Thursday, December 31, 2009

Looking for advice on moving to America from UK!?


My husband and I would love to move to America with our three children. We have spent some time there and just love so many things about the country and the people.

We both have degrees; I have also just completed my PGDE (Primary) teaching qualification and my husband also has a Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management. I am soon to start teaching and my husband is a manager in a hospitality environment. We would be looking to move no earlier than two years time (probably a good thing given how long these processes can take)! Just wondering if anyone could advise us as to how transferable our skills would be in America and what sort of job opportunities (if any) there might be for us?

Any advice at all would be gratefully received.

ThanksLooking for advice on moving to America from UK!?
You are going to need to be sponsored by an employer to get a work visa. You can forget about getting a green card through the lottery because it's a diversity lottery and Brits aren't eligible.

My suggestion would be look for a job in the UK (ASAP) with an US company or a UK company with US offices, after a few years with an excellent track record, look for an internal transfer to the US.

With your skill set, it would be virtually impossible to have a company sponsor you off the bat.Looking for advice on moving to America from UK!?
The teaching and hospitality fields are wide open in this country and you should have no problems in making the transitions. With the teaching degree you may have to certify in the state you are going to, but that will not be much of a problem with two years to research it. Same goes for the visas and such.

The US is a large and diverse culture of people, it's many countries and cultures in itself and choosing the right location is critical for your happiness. The cultures are very different in every state and region of each state. What you see on TV and in the movies is not a fair and accurate description of reality here. You get way too much East Coast philosophies and maybe the laid back Hollywood California stereotype and not enough salt of the earth Americanism.

We are over taxed with little to show for it in medical care, infrastructure and education. We have lost many of our freedoms in years past we have been known for throughout the world. Yes, this is the land of opportunity with plenty of opportunity to fail, so be prepared. It is a very competitive country with many opportunities if you seize them. It sounds like you are willing to go for it. With risk come great rewards.

Originally I am a southerner, from Elizabethtown Kentucky, but have moved around the country and the world being a retired Cavalry Officer. I now reside north of Cincinnati OH, in a suburb known as Westchester. The climate and weather is ideal having all four seasons none of which are drastically hot or cold -- just enough. The people are kind, conservative and honest in this region. The mid-west in general is that way.

England or Great Britain (few will call it the UK) is viewed as a little stiff which yes, is a stereotype. But as far as stereotypes go its a positive one. Most Americans are grateful to the British for their friendship over the many years. When most countries seem to disdain us, the British will stand next to us, not always whole heatedly agreeing with us in every matter, but grateful that we are their friends. You will have no problems adjusting nor will your children. I have traveled the world and I have been posted to many parts of the world and next to fellow Americans the British ex-patriots were always a welcome sight. Don't know what it is but they just seemed to know how to adapt to other parts of the world like no other culture, yet keep what is British within them. You will do the same I am sure. Again America is diverse and we want to keep it that way. We allure the best and brightest to this country and benefit greatly from it. Its always been that way and hopefully it will continue so welcome to America when you are ready.

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