Sunday, December 27, 2009

I am going to America soon,is there any advice that an earnest young Scotsman like myself should follow?

One thing about us Americans is, our looks tell you everything,

If they look like a dumb-*** they are, avoid these people... most likly a Redneck, or crazy Yankee.

If they look like gang banger they are or wannabes AVOID!!!

Accents are cool here so no worries.

Americans have a very open culture, you shouldnt have a problem

Try to avoid talking bad of how America is in the world now. Some may understand, and be ok but we still get very defensive even in the wrong sometimes

If you have the cash go to an NFL game(baseballs over) so it the closest thing you can get. you will never forget it. one of the most American things you can do, other than a baseball game.

ask for the best hotdog place in the town your staying at, get you 2.

nothing beats an american hotdog, every countries they may all seem the same but they are all different(I know)

if you want an american desguise buy a Yankee baseball hat and BAM your american. LOL

Eat some apple pie.

go sight seeing.I am going to America soon,is there any advice that an earnest young Scotsman like myself should follow?
I wouldn't say don't wear a kilt. I mean, he's right that there are a lot of ignorant and intolerant people here who wouldn't understand. But I've had friends that have worn kilts and no one bothered them about it.

Just make sure to wear underwear (bloomers) under the kilt, lest the police arrest you for indecent exposure if the wind kicks it up.

Do not drink and drive under any circumstances, especially if you're not sure where you're going because you aren't familiar with the territory. If you drive erratically because you're looking for somewhere and you get spotted, they will do a sobriety test on you. Automatic lock up.

As far as worrying about your safety, it depends on where you are. If you are anywhere near the Mexican border in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, or California, you'd want to be aware of horrific drug violence as of late. If you are in major cities you'd want to be aware of where the gangs are so as not to cross with the wrong people. Keep an eye open for carjackers and whatnot.

For the most part, the States are pretty safe. Just be friendly and be yourself and you'll meet similar in return. I am going to America soon,is there any advice that an earnest young Scotsman like myself should follow?
Don't wear a kilt. Americans (for the most part) are remarkably intolerant.

Don't play bagpipes. With the exception of a few (myself included) most Americans think the sound of bagpipes is like the sound of two cats fighting in a sealed bag.

Other than that, you should be fine. Our cultures are similar enough that you won't have to adjust much, if at all.

Plus, the ladies (and some of the guys!) will absolutely love your accent!

Good luck, and a safe flight!
1)use your accent alot. people seem to love and respond to that well.

2)drive on the right side of the road.

3)dont drink and drive

4)eat some apple pie

5)people are more snobby over here no matter how pathetic they are.

6)there are plenty of hicks and a lot of overweight people. get used to it.

7)there are no chavs over here.

8)dont get caught up in drugs. it happens alot.

9)dont get caught giving your friend a piggyback ride during the national anthem underneath the flag pole at a game. believe me it can happen and its akward.

I made out with a Scottish transfer student before. He was hot!


Yeah, just be yourself. Don't try to change yourself to fit in here too much. I'm assuming you're coming either for education reasons or just for a visit. Just enjoy your time and don't worry about what people think. Some Americans can be very full of themselves.
I wish that you were more specific. Are you talking about safety issues, vacation or something else? what part of the country are coming to? are you moving here, or just visiting?

Judge people of different races individually, not as they are sterotyped to be.

Oh and stay away from republicans or those goofy McCain supporters.

...wear condoms love...

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