Thursday, December 31, 2009

I'm thinking of going to America, but need advice please?

I'm a young guy from london england, and really want to go to live in new york for at least a few months next year. And i know i'll love it there, but i also really would like to spend time traveling across America and see outside the big cities. The thing is whilst i'm sure rural America has lovely people in it and stuff, i have been put off because like you always see these crazy God types from these places on TV with like the most narrow minded views ever and loads of guns everywhere and everyone like all super duper conservative, none of which is really my thing!

So do you reckon i should just stick to big places, or do you think i could enjoy some rural america, without being scared of being shot for not believing in God?

Am i just being stupid? if so does anyone recommend good places in rural America? I'm thinking of going to America, but need advice please?
You are totally wrong, America is a great place to visit as long as you are respectful and smart, see all the interests place to see in'm thinking of going to America, but need advice please?
if you want to see some nice rural areas while avoiding the redneck theistic bumpkins, stay away from the south unless you're in a big city. those nutjobs are the reason the rest of the world thinks we're all stupid.

Howard County, Maryland is one of the nicest rural areas in the whole country. i highly recommend it.

also, visit Philadelphia. it's a great city.
don't believe everything you see on tv, 90% of the country is not like that. in fact you'll love rural america, like ohio and indiana
Come to california its way better than new york!!(:
You are being stupid, but stay in England. We have to many sissy's in the 'big places' as it is.
Mogo- Thanks, but you're wrong. Some very prominent people come from the South. Though, Georgia may not really be considered the ';Deep South'; or ';Country';, we have some hicks, and quite frankly it is the hicks that ruin the South, but not America as a whole. there are PLENTY of ';non-smart'; kids throughout America, so you can't just blame 1 place in America, that's stereotyping. Now, seeing as I grew up in the South, I was offended by this. Seeing as I am one of the smartest kids in the state (acording to my counseler and SAT papers), we are not all dumb hicks. In 7th grade, I made a 1530/2400 on my SATS w/o having to study. That was enough to get me into college. Many times i was offered to skip a grade, but I declined. In my Junior year, I made a 2180/2400, around the average or better than most ivy league schools. However, I'm putting this aside to answer this question.

I live in a very small town known as St.Marys, GA, the 2nd oldest town in existance in America today (Which I reccomend, it has so many nice non- brand name resturaunts and shoppes, and the people are very nice.) ,with St. Agustine being the first. Most people are religious, but you will NOT, I repeat NOT get shot for not believeing in God. 2 of my very good friends don't believe in God or any god for that matter, and their parents, nor them have gotten shot yet. I would start out in the big cities first and work your way down because, well, the air is cleaner here (It's called oxygen). But, that's what I'd do.
You got some good answers, but you need to know that you cannot stay in the U.S. for more than 90 days under the visa waiver program. You can stay as long as 6 months in a one year period if you apply for an B-2 tourist visa thru the american embassy. When you visit different places, just be patient, tolerant, listen to other people's views, say, '; that's interesting.'; Don't argue or push your opinion...just listen and nod and be pleasant. I am an American living in Mexico, and find it is often best when I encounter people withtotallyy different outlooks, to just nod and comment on that being interesting, but not to engage in arguing or saying things that may cause the other person to become defensive. One good thing about traveling is that you get to meet different people with different views...and as time goes by and you think again about what they may modify your views....never know. Traveling really can broaden your mind and give you a better understanding of other people.

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