Friday, April 30, 2010

At what point did the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders?

It's incredible their wisdom and foresight at times.

Jefferson said a mouthful here;

';If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.'; Thomas Jefferson

and I think it applies to what is going on in America right now, we have so much knowledge available yet arrogantly choose to ignore and take it for granted. Our system is failing because it worked so well to provide for people who abuse it in my opinion. What a disgrace.

Jefferson: ';Information is the currency of democracy.';

Seems to me that we're broke, and our proverbial currency has lost it's value.

All that from That guy on the $20 bill, amazing.At what point did the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders?
History repeats itself and our leaders suck at history.At what point did the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders?
Our founders probably understood that 250 years later America would be very different. I wouldn't ask them advice about powdering my wig because I don't wear one... so while I think they have a lot of precios wise gems I won't expect a modern nation to be chained to everything that the founders mandated. As a matter of fact, they even knew that times would change so they made the Constitution a evolving document by allowing a process to amend it at any time.
First off, it's Alexander Hamilton on the 20$ bill. Second, we've probably considered the founding fathers' words to different extents, and interpreted them in different ways throughout History. Most Liberals aren't really crazy about the 2nd Amendment, and if you believe every adult American Citizen should have access to a firearm, then you'd probably be considered Conservative. Were they really completely infallible?
1776, the colonies were founded by English pilgrim fathers who most wanted to spread Puritanism and Calvinism to people who had never been oppressed by foreign powers. The revolutionaries of 1776, (that would now be called terrorists and insurgents) had zero consideration for what the original settlers would have wanted and you know it!
January 20th 2009 is the point that the United States of America stop considering the advice of it's founders.
LONG ago..
I hear you!

Watch what THOMAS PAINE says about it with this link, he too says we are giving away what was given to us:

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