Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I live in America, want to relocate to UK, any advice?

I have lived in the United States my entire life and I want to branch out. I am seriously considering moving to the UK, but I'm not entirely sure where yet. I heard that London is expensive, what city (or country) would you suggest? I am bored of America and it bothers me that this country is so young and lacks true culture and the people are so prude. And the government is just atrocious, doesn't care about it's people, and quite frankly is just embarrassing.I live in America, want to relocate to UK, any advice?
Marilyn T Is right. I was considering leaving here to go live in amsterdam but the RED tape is insane. You should hope to get a job in america that has employment over seas opportunites. The easiest way to live in another country is to marry someone from there. Tuff chance of that happening but you never know. I was all set to move to Amsterdam untill I read you are required to speak Dutch fleuetly, they arn't kidding, they send you to their college for 2yrs -free but a requirement. You can't work unless you have a work permit, if you don't have a high skilled job, like engineer, lawyer,'ll probley work in any countries tourist jobs like fast food, hotels. You have to have a job here that translates into a job where your living because sometimes it just doesn't. Its like I say...if you ever plan on living anywhere...go there first, check it out. You don't want to go all that way just to find out your just as unhappy. Always go the country of orgin's website and see what all they require to become a citizen. Just be prepared to jump though hoops.I live in America, want to relocate to UK, any advice?
If you are really serious about moving to the UK or any other country,I would advice you to check out how long it would take you to get a work permit or whatever papers you will need to stay in the country.

Most countries take their imigration much more serious then in the states, they don't let people stay without proving income, etc.

My sister moved to England back in the 70's and married a British citizen, she still had to wait up to 1 year for her work papers. She was selling things in the market place for awhile until her papers came through. I would think they are stricter nowdays.

It may be best to go one a vacation somewhere and see how things really are before packing up for good.

I live part-time in Hungary but would never really get a good job there since my skills are nothing that they need, (casino dealer and hairdresser.) Some countries only let you work if you have certain job skills they need.

I would call the embassy of whatever country you are interested in and ask what is required.
British people do not like Americans... so tell them that you are from Canada instead.
Go ahead no need to worry.

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