Sunday, December 27, 2009

What advice do you wish you could give America's youth?

get right with God in other words get Saved.

Jesus Saves lost sinners. Jesus Saves me in 1995

at Deck Valley Baptist Church

I am ready to die when it is time for me to die

everyone will die one day young and old

Check out the website What advice do you wish you could give America's youth?
educate yourself

question the media

don't believe everything you see or read

inform yourself about world affairs

spend only what you can afford to

save for retirement

when shopping, always ask yourself ';is this a want or a need?';

show respect to others, and you'll be respected

give back to the community

be humbleWhat advice do you wish you could give America's youth?
Put down the Mountain Dew, pull up your pants, get your head out of your a$$, and make the most of your educational opportunities, because some day you will have to support yourself and by the time that happens this country will have extremely limited opportunities.

BE yourself

RESPECT yourself

DO NOT CHEAT yourself (MIND)

FIND yourself WHY are you on EARTH?
wait to have children until you are in a stable relationship and when your older and able to financially able to take care of them
Focus on your education and don't get caught up in the whole boyfriend girlfriend thing, you've got your whole life to do that!
Virginity only comes once, save it for someone who counts...
Don't smoke cig Don't go to a bar room

Don't do dope and used common sense
continue your education after high school.
boo hoo... get over it

and that's coming from a ';youth';, if 17 is youth still
You don't know what you have until its gone.
Don't listen to the media and

Don't give in to the man!
Don't spend beyond your means.
Don't drop out of school.
There's a world out there. Go and see it.
stay off the damned dope
Take your only have one chance to be a child.
  • wrinkles
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