us how great you believes yourselves to be. We've heard enough already.
How about this. STOP SPENDING!!! You Yanks are what started this economic mess.
come and visit us, but never bring your democracy.

You keep your tired, hungry and people yearning to be free, just send us all your money
Pray for the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every area of your country:-)

Or...come back to God
Stay away, we like you but please let us solve our own problems. Thanks.
This world is in a sorry shape. I would tell them to repent of their sins and turn to God.

This world needs God. and it only takes one person to step up and change the world...And we need to get Back to God, Before he sends his wrath upon us.
Do Americans go to other countries forums and talk ****? why are all the yahoo forums flooded with people talking **** from other countries?
Since the U.S. is a sovereign nation, we don't have to give a crap about what they think. In fact, it's that kind of meddling that has gotten us into so much international crap.
We are slowly becoming socialist country
Get that guy out of the White House and replace him with a REAL American!!

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