Sunday, December 27, 2009

Central America backpacking advice please?

Hi, im planning a trip to C.A from December to March and i cant wait but i need a little advice!

Has anyone done a route from Panama to Guatemala (or vice versa)?

How long did you do it in?

I'm planning on a 3 month trip and i'd like to take in the majority of places along the way, inc a few islands, ruins, beaches, highlands, colonial towns etc. I'd also like not to do it in a mad rush if poss!

What would you recommend as a budget?

I think around $3500 US dollars should be enough bearing in mind im not doing Mexico and dont plan on spending lots of time in the more expensive Costa Rica.

I'll be after the cheapest hotels and food, and splurges on nights out wont play a massive part in my trip.

Thanks for your help!Central America backpacking advice please?
I have travelled from Guatemala to Panama, backpacking, and it is a lot of fun - you will really enjoy yourself and see tons of cool sights, and as long as you keep your wits about you, you should be fine.

I did that part of the trip (I also travelled in Mexico) in about two months, but could have easily taken longer, so yes, 3 months should do you about right. $3500 sounds like a very nice large budget actually, one can travel very cheaply in central america travelling from cheap hostel to cheap hostel, and camping once in a while at a finca (ranch).

Highlights, commentary from my trip, things I would reccommend:


- If you go hiking up any volcanoes around Antigua Guatemala, go in a larger group so as not to get robbed. The robbers are very couteous, but it's still scary and you don't want to lose all your cash. And don't let this scare you, it's worth it. Jungle trips are where it's at for fantastic wildlife and adventure.

- visit Tikal, it's an absolute must see Mayan ruins in the north. The best preserved pyramids in the entire central america, and if you want the best advice, go first thing in the morning, right when it opens, head straight for the main pyramid (tallest one, can't remember the name) and climb up for an uncrowded, spectacular view above the jungle, with spider monkeys around you chattering. Again, to be real safe, go with at least one other person if heading out on one of the deserted/remote trails.

- Finca Ixobel, south about an hour by bus from Tikal, is an absolute hidden gem in the jungle. It's a jungle ranch where you can stay for super cheap, all food and drink can be gotten there, you can stay in hamoca or tent or palapa, and there is a swimming pond, tours for hiking and caving, and even a small animal sanctuary there. Can't recommend it enough, the people there are amazing.


- some nice little island nearby the mosquito coast, but a bit touristy. They have a more unique, Carribbean feel to them

El Salvador

- Didn't spend much time here, but don't listen too much to the travel guides that warn about not travelling at night in San Salvador. Just use common sense, and if there are families and others about in an area, it's safe enough for a traveller with their wits about them.

Costa Rica

- expensive, touristy, and easy to skip through, as anything you see here you can see everywhere else in central america, except cheaper


- Amazing place, lots of volcanoes to see here too, climb a live/active one if you can.

- You absolutely must see Isla de Ometepe, an amazing large island in the middle of Lake Nicaragua. Stay at the jungle hostel there on the side of the volcano (opposite side of where the ferry lands), and climb the volcano if you want a spectacular view from the laguna.

- Managua is dirty, and easy to avoid, but some cities like Granada are very nice, historic places


- take a trip through the canal of you can, very very cool and you will never foget it

- be extremely careful about going through Colon at all . . . if you land there after going through the canal, just continue on through and leave, it's a somewhat dangerous place with lots of thieves and stuff

- Panama city is a fun, exciting plase that is very much influenced by the US, so it's less like the rest of central america. Please beware of the many, many scams to get your money . . . kids and adults who want to sell you something cheap, show you something for free, etc. It's a wild city, and has a great nightlife, but just always keep your wits about you, and don't trust anyone. It's pickpocket central, so money in your shoe is always a good idea. Explore the markets and barter to your heart's content, fun stuff.

Hope that helps, and have fun on the chicken buses! And always bring along a roll of toilet paper wherever you go, and absolutely never drink the water - have fun!Central America backpacking advice please?
Richard - I was being really honest with you, not trying to scare you . . . if you have spent three months in Mexico backpacking, you are good to go, dude. Friendly people, amazing sights, just go out and see the world . . . and have fun!

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Give the ten points to sloz0. He is pretty accurate with his answer. As far as your worries about the dangers, I am there right now. I live in Honduras, have traveled most of the rest of the countries by bus, and have never had a moment's problems. Right now Mexico is a more dangerous place than any of the countries you want to visit. If we listen to all of the uninformed armchair travelers and their doomsday predictions we'd never go anywhere. Your common sense coupled with the same caution you would use anywhere else will serve you just fine. A thousand bucks a month should be more than enough for your trip if you aren't paying airfare there and back out of it. Enjoy your trip.
I cringe when people say they will do this. Too much unrest in these countries and I would not advise it. For example. in El Salvador there is the MS13 gang and they are ruthless especially with Americans, even their own people fear them. There is unrest in Honduras right now due to their political situation when they ousted their President Zelaya. so I definitely wouldn't advice going there. Nicaragua is one of the safer ones if you stay outside of Managua but even so, with more than 50% unemployment people who once weren't ruthless become one because they are looking to survive. I am from Nicaragua and I am somewhat familiar with the countries you are trying to cover and I wouldn't advise it. Police are very ruthless too and quite corrupt. I don't even know you and I fear for you, so please don't do it.

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