Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bank of america dropped from 16.20 to 14.58 please advice?

I am new to stock investing and i bought 1000 shares of BAC when they were 16.20.Now they have fallen to 14.98 i am almost getting a heart attack please advice to sell or continue to hold? any good future predictors or credible analysts out there?I dont want to loose all my money when it goes all the way down to zero.Bank of america dropped from 16.20 to 14.58 please advice?
Investing in the stock market is NOT for the faint of heart. Stocks always go up and down in big leaps, sometimes daily. Watching the markets daily is bad for your heart.

That's just the way it is.

What you really need to do is ask yourself if BOA is going to survive long-term. If you're sure that they are, don't worry about it. You've purchased a blue chip, and you're likely a lot safer than if you had invested in some unknown company or a company in a volatile, competitive market.



The trend for BOA over the last 10 years shows that they were hit pretty hard over the last 18 months as a result of the recession (as were all banks). They reached highs around $50 per share and bottomed out around $2 per share in March.

The short term trend (this year) seems positive. They've been recovering over the last 6 months. You bought in at a pretty high price for the year. The price started dropping mid-October, and you missed most of the crisis. The entire market dropped Friday as a result of press releases on the economy, and that may be part of the reason your price right now is not so great.


Future performance:

Ask yourself what you see in BAC's future? Are they in danger of going under or are they buying up other banks? Do they have mediocre cash flow (or better)? Are they posting earnings or breaking even?

If you find no reason to panic, I wouldn't sell.

If you panic regardless of the news, I would suggest you sell as soon as you recover your purchase price and take up basket-weaving. You'll live longer.Bank of america dropped from 16.20 to 14.58 please advice?
If you want to lose 10% of your money then sell at $14.58

If you want to lose 20% of your money then sell at $12.96

If you want to lose 30% of your money...

If you are almost getting a heart attack when you lose just a few cents per share then maybe you should invest in T-Bonds.

BAC is currently (As of 12/31/2008) the 35th MOST PROFITABLE company in the United States of America with at least $4,000,000,000.00 USD in profits every year.

All you have to do is check their profits for Q1 2009, Q2 2009 and Q3 2009 and if they are more than last year then everything is fine and it is unlikely your money will go all the way down to zero.

Berkshire Hathaway and GE are also banks and they make more money than BAC and they are also more diversified.

A reduction in profits by itself is not enough to sell a company. I only make this sugestion because you seem to actually think BAC could lose money. They have been lending money since 1904


If you need somebody monitoring your investments 24/7 so you won't lose your shirts then maybe you should contact us.

Few companies in the world will make money this year but it seems BAC will be one of them.

If things get rough they can always open banks in Mexico (They charge credit cards with 50% of interest) or Brazil (They charge credit cards with 100% interest)
First off, BAC is a good company that I own shares in (full disclosure).

I think the stock will be a $30 one in 18 months. I think that $13 is a value that we will see before then, however. The economy hasn't recovered yet (regardless of what politicians say) and there is a lot to be done.

You could use some money to cost average down into BAC if it does reach a threshhold that you set (maybe $14, maybe $13, maybe $14.50) -- and that's up to you.

Either way, I think you made a smart buy if you are patient.
Start doing some research into options and leaps and how they are used to hedge against stock volatility. It will be better for your heart, the first guy forgot to tell you that LOL. You don't have to take up basketweaving if a little education can change you into someone who deals more calmly with stocks.

But yeah, one word- HEDGE!

Oh and btw if you turn into a frequent trader you should switch to a low fee broker if you are with one of the more expensive ones. Sogo charges only $3 a trade:鈥?/a>

Now, if you are new like me that sort of helps because it doesnt pain you so much when you do a LOT of trades. Other brokers charge you $10 or over per transaction so my point is that you can take advantage of the low fees and hedge yourself by diversifying your portfolio into more than one stock and also hedge yourself with puts and calls. Try doing some research on LEAPS and reading about options. That is a must if you want to be an investor.

Hit amazon and look for 5 star reviews on books. and get this book on options:

Option Volatility %26amp; Pricing: Advanced Trading Strategies and Techniques by Sheldon Natenberg.

And one last word of warning, never never buy and sell the same stock in the same day more than three times a week. It's the PDT rule.
I would sell your PUTS of BAC when they go lower. For smart people use stop losses, or PUT their own company.

Why would you buy on a market top? We are in an economic collapse right now and the house of cards is falling. Gerald Celente has told us truth, which is what CNBC will not give you.

If you did not PUT BAC yet, that will protect you from further big loses, and selling now is not a bad idea.

Another play is to buy some FAZ to protect your BAC, because when the financial system falls, FAZ will double, triple or even better as it is highly leveraged.
Why did you buy it in the first place? To hold long term? To try to make a quick trade? You should always have your reasons thought out in advance before buying any stock. Volatility and stock markets go hand-in-hand; that will never change.
If you plan to hold this stock and cant handle the down turns, I suggest you go see a doctor.

Need some advice on how to outline my speech. titled '; why america is the worlds policeman.?

i am currently working on it right now. if anyone would please be nice and help me asap i would greatly appreicate itNeed some advice on how to outline my speech. titled '; why america is the worlds policeman.?
It depends what this is for (school, what?), how many works you intend on citing, as well as what your take it on this?

First get your audience together. Who are you talking to? Who is your target audience you want this to appeal to?

Next, figure out your stance and why you are doing this speech. Use more than ';it is for a class.'; The way you have the topic/title phrased it sounds like this is purely an opinion speech instead of logical, thought out debate. Instead of relying on your emotions to drive you, you need to focus on the facts.

Next, you need to look at your time length. Is this a 5 minute or 5 hour speech/lecture? Are you using a slideshow? What?

Next, you need to do your research. You need to do more than just use your own opinions. Find UNBIASED facts and use them instead of spouting off opinions of people. A few opinions of scholars are fine, but don't focus your entire speech on that.Need some advice on how to outline my speech. titled '; why america is the worlds policeman.?
America, from my point of view,

is legalistic: both good and evil.

As such it's more oft terror-ist,

as Moses' law in Deut 34:12[

than any officer of the peace.

America has no peace to offer,

neither at home nor abroad.

Over 25% of America is mentally ill,

according to a Harvard Medical survey.

America has the most violence of all nations,

and also the most violent weather of nations.

Rod of iron rule of law does not make peace.

Peace is the absence of law worketh wrath.

Conclusion: chanGe the title of your speech
First talk about rogue cops.

Seriously, sounds like you want a speech about the steady growth of American power, influence, and hubris since World War II. Maybe a third on the world conditions, a third on why we grabbed the job, and a third on why other countries let us.

Or, just talk about rogue cops.
There is one important thing to remember when talking about government and the world. That is, no one governs the world. Anarchy runs the show. You're not going to get far if you talk of the United States being police officers. Police officers have rules and law they need to obide. What you should refer to the United States as is a hegemon. Write why America is a hegemon and how one who practices hegemony may be interperated as a police officer (more accurately a philanthropic thug).

Explaining HOW instead of WHY makes for a much better speech with less bologna.
This is something I believe in, so I believe I can give you a few main points for your outline.

The world is a big, tough, nasty neighborhood and needs a big, tough cop on the beat. The point of this rather humorously stated sentence is that the world is inherently anarchic. That point leads to other observations.

Anarchism is inherently unstable. Power vacuums get filled, usually by very, very nasty people. Here you have your choice of nasty tyrants from the ages, especially from the 20th century.

When you have a choice, go with the kinder, gentler power. Use the British Empire as an example. They were tough, occasionally brutal, but on the whole much nicer than the competition back then

America is by far the wealthiest, most powerful (in all sense of the word) state, nation, empire (what have you) in the history of the world. If we don't do badly needed world police work, no one will.

America is also the most free, democratic state that ever had this kind of power. World leaders might not like to admit it, but behind closed doors they're very glad that America is walking the beat. What makes them nervous is any hint of what they see as rising American neo-isolationism.

I'm sure you can come up with your own points and supporting arguments.

Good luck.

Im 18 years old and live in belfast. Im really considering moving to america or canada for a while!any advice?

Canada is more like Europe in their attitudes and in other ways. It depends on what kind of an experience you are looking for. America is not 100% the same wherever you go. You will have a far different experience in the Southern US than in New York or Los Angeles.Im 18 years old and live in belfast. Im really considering moving to america or canada for a while!any advice?
the government website for canadian immigration is

Its a long process unless you have immediate family already here or special skill set in demand.

You can get a work permit allowing you in ';temporarily'; but for that you need to find a job from outside first and then apply for permit.. JOb engines here;

You can visit for up to 6 months at a time without any permits in so long as you don't work while here.Im 18 years old and live in belfast. Im really considering moving to america or canada for a while!any advice?
If you want a european style city, go to Montreal, Canada, or you could even go to Toronto, Canada's biggest city, in Canada you don't worry about you or your kids being shot up in the classroom by a crazy gunman, and you don't have to worry about healthcare, because everthing here in the hospital is free.
I live in Canada and my friend is from Belfast. it is much easier to move from the UK to Canada (because we're all the same) than it is to move from the UK to the USA.

it's up to you. I have lived in the USA and I have lived in Canada. Personally I prefer Canada but it's up to you!
Check out whether they will let you in. Go to :-

This has an on-line test as well as lots of other helpful advice, it covers both the USA and Canada (Australia and NZ as well).

If you can't get in there is no point in considering where.

Ian M
Well as long as you haven't: Robbed, rapped, shot, killed (For no good reason)- WELCOME TO CANADA, enjoy your stay and if don't forget to bring your fishing rod..lots of fishing spots ;-)

Stay where you are.

There are no jobs here in Canada for most immigrants.


Just stay put for now.
Do it. Bt flights and stuff are pretty expensive. and you'd have to apply for a green card. and other stuff
America, New Jersey
i %26lt;3 MA

I JUST IMMIGRATED FROM ASIA (SINGAPORE) TO AMERICA. how do i fit into my new high school? any advice?

im afraid i will not be able to fit in and all. i dont have the accent and people probably already have their own cliques and friends to hang out with. how am i suppose to fit in?I JUST IMMIGRATED FROM ASIA (SINGAPORE) TO AMERICA. how do i fit into my new high school? any advice?
One of my friends was in the same situation. She came from Singapore, has a general American accent and went to high school here in the US.

I say don't worry about fitting in and indulge in every minute that you stand out. Everyone else is worrying about fitting in!

Be friendly and approachable. Try to seek out the crowd that's most beneficial to you. Also, taking classes that interest you the most (which I'm guessing you've already done) will most likely draw you to people with similar likes and dislikes. Also, take extracurriculars! Be it cheerleading or yearbook or the newspaper or some sport, you're bound to make lots of friends!

I think during the first day, lunch is probably the hardest part. Not knowing where to sit and all. You'll get through the day and the rest of your high school years! Be sociable and pleasant and just be yourself. I believe the goal of high school and probably every other experience in life is not to fit in but to be as productive and to learn (in ALL aspects) as much as possible.I JUST IMMIGRATED FROM ASIA (SINGAPORE) TO AMERICA. how do i fit into my new high school? any advice?
Who escorted you to this earth?

Who counseled you on how to cope with the weather, mother, and father?

Were you able to speak, read, understand... even express? other than just cry?

You needn't worry; be your natural self and react to the circumstance positively.

You will be a success.

Good luck
dont worry..u will get the accent very fast..TRUST friend was from asia too..and the third month she's in highschool..she can get the accent very fast!~ n the amazing part is..she dont watch tv..this is how she manage:

juz say hi to everybody

be close with ur teacher

be smart..coz everybody will like u..

make sure everytime during lunch..u have somebody with u so that u can keep on practising ur language..

join all the activities..

join the sports..there sure u will have friends..

go to esl class..
Make some good close friends, and hang out with their clique(s). Chances are, if you like them you'll like their friends. And, yes, be yourself and wear what you think looks cool, not what people say looks good... as long as it won't get people thinking about you the wrong way, if you get my drift.
ah! I'd love to live in Singapore for a few years!

Anyway, in high school, people will usually ask you where you're from and just stuff about you and once they find out you're from a whole different continent, they get really interested and then, just be yourself. You'll make friends in no time!
Every person is asking this same question as you in high school! Be yourself!
learn how to drive a car correctly and get freedom.
dont worry. youll be fine! belive in yourself
the funny part is that everyone else in your highschool is asking the same question. showup keep to yourself the first day or so and see who you want to be friends with. the rest will just flow.
I am from Taiwan and when I just came here for highschool I was scared too...but it's fine...

First of all...see if your school has an ';Asia Club';, if you do join it.

It doesn't matter if there is an Asia Club or not...first of very friendly to all the doesn't matter if they speak Chinese or not...As long as they are Asian, ask them if you can eat lunch with them, be friendly to them...if they forgot a pen lend them a pen.

Asians will help Asians in America because of the ';Asian Pride';.

I made friends with all the CHinese in my school...and I'm also starting to know more Koreans and Phillipinos...try to make as much Asian friends as you can...preferbally..find the smart ones with good grades...becuase they will help you if you need help on school and problems when you are applying for college...

Making friends with Asians of all ages (younge and older or same age as you) in your new school will make your American life much easier.
be yourself

Are there groups of iraqi's living in america who can offer advice to a fellow iraqi on migrating to america.

Lots. As people have already suggested, one of our largest Iraqi communities is in Dearborn Michigan. You should be able to google organizations.Are there groups of iraqi's living in america who can offer advice to a fellow iraqi on migrating to america.
There are many Iraqis living in Michigan. Contact one of them there.Are there groups of iraqi's living in america who can offer advice to a fellow iraqi on migrating to america.
You'll need phone books from Michigan.
  • blush
  • I need some advice from Samy about my hair.despierta america/samy hair stylist?

    I am 74 years old some time back I had some hair loss started taking Biotin, but I did not see much difference. I had my hair cut kind of short so it would look better but for some reason my hair is not getting long so what can I do now? Please answerI need some advice from Samy about my hair.despierta america/samy hair stylist?
    Well just use all the shampoos like i do!!!itz gr3at!!!Trust me u will luv it!!!but use the ones u really need not all :D!!!and do as they recomend u!!!I need some advice from Samy about my hair.despierta america/samy hair stylist?
    that was really rude old lady

    Report Abuse

    Call Samy's hair salon in Florida.

    I'm planning a trip to S. America. I have a few places in mind. Does anyone have advice? How bout Costa Rica?

    Advice like, Do's and Don'ts and maybe some hot spots to visit?I'm planning a trip to S. America. I have a few places in mind. Does anyone have advice? How bout Costa Rica?
    Costa Rica is Central not South America.

    San Jose is a wonderful city, just have fun.

    Yours: GrumpyI'm planning a trip to S. America. I have a few places in mind. Does anyone have advice? How bout Costa Rica?

    Presenting an adventurer's paradise, Belize: Mayan temples tower above rainforest canopies while an incredibly colorful array of marine wildlife find protection in Belize's Great Barrier Reef. Join us in Belize!

    Every destination in Belize has its share of archaeological and national parks, marine and nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries. Each of these protected areas is packed with opportunities for adventure.
    In South America, don't miss to visit Guayaquil, Ecuador. You won't regret it. If you love adventure go to Banos and El Oriente, you will find nature at its best. Good Luck
    There are links to Tourist sites for Costa Rica and Belize below.

    Nicoya Peninsula

    Volcan Arenal

    Playa Tambor

    Isla Tortuga

    Monte Verde

    Monte Zuma

    San Jose (just for 1 night or 2)

    Jaco Beach

    Manuel Antonio Beach.

    Isla San Lucas.

    Pantera Rosa

    Im sure other people can think of some more places.
    Costa Rica is an amazing place to visit. There is so much to do, but my favorite is surfing and hiking in the rain forests and cloud forests.
    costa rica is supposed to be very nice and tourist friendly. I might go soon as well.
    If you want to go to South America, be sure not to miss Argentina or Peru. Buenos Aires and Cuzco are not to be missed.

    Costa Rica is in Central America, as Belize. Both are great places.

    Do's: always carry your passport with you. Keep it in a safe place. Don't leave it in any hotel // Carry toilette paper wherever you go //

    Don'ts: don't wander alone to dark or solitary places. // If you feel something weird--- Run!

    Go to COSTA RICA!!!!

    active volcanoes, golf, diving, fishing, paragliding, dolphin and whale watch, Coco Island adventure, turtle nesting, rainforest and cloud forest, plantations and processing plants of coffee, sugar cane, banana, and many others, cultural cities, caves, monkeys, bird watching, beautiful beaches, adventures like canopy and rappel, quads, indigenous reserves, typical rural festivities, gondolas suspended in the canopy of the trees, mangrove tours, flower plantations, horseback riding, boat tours at dusk, hanging bridges over the rainforest, butterfly farms, orchid farms, church ruins, mountain biking, hiking tours, white water rafting, frog ponds, national parks and wildlife refuges, crocodiles, waterfalls, kayak tours, good food, fun nightlife, kind people, romantic getaways, hot springs and much more.
    Costa Rica is safe. Go visit the Volcanoe area and Manuel Antonio National Park . . monkeys on the beach in the tropical jungle.
    well, i am colombian and it would be a joy if you visit my country, being honest is not that dangerous, just go to good places, its beautiful. about cost rica, i have heard its really beautiful, so good luck

    I need some advice with moving to America (schools, money ect).?

    Hey guys,

    I currently live in the UK, but I am planning to move to America to go to University. I will be moving there when I am 18, and have quite a few question. First of all, I won't be needing a passport, as I have an American passport due to my dad being american.

    What I really want to know is:

    - Could someone explain how the University system in America works?

    - How do I go about selecting courses at an American University?

    - What will I need to have all planned out to ensure that I can move over there with ease?

    - What is student life in America like compared to the UK?

    Thats all I can think of at the moment, but any other advice would be really helpful!

    Thanks in advance guys!I need some advice with moving to America (schools, money ect).?
    As the grandfaher of recently admitted USD student -

    You need to apply well in advance (like one year) especially if seeking scholarship. You can easily contact any and all University webites for details. Most admintances are based on academic standing, otherwise athletics, and currently volunter or otherwise community service.

    Most American University's start you in required basic general education courses in order to allow you select you future career interest.

    Best source for making it easy, is searching and deciding on school of choice, then pursuing website for answer to most questions, including accomadations et al.

    After many travel and contacts to/in the U.K. (and many years ago)

    I would compare U.K. schools as much like U.S. parochial schools

    (possibly a consideration for you) - much more disciplined.

    Whereas U.S. is very open minded, especially with regard to college

    students. Check out my University below:

    Looking for advice on moving to America from UK!?


    My husband and I would love to move to America with our three children. We have spent some time there and just love so many things about the country and the people.

    We both have degrees; I have also just completed my PGDE (Primary) teaching qualification and my husband also has a Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management. I am soon to start teaching and my husband is a manager in a hospitality environment. We would be looking to move no earlier than two years time (probably a good thing given how long these processes can take)! Just wondering if anyone could advise us as to how transferable our skills would be in America and what sort of job opportunities (if any) there might be for us?

    Any advice at all would be gratefully received.

    ThanksLooking for advice on moving to America from UK!?
    You are going to need to be sponsored by an employer to get a work visa. You can forget about getting a green card through the lottery because it's a diversity lottery and Brits aren't eligible.

    My suggestion would be look for a job in the UK (ASAP) with an US company or a UK company with US offices, after a few years with an excellent track record, look for an internal transfer to the US.

    With your skill set, it would be virtually impossible to have a company sponsor you off the bat.Looking for advice on moving to America from UK!?
    The teaching and hospitality fields are wide open in this country and you should have no problems in making the transitions. With the teaching degree you may have to certify in the state you are going to, but that will not be much of a problem with two years to research it. Same goes for the visas and such.

    The US is a large and diverse culture of people, it's many countries and cultures in itself and choosing the right location is critical for your happiness. The cultures are very different in every state and region of each state. What you see on TV and in the movies is not a fair and accurate description of reality here. You get way too much East Coast philosophies and maybe the laid back Hollywood California stereotype and not enough salt of the earth Americanism.

    We are over taxed with little to show for it in medical care, infrastructure and education. We have lost many of our freedoms in years past we have been known for throughout the world. Yes, this is the land of opportunity with plenty of opportunity to fail, so be prepared. It is a very competitive country with many opportunities if you seize them. It sounds like you are willing to go for it. With risk come great rewards.

    Originally I am a southerner, from Elizabethtown Kentucky, but have moved around the country and the world being a retired Cavalry Officer. I now reside north of Cincinnati OH, in a suburb known as Westchester. The climate and weather is ideal having all four seasons none of which are drastically hot or cold -- just enough. The people are kind, conservative and honest in this region. The mid-west in general is that way.

    England or Great Britain (few will call it the UK) is viewed as a little stiff which yes, is a stereotype. But as far as stereotypes go its a positive one. Most Americans are grateful to the British for their friendship over the many years. When most countries seem to disdain us, the British will stand next to us, not always whole heatedly agreeing with us in every matter, but grateful that we are their friends. You will have no problems adjusting nor will your children. I have traveled the world and I have been posted to many parts of the world and next to fellow Americans the British ex-patriots were always a welcome sight. Don't know what it is but they just seemed to know how to adapt to other parts of the world like no other culture, yet keep what is British within them. You will do the same I am sure. Again America is diverse and we want to keep it that way. We allure the best and brightest to this country and benefit greatly from it. Its always been that way and hopefully it will continue so welcome to America when you are ready.

    Any advice on dating a Thai woman in America?

    She's 40 (single), I'm 42 (single). She married once, husband passed away years ago. Me, never married. She's new to America, (four months) has college degree and is currently in business (restaurateurs) with her 45 yo sister in a small midwestern town. She's cute, slender and looks great! She speaks little English but likes me. How should I handle her regarding dating and customs? Any suggestions? What should I expect?Any advice on dating a Thai woman in America?
    I thought about giving you a cutsey answer like ';Well, don't Thai her up.'; but decided against that. Talk to her and find out what kinds of things interest her. If you decide on a movie, make sure you don't choose anything that's too ';racy'; for a first date. Treat her with a great deal of respect an dattention. If you know her sister, you might want to talk to her and see what would be considered ';inappropriate'; as the customs she is used to may be quite different from ours. Show her the manners expected of an American gentleman (open her doors, hold her chair, things like that) If you have enough time before the date, you might want to learn a couple of Thai phrases like ';please'; and ';thank-you';, ';hello';, ';goodbye'; to show her that you understand the language difficulties Have fun.Any advice on dating a Thai woman in America?
    Just talk to her and find out
    Expect whatever her nationality and customs require of you but make sure you have a bottle of antacids on you at all times. Their food'll kill you if you're not used to it.
    Ok this information is coming from a Thai women so I know about our customs. On the dating part just ask her to go out on a date like any other women. Make it romantic if you like but not to over the top. You should expect nothing different from a thai women then any others. She does not speak clear english then know that you have to be patient and do not rush a conversation.Good luck and most of all have fun.
    If you care for her by all means, do what you need to do, just keep in mind a few years of chatting with these american women, things will change.
    the BEST advice is BE YOURSELF that way she gets you not something made up or a role youll have to practice or put on every time youre together,,,you cant be anyone any better than yourself...i know shell love %26amp;respect that..
    Treat her with respect and ask her to let you know if anything makes her uncomfortable. America can be overwhelming I would imagine; everything is new to her here. Just be kind and considerate and it will be fine.

    And tell her your friends here welcome her to the US! In fact, set her up an account and we can counsel her on how to handle you :-)
    Are you racist? You should be treating EVERY WOMAN you meet or date with the same respect It doesn't matter what race, creed or coluor a woman is, she wants a man to be polite to her, to respect her and her family, to take things slow and to be a gentleman. If you act like this, she will appreciate you. Good luck.
    Thai woman has no obvious difference from any other women.If you r looking into customs side, Asians women are not that comfortable with silly sex-jokes especially when you just get to know each other.Its better to skip sex part in your convo on the initial stage.Its obviously you care alot for this previous answers,be-yourself,patience , %26amp; good luck.
    Just be yourself and go for it.. Lucky so and so..

    Advice on moving to america :) from england?

    hello :)

    we are two 18 year old english girls hoping to move to america next year in the summer of 2010, but the only problem is we have no idea where to begin planning !!!

    we understand that we will need visa's etc so we can work out there but we dont even no which city we want to move to, we were thinking california but now we're not to sure !

    so please if you can we need as much information as possible on what it is like living out there ( cost of living etc ) how to go about renting out an apartment and overall how we can begin to plan our big move !

    it will be so much help, thanks :)Advice on moving to america :) from england?
    Hate to break it to you this way, but you've less than a zero chance of being granted an arbitrary visa. However, and to indulge your fantasy, check out the link below.

    On the other hand, you could both find yourself some mucky American guy on here, chat/cyber for a while till you've blagged their heads into marrying you, then apply for a visa under the guise that you'd then be their spouses.Advice on moving to america :) from england?
    I'm not sure exactly how to answer this question. I currently live in California and it is amazing. I too am from England but moved here under different circumstances. I married an American. I think for you that will be the only way that you will be able to move here unless your work moves you here.
    Unless you plan on going to university here, it's all but impossible. You can visit the US visa free for up to 90 days under the Visa Waiver Program. You can apply for a travel visa which would likely last 6 months. Under these 2 options it would be against the law for you to work. As was noted above, go here:鈥?/a>
    OMG! you are so lucky you live in england! ive always wanted to go there!! london that is. well i live in florida.. ive been to california its nice, if you do end up going bring lots of shorts!! how is england?? i wanna move there
    you should DEFINITELY move to California, i obviously live here lol its Amazing. The weather is basically perfect all year round especially if you move down south.

    i hope this helps. :)
  • blush
  • Advice on moving to america from the uk?

    okay guys heres the deal

    i'm fifteen at the moment and after i finish college at eighteen in the uk i'd like find a way to move to america.

    now i know that its a really hard thing to do and ive been told the best way to go about it is to get a 3 year visa and go out there to find a place i want to live and get a job lined up so that when i apply to move i can show that i'll actually be doing somthing useful with my time over there, is this right?.

    Basically any information or advice you guys can tell me would be greatly appreciated :)

    xoAdvice on moving to america from the uk?
    At fifteen it's ok to aspire to it, but when it comes to being 18 you'll soon realise it's a lot tougher than you think. It's hard on an 18 year old to move out of home in the UK when all they have is A levels; by going to America you are entering an entirely different country.

    Have you considered university? I really suggest you go, unless you have absolute faith that you will not come out with a good degree. You could always apply to American universities, although it is usually more expensive. I know you might not want to go to university, but think about it; your salary will be much higher and have a greater standard of living, you will be well educated and articulate which can help you through life, you can find out about the place you are attending university (for example you could live in New York for the 4 years you are studying), giving you a feel for the place. I would consider it.

    If you went to university in America, you could always apply for a visa to stay out there.

    It will be much harder than you think, and you will need a lot of money to support yourself. The best thing to do is stay in the UK, save money as you work, and move later; your money will be worth a lot more as the pound is stronger, although I do understand that you just want to get over there as soon as possible.Advice on moving to america from the uk?
    There is some good advice already in those answers. Living in another country is not like visiting or being on holiday. So you should never decide until you have lived in a place and the idea of being an exchange student is a good one. As is taking a Post Graduate University course.

    I know of several who have tried it abroad and returned also others who have gone and would never come back.

    At least you will have the freedom of choice if you get a decent education behind you.

    Canada might be easier to get into than US. I know it snows a lot but they are truly nice people and it could be worth giving the idea a little thought.
    Why don't you try coming here as an exchange student for a semester or two and that will help you learn more about the US. Then you can decide what region, climate, etc that you like and see what the job market is like in that area.

    This site might help. Otherwise, ask a counselor at school what programs are available.鈥?/a>
    It's harder than you think !

    How are you going to support yourself ? (NO welfare state !)

    Where are you going to live ?

    How are you going to pay the rent ?

    Do you have a skill that is in short supply in america ?
    Think about taking a graduate level course in the US. It would give you a year or two to live in the US and pursue some other options for staying.
    Due to the fact that your still only fifteen you still have a long time to decide. It's a huge decision to make now. In some years to come things may change.

    When you turn 18 and if you still want to move to the States, get in touch with someone who would be willing to employ you (that isn't easy, as you will need skills that not many people have) they will then sponsor you, the same goes if you have a close relative who lives in the US. You will also need efficient funds. Check out that will give you the information that you need. I hope this will help you.

    Good luck

    Advice on going to america?

    I plan to go to america but I have never been out of my country before and dont know where to begin. I dont want to do a tour or anything and I dont want a fixed time limit, I could be there for a month or maybe much more. i plan to go to a certain area in america to improve on my sports which isnt popular in my country. I know this is basic detail but where do i start? Will I need a Visa? What about if I happen to stay there longer than I thought - Can I get a job? Will I haveto fill other forms out to do this?

    any advice or any links to pages on the internet with any details would be awesome. to me this is weird territory and havent done anything like this before but I really want to learn as much before I dig in to deep and get stuck.Advice on going to america?
    Don't worry. You must get and EAD which is a job certificate so you can do a job in America. I have had experience in America for nearly 8 years. You will need a Visa and a passport. You will have to fill other forms for neccessary purposes. Look in for more information!

    In order to be a citizen, you must be 2 things:

    a- have a Green Card

    b-14 years resided in USA

    c-pass citizenship test about US historyAdvice on going to america?
    When ever you travel into the United States you must have a visa or a passport if nothing else but identification purposes.

    You can go to any city and ask about any sport and can be guided in the right direction. You want to stay longer than your visa allows you then you must renew your visa and see how long or if you can stay in the US. There are great cities in the US, you must choose one and start there.
    try this link, it should help

    Advice on nannying in America.?

    I know this is a bit of a random question but I'm studying education and english in the UK at the moment, I'm actually English myself, and I've pretty much spent my summer applying and failing to get crappy jobs. I've decided that next year will be different and my dream is to spend some time in New York City. As I'm studying to be in education I thought it would be an excellent idea to maybe spend the summer nannying, maybe in NYC! I was wondering what qualifications I have to have to do this, I have good experience of looking after young children as my mother is a childminder, I have volunteered in playschools and primary schools and I often nanny for my mothers clients. Has anyone done this? Has anyone had an English nanny in America? ANY advice would be welcome!Advice on nannying in America.?
    Well, don't forget you'll need to get the proper visas and work permits, etc., too.

    I would suggest you contact The Nanny Network website as they seem to have a big directory of placement agencies and referral services, etc., and offer advice to both nannies and the couples who hire them, so they'd probably be a good place for you to start.

    Good luck, and the link below is to their webpage, and to the website of the US Department Of State Visa agency, too...Advice on nannying in America.?
    I would go right to the source. Try posting the same question here:

    And set up the gig for next year ASAP.

    I want to live and work in America?? Need some advice?

    Im a 17 year old biritish citizen and would really like to live in and work in America. Ive been there a few times before and know that is what I would like to do, however do not know what the first step is that I should be taking, in order to make that happen.

    Im unfortunate in the sense that I still do not have any idea what I want do career wise yet, so Im in an office trainee job at the moment doing admin work etc. This is not what I want to do on a permanent basis, but is just to gain some work experience and bring in an income.

    How would I be able to make this possible? As i do not know where to start. Please can you also suggest some career paths that I could take or what my next step should be?

    It seems like a real longshot at the moment but I know it is where I want to live and work so want to try and make it happen. Thanks for reading!I want to live and work in America?? Need some advice?
    You will have better chance getting hired by US Employer and get workers visa or green card when you have high skilled job that is in demand, such as high technology, science, medicine.

    Here are the categories of Employment based immigration to US. E1 has more chance of getting green card easier and sooner than E2. And E2 still has more chance than E3. E3 has long wait from 5 to 10 years.鈥?/a>

    Advice on travelling to America with a criminal record?


    my uncle booked a holiday to America about 3 weeks ago to see some relatives, however, he has a criminal record from about 20 years ago and didn't realise that this would be a problem as he's never done anything like this before. He was told he needs to contact the American embassy for an interview to get a Visa but the next one available is in June and his flight is in April. He can't get a refund and its too late to get the name changed on the ticket so he stands to lose close to 拢2000.

    Is there anything he can do? Is it the travel company's responsibility to make him aware of these things rather than just assume he knows?

    thanksAdvice on travelling to America with a criminal record?
    No it's his responsibility to know what is required although the travel agency has a responsibility to advise him of the newly introduced USA travel requirements under the visa waiver scheme.

    He need to file an online application and get travel authorisation in advance of his travel.

    He can do that on:鈥?/a>

    Get other advice here:鈥?/a>

    Please check out both the above and I suggest you read the www.britishairways one first

    If he fills in the online questionnaire, he will be advised of the next steps to take.

    The outcome will largely depend upon what the criminal record was for and whether he decides to declare it. If it was for something minor 20 years ago, will there still be records? The US government would have no knowledge and would not be able to find out, nor would want to unless there were special circumstances.

    If he was trying to emigrate there it would be different, but just for a holiday? Think hard before you fill in the questionnaire.

    Good LuckAdvice on travelling to America with a criminal record?
    Good luck. In addition to the other posts, more info at:鈥?/a> and鈥?/a>
    If he used a travel agent then yes they should have helped him apply for the Visa

    Im abc who hate america. wanna go live in taiwan. advice?

    cant write no chinese. can do basic conversational mandarin though. dont got nothing going for me but a computer science degree from ucla in a few years. what job opportunities for people like me got in taiwan? just wondering; not serious about going; will i be poor there? any better degrees more suitable? more curious than anythign. thnx; dont need to convince me to stay in america.Im abc who hate america. wanna go live in taiwan. advice?
    Believe me- you will DIE in Taiwan if you ';cant write no chinese'; and ';dont got nothing going for me.'; Why bother going?

    I disagree with nina, though. Taiwanese ';hard to befriend';? That's a new idea for me. Also, I'm an ABC whose English has NEVER been corrected. In fact, I corrected my cousin's English teacher, who treated me like an idol, because of my bilingual talent. Get real!

    If you are an ABC, you might as well become an English teacher in Taiwan. What you might want to do is do some serious brushing up on your English grammar and get a degree in teaching in Taiwan (which might be hard with your lack of knowledge about Mandarin- it's not as easy as you think, buddy). Perhaps you can marry a rich spouse.Im abc who hate america. wanna go live in taiwan. advice?
    People who are not happy in one place are not likely to be any more happy in the next place--they simply take their obstacles to happiness along with them.

    If you are unhappy in the USA because of the political situation, you will find there is plenty here in Taiwan to annoy you as well.

    Just because you are an ABC does not give you any particular advantage for jobs in Taiwan, especially if you can speak only rudimentary Mandarin and cannot read and write. In fact, for jobs as English teachers, there is a strong preference for applicants who are young and Causcasian. Employers frequently specify the gender of the applciants in whom they are in interested.
    Than you should come to Singapore than Taiwan caused you are american by birth and a chinese by race. But since you choose Taiwan, you should learn how to write and type in chinese before you go there, as its needed for you to actually find a job in Taiwan for anything to do with PC.
    Good bye, hate to see you go hehehe
    Don't come to Taiwan. There are already more than enough so called ABCs trying to swindle their way through life and the entertainment business through the use of their ABC status. Head to Singapore- maybe you'll land a teaching job there and help them improve their communication skills.
    I've lived in Taiwan. They are not that receptive to ABC's. they just tolerate them, unless you are in the entertainment business there is no place for you there. Firstly,you must speak and write Mandarin to land a decent job. they also think ABC's are more dim than a native Taiwanese and will also try to correct your English as they think they speak better English as they've heard Americans don't do well in school. Also, you will be bored in Taiwan as there is not much to do there except shop. Taiwanese people are not easy to befriend and they don't drink or go out much.
    If you can't read or write Chinese, you might as well forget the idea of living in Taiwan.

    Your English needs some improvement too......
  • blush
  • UK (nottingham) gal wants to go to south/central america on budget, advice?

    about flights there from where i am re. connections/campsites/money/places that aren't on the well-trodden backpacker's track.

    i'm quite concerned where the flights go from and to do so on the easiest route poss and cheapest. we;re planning for 2wks in Oct. we're not fussed about going to too many places just going to one country and travelling round. don;t know if our combined budget of 拢1500 is enough all incl.? buernos aires/rio de janerio are possibilties... we;re campers but i hear it's not worth going coz of the safety aspect, but dont want to go into hostels in case of theft you hear about..UK (nottingham) gal wants to go to south/central america on budget, advice?
    you should get 'The Rough Guide to South America' and that gives you loads of information about where to stay, eat, things to be careful of etc

    Roughly 16k in debt with bank of america and need advice on whether they will sue.?

    Ok here is the situation. I had a 10K credit card and a 10k line of credit used about 7k on each add late fees etc..around 16k owed 5 months behind and minimums on each are more than what I make in a month

    (including if i worked overtime). I tried working with them and even got offers to reduce the amount owed by HALF but here's the kicker....every offer they threw my way they also denied because after we factored in rent, car note, insurance (second car note basically. and before you say anything it the cheapest i could possibly find) utility bill, food and gas (89% of travel is back and forth to work) I mostly wind up in the negative. hell they even asked me how i survive on a daily basis. anyway they left a message saying that this was my ';last chance'; to talk to them before its ';too late'; so assuming that it goes so far as me getting sued what are my options? btw bankruptcy cost and if i had the money for that i could have paid my freaking bill. Last note before you get up in arms about me not paying in the first place fyi the first time i was gonna be late on a payment (by 1 week) i called ahead of time to let them know and they basically said tough shat not our problem and screwed me over with interest after over 4 years of flawless payments now they wanna be all buddy buddy but its too late.Roughly 16k in debt with bank of america and need advice on whether they will sue.?
    Make NO mistake they WILL sue at that level of debt. Creditors are going to court for aas little as 400 dollars anymore.

    ';btw bankruptcy cost and if i had the money for that i could have paid my freaking bill. ';

    If you need to file BK then find a BK attorney who will take payments. Many do as they know you have no money to begin with. Depends on the chapter but their fees can be thrown in the mix. Call around and find one!Roughly 16k in debt with bank of america and need advice on whether they will sue.?
    The amount is just too large.

    Debt collection usually deals with smaller amounts.

    They may make a court judgement against you and garnish your wages.

    Make any payment you can to them to delay this process. Making an effort to pay each and every month will delay the process.

    It seems you are in a serious debtor predicament. If you default at this level of debt, they will certainly sue and likely prevail.
    They won't sue. But if you default, they sell off your debt to a collection agency. It hurts your credit. And unless you work out an arrangement with the collection agency then will annoy you in every way possible to get some sort of payment out of you.

    However, the collection agency may be more flexible in working out an arrangement with you than Bank of America (BOA) was. If you had $16,000 debt, BOA may have sold you're debt to a collector for $8,000. The collector now only has to get more than the $8,000 out of you for them to make a profit so they will be more flexible. (Note: I'm just using these numbers as an example. I have no idea what percentage collection agencies usually pay when they buy up debts.)

    If you go into bankruptcy, then that will put a halt to any harassment from creditors but it will be up to the bankruptcy judge to decide who get's how much of what they're owed. If you have very little left over after you pay you're monthly living expenses, then bankruptcy is probably the best option.

    I'm thinking of going to America, but need advice please?

    I'm a young guy from london england, and really want to go to live in new york for at least a few months next year. And i know i'll love it there, but i also really would like to spend time traveling across America and see outside the big cities. The thing is whilst i'm sure rural America has lovely people in it and stuff, i have been put off because like you always see these crazy God types from these places on TV with like the most narrow minded views ever and loads of guns everywhere and everyone like all super duper conservative, none of which is really my thing!

    So do you reckon i should just stick to big places, or do you think i could enjoy some rural america, without being scared of being shot for not believing in God?

    Am i just being stupid? if so does anyone recommend good places in rural America? I'm thinking of going to America, but need advice please?
    You are totally wrong, America is a great place to visit as long as you are respectful and smart, see all the interests place to see in'm thinking of going to America, but need advice please?
    if you want to see some nice rural areas while avoiding the redneck theistic bumpkins, stay away from the south unless you're in a big city. those nutjobs are the reason the rest of the world thinks we're all stupid.

    Howard County, Maryland is one of the nicest rural areas in the whole country. i highly recommend it.

    also, visit Philadelphia. it's a great city.
    don't believe everything you see on tv, 90% of the country is not like that. in fact you'll love rural america, like ohio and indiana
    Come to california its way better than new york!!(:
    You are being stupid, but stay in England. We have to many sissy's in the 'big places' as it is.
    Mogo- Thanks, but you're wrong. Some very prominent people come from the South. Though, Georgia may not really be considered the ';Deep South'; or ';Country';, we have some hicks, and quite frankly it is the hicks that ruin the South, but not America as a whole. there are PLENTY of ';non-smart'; kids throughout America, so you can't just blame 1 place in America, that's stereotyping. Now, seeing as I grew up in the South, I was offended by this. Seeing as I am one of the smartest kids in the state (acording to my counseler and SAT papers), we are not all dumb hicks. In 7th grade, I made a 1530/2400 on my SATS w/o having to study. That was enough to get me into college. Many times i was offered to skip a grade, but I declined. In my Junior year, I made a 2180/2400, around the average or better than most ivy league schools. However, I'm putting this aside to answer this question.

    I live in a very small town known as St.Marys, GA, the 2nd oldest town in existance in America today (Which I reccomend, it has so many nice non- brand name resturaunts and shoppes, and the people are very nice.) ,with St. Agustine being the first. Most people are religious, but you will NOT, I repeat NOT get shot for not believeing in God. 2 of my very good friends don't believe in God or any god for that matter, and their parents, nor them have gotten shot yet. I would start out in the big cities first and work your way down because, well, the air is cleaner here (It's called oxygen). But, that's what I'd do.
    You got some good answers, but you need to know that you cannot stay in the U.S. for more than 90 days under the visa waiver program. You can stay as long as 6 months in a one year period if you apply for an B-2 tourist visa thru the american embassy. When you visit different places, just be patient, tolerant, listen to other people's views, say, '; that's interesting.'; Don't argue or push your opinion...just listen and nod and be pleasant. I am an American living in Mexico, and find it is often best when I encounter people withtotallyy different outlooks, to just nod and comment on that being interesting, but not to engage in arguing or saying things that may cause the other person to become defensive. One good thing about traveling is that you get to meet different people with different views...and as time goes by and you think again about what they may modify your views....never know. Traveling really can broaden your mind and give you a better understanding of other people.

    South America vacation-18 days-advice?

    What places should we go? We are independent travelers. We have 18 days and some cash on hand. We want a nice vacation but we don't want to run around like freaks who only take pics and move on. Quito must be on the agenda. A flight or two within South America would be ok. Any suggestions?South America vacation-18 days-advice?
    Chile, Chile, Chile!

    Beautiful country. Santiago is cooling down a bit weather-wise. The Lakes district is truly memorable. Reasonably priced.

    If Ecuador is a must, try booking a Galapagos excursion.

    Need help with research paper on America's debt! Advice not asking for you to do it!?

    Ok so I need to write an 8 page research paper on americas debt. In the Intorduction I need the background, problem statement, purpose statement, amd scope. Then 3-5 body topics, and conclution: Summarizes key ideas, stresses why the topic is important, leaves a lasting impression on reader.

    I was thinking about haveing my three body topics being the reason why debt in america is so bad:

    1) Credit cards

    2) Natinal debt (Bad example for citicens)

    3) Our life style

    4) ?

    5) ?

    If you could help me come up with 1 or 2 more topics and maybe some sources that would be awesome ; ). Any other help you could give me would be greatly appreciated also.Need help with research paper on America's debt! Advice not asking for you to do it!?

    I used ';Credit Solution'; to settle my debt and improve my credit score.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58% .It's legitimate.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here: help with research paper on America's debt! Advice not asking for you to do it!?
    4. Outsourcing products ( foreign made products sold in the us)

    5. offshoring of jobs to different countries.

    Good websites鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    I just did a paper like this one for my Gov. Class in college- I got a good grade because this stuff is like a big topic of discussion when talking about us economy.

    If you could give the youth of North America just one piece of advice, what would it be?

    I know I have used this before as an answer but I really feel they are good words to live by.

    What you do for yourself dies with you, it is what you do for others that can live forever.If you could give the youth of North America just one piece of advice, what would it be?
    follow me, damn it!If you could give the youth of North America just one piece of advice, what would it be?
    Question everything.
    Watch your cornhole.

    Don't ask your parent's for money once you turn 18.
    Repent of your sins and ask Jesus to come into your heart, find a Bible based church and become actively involved. Tell others about Jesus.
    You are not alone. Treat everyone as you want to be treated yourself.
    don't listen to your will be one one day...and you want to have plausible deniability...

    You must stay in school. It is also important to party. SO, party at school!
    learn to duck, your government is making you the most hated nation in the world, and no it is not envy there are plenty of countries that have a higher and better standard of living than you now
    Appreciate what you have, because it won't always be on a silver platter for you or even there at all!
    Don't let others lead you into thinking that you are screwed up due to your parents. It will forever chain you to them and keep you from attaining happiness. What you are and how you feel depend on You alone once you're old enough to stand on your own two feet.
    Remember that history repeats itself and all great empires must one day fall.
    Don't spend more than you earn.
    Wear sunscreen!
  • blush
  • I want to live and work in America?? Need some advice?

    Im a 17 year old biritish citizen and would really like to live in and work in America. Ive been there a few times before and know that is what I would like to do, however do not know what the first step is that I should be taking, in order to make that happen.

    Im unfortunate in the sense that I still do not have any idea what I want do career wise yet, so Im in an office trainee job at the moment doing admin work etc. This is not what I want to do on a permanent basis, but is just to gain some work experience and bring in an income.

    How would I be able to make this possible? As i do not know where to start. Please can you also suggest some career paths that I could take or what my next step should be?

    It seems like a real longshot at the moment but I know it is where I want to live and work so want to try and make it happen. Thanks for reading!I want to live and work in America?? Need some advice?
    it's all about money here in the U.S. bring money with you to survive.I want to live and work in America?? Need some advice?
    Start by contacting INS (Immigration and Naturalization Services) in the Government, and find out what it will take to get a work visa (green card) here. I do think you need to be 18, but if you're a student, you might not have to. After that, it's combing the ads in the newspapers, or going to an employment office or temping agency to find out what you are qualified to do, and then working at it for a while until you gain experience. Then after a few years of that, you will be either (a) a naturalized citizen, or (b) having to go home because your green card will have expired, or (c) you will be able to apply for other jobs.

    There really is no set path for finding work here--it's hit and miss at the moment. Some jobs are more likely to be hiring here than others: the ones you probably won't get far in are in manufacturing fields. Schooling may be necessary to find the job you wish--either college or special trade schooling like computer repair school or electronics tech school. Most jobs train their employees who come into the firm as entry-level employees, but they do require a minumum level of education or experience even when they do.

    In office/clerical employment, you will be paid far less overall than in other fields. They tend to hire a lot of people who are very young and inexperienced OR at the other end of the spectrum, they hire people to supervise or be in charge of those inexperienced folks, and these have college degrees or equivalent experience.

    it would help more if you knew what field or fields you wanted to look for work in. It's a bit too general to try to answer any more of your question without knowing that.

    Good luck.
    America has become a no man's land for the average man. Come at your own risk.
    Hi. That's great. First get a passport, then get a working visa do all necessary paper work. While you are still in Britain continue to work. Maybe you can go on the computer and look at the

    Most demand of jobs that we have, if there is a paticular job then make sure you get training where you are or when you come to America. You might not get the job you like at first but that's ok you can work two and follow your dream of coming to America. America is the best place to live. Good luck %26amp; Peace

    I want to live and work in America?? Need some advice?

    Im a 17 year old biritish citizen and would really like to live in and work in America. Ive been there a few times before and know that is what I would like to do, however do not know what the first step is that I should be taking, in order to make that happen.

    Im unfortunate in the sense that I still do not have any idea what I want do career wise yet, so Im in an office trainee job at the moment doing admin work etc. This is not what I want to do on a permanent basis, but is just to gain some work experience and bring in an income.

    How would I be able to make this possible? As i do not know where to start. Please can you also suggest some career paths that I could take or what my next step should be?

    It seems like a real longshot at the moment but I know it is where I want to live and work so want to try and make it happen. Thanks for reading!I want to live and work in America?? Need some advice?
    Start by contacting INS (Immigration and Naturalization Services) in the Government, and find out what it will take to get a work visa (green card) here. I do think you need to be 18, but if you're a student, you might not have to. After that, it's combing the ads in the newspapers, or going to an employment office or temping agency to find out what you are qualified to do, and then working at it for a while until you gain experience. Then after a few years of that, you will be either (a) a naturalized citizen, or (b) having to go home because your green card will have expired, or (c) you will be able to apply for other jobs.

    There really is no set path for finding work here--it's hit and miss at the moment. Some jobs are more likely to be hiring here than others: the ones you probably won't get far in are in manufacturing fields. Schooling may be necessary to find the job you wish--either college or special trade schooling like computer repair school or electronics tech school. Most jobs train their employees who come into the firm as entry-level employees, but they do require a minumum level of education or experience even when they do.

    In office/clerical employment, you will be paid far less overall than in other fields. They tend to hire a lot of people who are very young and inexperienced OR at the other end of the spectrum, they hire people to supervise or be in charge of those inexperienced folks, and these have college degrees or equivalent experience.

    it would help more if you knew what field or fields you wanted to look for work in. It's a bit too general to try to answer any more of your question without knowing that.

    Good luck.I want to live and work in America?? Need some advice?
    it's all about money here in the U.S. bring money with you to survive.
    America has become a no man's land for the average man. Come at your own risk.
    Hi. That's great. First get a passport, then get a working visa do all necessary paper work. While you are still in Britain continue to work. Maybe you can go on the computer and look at the

    Most demand of jobs that we have, if there is a paticular job then make sure you get training where you are or when you come to America. You might not get the job you like at first but that's ok you can work two and follow your dream of coming to America. America is the best place to live. Good luck %26amp; Peace

    I am from different country, and i am studying in north america,tell me some advice on things to say?

    tell me some things that would make north americans friend to think that i am gay, and how does the gays talk like and sound like (i am askin, cause i won't).

    because i don't want them to think i am gay or anythin cause i am straight.

    Tell me some stuff that north american friends would think that is weird, or thinks that i shouldn't say because they would think it's weird

    and by the way, tell me how to start dating a north american girl, i don't know this american culture really well, like what do they like? and what do american girls talk about?I am from different country, and i am studying in north america,tell me some advice on things to say?
    umm...haha ok idk abt the whole gay thing...but far as corny things to say: dont make jokes. thats just like wtf. ya kno? so umm chyea. but just like pay attention to other ppl around u and wat kind of things they say. but dont like go and b all like copyin them word for word. mmkay?I am from different country, and i am studying in north america,tell me some advice on things to say?
    Just stick with your native language its weird enough!

    2 Points!!
    only a gay can answer you. 2 points for me.

    Interview With Bank Of America Question, NEED ADVICE?

    I have an interview with 2 managers at Bank Of America tomorrow...

    And I am looking for any advice such as:

    What questions may they ask?

    What should I try to be prepared for?

    How should I dress?

    (Is gray slacks, black blouse with shirt under, and a professional jacket good to wear?)

    I am just trying to get prepared since I have never worked at a bank as a teller!

    Your advice and help is greatly appreaciated!

    Also, please note if you are a bank employee giving the advice because that means alot as far as what I take seriously!

    Thanks again

    All and any input is welcome...Interview With Bank Of America Question, NEED ADVICE?
    First off what you are going to were is fine. Sounds professional

    I've never worked at a branch. But in all my interview with the main Corporate office and on the phone jobs with BOA they like to ask A LOT of ';Tell me a time where...'; ; a time where you delt with an irate customer, teamwork, not agreeing with a manager, different questions like that. BOA Loves team work, and leadership. Be confidant and use a lot of positive words like ';Absolutely, great, wonderful (corny but they love it) ITs a great company to work for!

    Good luck on your interview! Let me know how it goes!Interview With Bank Of America Question, NEED ADVICE?
    Black suit red tie white shirt.

    Just act like they are all long time friends of yours.

    In interviews people look for people they like because they know they will have to work with them later.

    Bank of America: Customer Service Rep: Any advice?

    I think I might apply for a Customer Service Rep position. Under ';required skills'; they want someone with six months of customer service experience. I don't have that..

    How can I show them (if they decide to interview me, doubt it though :]) that I have potential? What are standard procedures as a cust.serv.rep.? What are some terms a ';CSR'; should be familiar with at Bank of America? Any scripts would be appreciated. :]Bank of America: Customer Service Rep: Any advice?
    emphasize your clerical skills, and your people skills....

    how are you at getting yelled at? do you remain calm and friendly and seem to genuinely want to help people resolve their problems? have some background stories ready to explain to the interviewer how you were able to handle a tough or challenging problem for someone that was clearly upset, without taking the anger personally...

    Do you speak a foreign language? Spanish? French? something else?

    You'll be speaking with people from all walks of life, and all backgrounds, any language skills you have that are different or unique would be in demand as a CSR...

    Are you familiar with any computer programs? any accounting software? how about your criminal background? If you have any trouble on your record at all you stand a very real chance o not getting an interview let alone the job, but, on the other hand, if you have background handling any banking functions large amounts of cash, or even experience with credit counseling, then you might want to offer that as experience...

    Ever manage a retail store like fast food or retail or electronics? Store management experience is great because it shows you can be trusted in high risk large asset situations....

    The bank will be giving you access to customer records that include a lot of extremely private information that isn't really anybody's business...

    how much you owe on your car, when you bought your house, how much cash you have how much money you make, all of this and more is available on banking computer systems...

    If your record is clean and you can document you have skills dealing with private matters confidentially and discretely then you give yourself an edge too....

    good luck in your job search...

    I hope this helped,
  • blush
  • Any advice for traveling to s. america for 3 weeks?

    Get any shots your doctor will give you. Don't drink the water and learn the language.

    Coming back to North America and need advice on career options: What can I do?

    Hey guys,

    I'm hoping someone can help me here.

    I've been living in Asia for the last 6 years teaching ESL to Asians.

    I've been the manager of foreign teachers at two moderately sized English school chains.

    I have a degree in English literature and minors in Philosophy and Psychology from an American university. However, I'm Canadian.

    I have some creative writing experience and have been published a handful of times.

    I have some business experience as well running my own moderately successful consulting firm based in China.

    I can speak manageable Korean, Chinese and Japanese.

    The problem is I don't want to be a teacher upon my return to North America and don't want to start in at an entry level position in some other type of work.

    I'm 31 years old.

    What type of positions can I reasonably expect to obtain? Is more schooling necessary for me to get something above an entry level position?

    Any advice or thoughts would be helpful.

    ThanksComing back to North America and need advice on career options: What can I do?
    Well instead of being a teacher why don't you use your psychology skills and find a job in that area. And of course as the other person stated being a translator would also be a very good job. I am sure that you will not have to come here and get an entry level job because of your expertise. But whatever you choose good luck. I am sure the right job is waiting on you.Coming back to North America and need advice on career options: What can I do?
    holy crap! wanna get married? lol
    try to become as fluent in those languages as possible and be a translator.. they make pretty good bank and all you have to do is talk

    Moving to America from England.. Advice ?


    I'm in my last year of University in England.

    I'm going to graduate in June with a degree in Economics and i'll be 21.

    I'm want to go to australia first for a couple of months but around January I want to move to America for abou 2 years.

    What i'd like to know is what are the proceedurs for getting employment? I have a years work experiance for the UK government statistics office but in order to get a job do I need a working Visa? How would I get one and how would i go about getting a job from England?

    Lastly, how much money would you suggest I have saved up.. I was thinking about 3,000 pounds (5-6,000 Dollers) would be enough to keep me going in rent/food for 3 months and pay for flights.

    Anyone who has done this or something similiars opionion would be very much appriciated..

    JamesMoving to America from England.. Advice ?
    Advice ! go as quick as you can.Moving to America from England.. Advice ?
    Go into the library and get a book on it. That's what I did and it was really helpful.
    dont leeeeave us
    Yes, you need a work visa of sorts to work here, although I'm sure you could find work under the table if you looked in the right places. The cost of living will depend on where you want to live. In New York, that much money will barely cover the three months, but you could do it. Similar story in Boston and San Francisco. Philadelphia, Washington DC, Chicago, etc. are more affordable. Living outside of the major cities and commuting in is always cheaper as well. Finding a job from England will be difficult and will depend on your experience. The job market for young job seekers is at its worse in over thirty years. This really is not the best time to be trying to find a job in the US. I'm in London these days and while things have gotten bad here, they are not as bad as they are in the US (relatively. the UK has higher unemployment overall, but the US job market is shrinking faster).

    The US is a great place and this is an exciting time to be there. The pound will go a long way but spend wisely. 6,000 dollars should be enough for you to live and have fun, just be careful if you want to live in New York, like I said.
    Hello James,

    I am actually British and moved to the USA approximately five years ago. If you can enter the US with legal status, there are thousands of opportunities here.

    I live 60 miles west of Washington DC. When I first arrived, I had no friends, no family, and no contacts.

    America,or this part of the country is fanatstic. Here is a rough breakdown of what it would cost you to live here per week.

    Apartment $200 food about $60 if you ate in every day, but to be honest, eating out is a good way forward, I will explain why in a minute.

    Utilities are about the same as England, I.E. gas electric etc. Some apartments you can rent all inclusive, and would expect to pay about $250 per week, or if you decide to share a house then your weekly rent would be about $120 per week.

    Unlike England, most properties for rent are unfurnished, but will contain a fridge, oven,washer and dryer. Most properties will have a built in closet, so you do not need to purchase a wardrobe.

    When I arrived here, it was in the winter and snow was on the ground, I purchased a snow shovel for $20 I then went round the neighborhood clearing peoples drives, in a few short hours I had earned over $500

    not a bad investment from something as simple.By the time spring arrived I had made a few contacts, and had now purchased a pressure washer, I was power washing and staining decks, and can earn over $500 per day. I can not give you any real advice on how to obtain a visa. Perhaps they may do a foreign exchange, I do not know. Or maybe if you could secure a job and got sponsership.

    Some of my friends who arrived here without visas worked for the Irainian embassy, they will employ people without any problems, and because their building is exempt from American juristiction, many have managed to obtain visas in the meantime.

    I am not suggesting that you come here illegally, but many do, and have a fantastic life style. America is a huge country, and most things are very spread out, if you lived outside of a large town or city, you would need transportation. There are no trains, or bus service outside of the towns. I mentioned earlier about eating out, two reasons why it's good, the food is cheap, a large decent meal will cost about $12/$15

    When you eat out it will give you the chance to meet people and enquire about many things, like work, jobs etc. Americans on the whole are busy people, and will pay for all kinds of service the English do not. Clearing snow from the drive, garden work, washing decks, painting etc etc, the list is endless. If you want to work, you can earn a lot of money in this country. I am a contractor by trade, and had to start somewhere, I do not like the snow, but I can earn $100 per hour each time it snows. These days I use a pick up truck with a snow plow.

    Okay a flight from the UK, return would set you back around $1000 or about 400 pounds If you plan on coming here for two years, you will not need to purchase a return flight. Flights from here to the UK are much cheaper, than UK to here.

    Generally speaking, everything here is about 50% less than the price of England, clothes, electrical items, shoes, cars,home furnishings,tools,petrol is about 90 pence a gallon now. The wages are higer than England, and it's easy to have a good standard of living and still save money.

    PS if you get here legally, I can find you work, if you come to this area

    I hope this information shall be of benefit to you, and hope you make it here, it's still the land of opportunity, and as an outsider, you will instantly see the prospects and take full advantage.

    Paul M

    Exchange to America - I need advice on choosing my exchange University?

    I'm from Australia, and am planning on going on exchange to America.

    I've never visited America before, so I'm not really sure of anything. I have to pick 3 Universities to apply to, and so far I've narrowed it down to University of Connecticut, University of Massachusetts, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and University of Miami.

    I'm a Journalism major, and of course I'm looking for a Uni that has a good reputation for their Journalism course. But I'm also looking for somewhere, well, awesome. Haha. I'm only in America for 6 months, and I really want to see as much as I can, and be able to travel easily. I'd like to see snow, but that's not a definite (I know Miami doesn't get any). I want to go to a fun place, with good academics and that just really, at the risk of sounding really weird, is all American! Also, travel is important - I want to see lots. But that doesn't mean I necessarily want to be close to New York, California etc, I just want a place that is accessible by train/bus or whatever, and is easy to see other states.

    Thanks!Exchange to America - I need advice on choosing my exchange University?
    As always, Ranto's answer is very good, but I disagree with him a little about the final answer. I don't think you should be worrying too much about the ranking of the schools. You are not getting a degree there, you are just visiting. All of these schools are very respectable and the courses you take will be pretty similar between the four.

    I think Illinois is too isolated, and it is in the Midwest. Certainly Illinois is All-American, but it is a long way from most of the things you might want to see. Either UMass or UConn are within an easy back-and-forth -in-a-day trip of New York or Boston, and within a comfortable weekend trip of Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington DC or Montreal or Quebec in Canada. Also, these schools are likely to have more kids from around the East coast, while Miami I think would have a preponderance of southern kids and Illinois mostly midwesterners. Miami is not within a weekend trip of anything but itself. If you are in the Northeast over the winter you can take a vacation trip to Florida to see Disneyworld or whatever...

    I think it is kind of a tossup between UMass and UConn but I guess I might give UConn a slight edge... it depends what subjects you want to study...

    I don;t think you could go far wrong with any of these choices. Exchange to America - I need advice on choosing my exchange University?
    uni of mass is the best in there... boston has lots to see and u can travel to new york easily from there.
    Uni of Miami is not a good first choice.
    Academically, there is a clear winner. The University of Illinois is one of the best public universities in the US. US News ranks it as the #40 university overall.

    The University of Miami comes in second at #54. University of Connecticut comes in third at #66 and the University of Massachusetts comes in last at #102.

    Miami is the only university near a big city. It is also the only one that has a major international airport. At UMass or UConn you would probably have to go to Boston to fly elsewhere. Miami has a heavy Latin influence, and most people would not call it All-American.

    UMass is about two hours west of Boston and about three hours away from New York. It is a beautiful area with lots of universities near it -- but not much else. You will certainly see snow. UMass is near the Berkshires (mountains).

    UConn is a little closer to Boston and a little closer to New York, but still not near anything else.

    While Illinois is the clear winner in terms of quality of education, it is also the most remote. I hear that the Champagne-Urbana area is a great college town. Friends who went to Illinois loved it. But the area is in the middle of the Great Plains -- so the terrain is very flat. There is nothing near these two towns except farm land. It is 2.5 hours away from Chicago, and three hours from St Louis. There isn't a lot that is close to it, but it is All American.

    Below is a link to university rankings in the US. If I were you, I'd reopen your list of schools. If there is a high ranking school that is closer to Boston, near Philadelphia or in Maryland, DC or Northern Virginia, I would consider those schools. The only part of the US where train travel is common is the route that connects the major cities between Boston and Washington.

    If you insist on staying to these four schools, I'd choose Illinois.
    UConn, UMass, and U Illinois sound pretty good, Miami's okay too... I have a couple of friends from HS who are studying journalism now, so I was there when they did their search, and I remember them looking at these universities also:

    University of Missouri-Columbia

    U of North Carolina Chapel Hill

    Indiana University-Bloomington

    University of Florida

    UC Berkeley

    If you want to be close to New York, why not NYU? The Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute in NYU's college of arts and sciences is excellent with the plus of being smack dab in the city. This is actually the only university I have experience in since I considered it in my college search. Good luck!

    Travel across America, help and advice please!?

    I am a British chick and have had a life long dream of travelling across America. I have decided this year is THE year to do it (Im 32, life is starting to pass me by!!) As all my friends are married/ pregnant, I will be alone which is fine by me, but am looking for advice about the best way to actually do it. I always wanted to drive but with the research I have done it looks a bit out of my price range, so Im thinking maybe bus?? or train?? or if anyone has advice on cheap car rental?? Whats cheaper?? Whats safer for a lone female?? I want to take in all of the major cities and should have 2/3 months in total. Any advice on costs, best travel options, cities to take in, best time to go or any advice on ANYTHING connected to this will be very appreciated, thank you all.Travel across America, help and advice please!?
    We have hostels here in the US.

    We don't have anywhere near as good a train system as you. But check with a bus company here called greyhound. They have different packages that allow multi-stops.

    You are from England so you know about the four seasons. If you can't handle winter, don't go to the Northern US during that time. If you go in the summer, the southern US will be very hot. If you are here in the fall, don't miss the fall foliage in the North eastern us.

    I'd try and pick a few places to go in each region of the country. We have New England, the mid-atlantic states, the southern states, the south west, the midwest and the pacific north west. Try and get to know the charicteristics for each region.

    Cities not to miss? New York, Boston, Chicago, Miami, San Diego, Seattle, San Francisco, LA, New Orleans, San Antonio and Washington DC.Travel across America, help and advice please!?
    I agree that the trains in America aren't as good as yours in the UK, definately, but I'd still travel that way if I were you. Not bus...not for anything!

    As far as hotels go, check into the grouping of hotels that include the Clarion and Comfort Suites and such. They are not real expensive but are clean and you can make your reservations online and have your trip mapped out that way if you would prefer. Of course, having a hotel close to a train station is ideal so make sure to check into that. For example, in Seattle, there are quite a few hotels near the station. I am from Portland (Oregon) - beautiful here - and know that the train station is in the downtown area and so very close to some of the downtown hotels.

    As far as dates go, I believe the general tourist season with the related price increases begins around Memorial Day (last Sunday in May) and continues through Labor Day (first Monday in Sept) so I'd plan my trip sometime before or after the tourist season. Autumn is a very popular time to see the East Coast so the prices may not go down until after the leaves are down so it might work out to fly to the West coast and make your trip heading East. West coast also has lovely leaf colors in the fall but it isn't a tourist destination at that time so the prices tend to come down after the first part of Sept.

    As a lone female, I'd avoid LA. If you really want to see that area, I think Santa Monica would be better - still part of LA but not as rough as the downtown area. Or at least, don't wander around at night.

    For such a long and involved trip, I'd suggest a travel agent for advice on fares and the cheapest way to buy tickets and any discounts they know about.

    Our dollar is so low right now that it's a great time for anyone to come here - good timing!!

    Come to Portland if you have's pretty. If you're here in June or July make a point to see the 'International Rose Test Garden' - lovely. If here near Labor Day (the Thursday before), go to the Water Front Park for the free concert, put on by the Oregon Symphony - fireworks from a barge on the water at the end. Very nice evening.

    Wherever you go I hope you enjoy yourself and find some really nice people.

    Have a wonderful and safe trip!

    ive been to san fran and it is absolutely beautiful i would definitly recommend it if you are going to the states.

    i was also in boston and from there i travelled to new york on the ';greyhound'; bus, it was excellent!

    those are definitly some of the best places ive been to and are defintly worth a view.

    i cant really remember the travel costs but if you can you should go by car, you would get to see and stop off at a lot more places.

    aswell i stayed in some motels and they were just as good as hotels. i think the ';super8'; was the name of one of them.

    anyways enjoy yourself no matter what way you do it.
    my brother took a bus from Spokane, Washington to Detroit, Michigan, and he said it was the LONGEST ride of his life, and the most boring! he got stuck sitting by people who didn't shower or know what deodorant is, couldn't chew with their mouths open, and the tiny bathroom in the back of the bus was disgusting! however, since a car is out of your price range, I think either a bus or maybe a train would work for you.
    I travelled across America for a month by myself last year. I would advise getting an unlimited travel Amtrak train pass, it lets you travel anywhere, anytime you want and I think it cost me about 400 quid...or was it dollars? But I got robbed in California and had to sleep outside a few times:( Aside from that it was great though, but beware of one thing...The trains in America are crap and many cities only have one or two leaving a day. Miami for example has one leaving each day at 7 in the morning, Good luck!
    buy a gun for safety
    Jeez there is a lot o fear mongering going on here! I have traveled all over this country and my job (railroad conductor for a major transcontinental freight railroad) puts me in interesting neighborhoods at all sorts of bewitching hours. I have never been scared, but I am a decent sized guy so perhaps its different with a female.

    For sure do the Amtrak rail pass. As mentioned already

    Amtrak is not nearly as efficient, but you are also covering much greater distances between stops than in Europe. There are several combinations of trains that could take you across the country and back through different regions. The California Zephyr is a particularly nice and scenic ride as it passes through the rocky mtns, the Colorado plateau, the sierra Nevada mtns and eventually makes it to San Fran. Also a very nice ride is the Coast starlight, it hugs the west coast from Seattle down to L.A. and the train from L.A. to San Diego is gorgeous, the tracks are right on the coast!

    If I were you I would avoid Grey Hound (bus service). It is usually full of very interesting characters and takes so very long to complete short jaunts.

    Be sure to take in some of the Nature sites in the U.S as well as the cities. I know Europe has the Alps but the Sierra Nevada and some of the Red Rocks on the Colorado Plateau are unlike anything there is in Europe. Be sure to check out either some Redwood or Sequoia trees ( the largest trees in the world). The California coast from Malibu to Half Moon Bay (San Fran) is breath taking. You can take Amtrak to Merced California and from there Amtrak has connecting bus service to Yosemite National Park. If you come in spring/ early summer the park is amazing and home to some of the best waterfalls in the world, including Yosemite falls which is the 6th highest in the world.

    Defiantly stay in hostels as this will put you into contact with other travelers who may want to see the same things as you. Americans are by and large very friendly to foreign tourist. Just today I was doing some rock climbing near Sedona, Az and a bus load of British tourist was parked at the parking lot overlooking the canyon. They saw us coming up from below and started asking us lots of questions. We were happy to answer and tell them about the beautiful area we live in. If you make to Arizona and want to see the grand canyon, Sedona, Flagstaff or any other Northern Arizona attractions let me know. I often guide hostlers around just for the experience of learning from someone from another part of the world (plus its good karma for the overseas trips I will be making this year).

    Good luck and have fun!
    As an American who has always dreamed of backpacking Europe, I feel we're in similar situations- just reversed. My trip won't happen for quite some time, so you're very lucky!


    First, don't be afraid of traveling alone. As long as you pay attention to your surroundings and make good choices you shouldn't come across any trouble. Many americans will be fascinated by your accent and probably ask you a lot of repetitive questions. The guidelines for big cities are much like the guidelines in Europe. Don't flash money. Don't go wandering downtown streets by yourself at night. Don't act like a complete tourist, etc. Just like any big city there will be those you should not trust.


    Like many other posters wrote, spring and fall are lovely times to visit. Summer is the peak tourist season, so places will be open longer- but prices will be cheaper. It is also a lot hotter in the majority of the US in the summer than Europe, so keep that in mind if you plan on taking your trip during later may, june, july, or august.


    As you already know, the US has sooo many different people, atmospheres, landscapes, and attitudes. The other posters here mentioned a few great citites to visit. I love Portland for example. I've taken countless trips across the US myself and will list some of my favorite places. Like another person said, we divide out country by regions (not only states).

    -New England:

    Washington DC, New York City are the big ones. They can get very touristy in the peak seasons so visiting hot spots like the statue of liberty and DC monuments could become frustrating at those times.


    I personally love north carolina. It's beautiful a most any time of year and the people have an undeniable charm.

    -Deep South

    Florida is a very popular destination for Europeans, especially Miami and Orlando (home of Disney World). But don't miss New Orleans. It's back on it's feet and has so much flair, good food, and southern hospitality.


    Austin and San Antonio, Texas are a lot of fun.

    -Great Plains/Rockies

    If you don't go to colorado- your trip isnt worth it. Colorado has some of the most breathtaking landscape in the US. The mountains are not a sight you can pass up.

    Also the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone are fantastic. I've been to both many times, and each trip there is unique. The Grand Canyon in particular is obviously spectacular. In the summer it can get verrry hot though.


    I'm from Madison, Wisconsin originally and I go to college at the U of Minnesota in Minneapolis... so this Midwestern girl will try not to be too biased :)

    Minneapolis/St. Paul (the twin cities) is truly a great area. The people are known for their open nature and ';Minnesota Niceness.'; Chicago is also a great city, with a more ';New York'; feel than Minneapolis. Wisconsin is known for it's beer, cheese, and friendly and curious people. Don't pass up the midwest, you won't regret it.

    However, don't bother coming in the winter, it's basically dreadful if you're not used to -20 F degree weather. Also, in the summer it gets very humid, so be aware of that.

    -Pacific Northwest

    like I said, Portland is gorgeous. Also seattle is a great city, although it does rain quite a bit because of it's location. Washington and Oregon in general are beautiful.

    -West Coast

    Calllliforniaaaa. I love California and have been there more times than I can count (I'm going in about a week too!). All up and down the coast are sights to see and people to meet. San Francisco is beautiful, with the golden gate bridge and nearby redwood forest. Santa Barbara is a picturesque surfer-city. If you want the LA area, i would suggest Santa Monica or Long Beach. Like NYC, some parts of LA are a little sketchy.

    I know this was lengthy, but I know I would love a comprehensive guide to Europe- so I feel for you.


    In terms of how to travel, the most flexibility would be in a rental car for sure. You could pick one up in New York and drop it off in LA. Although it does get pricey. Try going to or another discount online travel place to look for good deals. Otherwise bus companies like Greyhound, or train companies like Amtrak offer packages and passes. I've taken greyhound many times... and while it's cheaper... it is a hassle (and will take a really long time). Amtrak is no where near up to par with European rail lines, but if you plan carefully it can be a really good choice for you. Plus, with amtrak you would get to sit back and watch the diverse scenery as you travel from area to area. It's clean, safe, and pretty reliable.

    And my last pearl of ';wisdom.'; Because our economy is crap, think of our entire country as being 50% off. I'm going to be studying abroad in Northern Ireland next fall, and am visiting friends in England and France this may, and it is the opposite case for me!

    Seriously do not hesitate to email me ( if you have any questions what-so-ever. I am going through the same process of trying to figure out how to do things across the pond for my own travels. We can be good resources for each other!