Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hi, I'm an Asian male, educated, fun, good-looking. Need advice about America?

Seriously, I'm in my 20s, American raised and everything and I've only had a few dates in my life and never had a gf. I'm confident in myself, flirt with girls I like and I always act cool when I ask them out. I believe there is still deep seated racism toward Asian guys in which we are not even given a chance to try. What's the deal? Am I bound to be single in America simply cause of my race? Frustrated and confused that I can't even be myself, a real catch....Hi, I'm an Asian male, educated, fun, good-looking. Need advice about America?
I hate it when Asian guys feel like this. I hate how they are treated, because I personally see them as the hottest race of men on this planet. I am a white girl, and I find even average Asian men very attractive. It sounds like your an awesome guy. I am sure that you will find a girl whether she is Asian, or an Asian Loving Non Asian Woman such as myself. Just let women know you are into dating, and make the first move... show them you are romantic. : )Hi, I'm an Asian male, educated, fun, good-looking. Need advice about America?
Racism. The beast that continuously slows the growth and maturity of America down each and everyday. While you'll find numerous people who won't accept you for who you are, there are just as many people who will. Rather these people be black, white, latino, indian of any other race, there's always acceptance of races somewhere. To get a girl, simply be confident and believe in yourself. Though this may sound slightly childish, dress in clothes that you feel confident, and tell yourself you can do it. Believe it or not, there's a girl out there waiting for you, you just have to look. Best of wishes.
I am American and I have to tell you stay away. They look down on anybody educated here, especially foreign educated. Now there are positive aspects to America. Asians demanded respect and they have got it in America, they are the most successful group after whites.

There is the negative asian little man stereotype in America, which is one of the negative aspects of America I have told you about.
Beautiful black girls are interested in Asian guys. My girlfriend is black. They're way better than white, latin, and asian women. They don't see you for your race (although they are highly attracted to asian men), and they are tons of fun. They face so much racism in this country, and the media tries to make black girls look bad when they are great. And they are SO exotic looking, try a black girl.
No thats not true. look around before you say anything racism. YOU will find someone. i think you need to try some new tactics on getting your catch. Maybe you need to go to some new places, and hop on the internet, and start looking. just be patient, im sure you are frustrated in trying to look for someone special. maybe you just havent found someone special and you will!!! im sure if i were single, and i met you, i would be open to dating you. Im not racist. but, if you really look around, you will see how color are not issues here in America. we date and marry different genders and races.....We have no issues with Asians where did you come up with that? just be patient and try some new tips on sure you are a catch....bless you in your search and good luck. happy holidays.
Dude, im asian too, same problems and stuff (i think im not as good looking o_O';). Anyways, you are not alone. You don't have to be single anyways. I mean, there are two 'mericans who like me, but people pick on meh b/c of my race DX. I just say in my head f**k them, and i just be myself. I belive racistism shoud stop. I think we should have more ineratial (cant spell that word XD) babies. Anyways, you won't be single 4ever. JUST BE YOURSELF. Remember, ***whoever hates you becuase of your race, and if they are friends or gfs, they dont really like you***
I have many Asian friends who are in their 20s also. Just be yourself and you will find a girl who is right for you. That being said however, nothing is more attractive to women than confidence in yourself. When a guy exudes confidence, women will flock to him!
Dude its all about the game. Also if your suggesting that their is a deep seeded racism in America with women against Asians, you would be mistaken. I have not seen any evidence of such.
do you live in a small town??? People for the most part could care less about race. Go to college, just keep pressing on. Go somewhere where theres more people. The right girls will want you to be yourself ....
Are U Jack the one that graduated from high school 2 years ago

The one who worked for the senior yearbook for ur class of 07

And had art 6th period of ur senior year
nope. not trying to be a douche or anything, but this is true: if you were mexican then i would undestand the ';racism'; thing.. but EVERYBODY knows that EVERYBODY loves asians!
I know a lot of Asian guys who have girlfriends or are married...

If you can't get/keep a date, your ';dating skills'; aren't as good as you make them out to be. No?
Get yourself a nice car.. go bar and club hopping with your male buddies.. hit up some house parties.. be yourself and don't try too hard.. and you'll be okay.

Just socialize and make your presence known!
i agree with love me or hate me GO ON A LOVE WEBSITE

if not who cares wait for them to come for you if not just enjoy your life with ya mates.

it depends are you only trying to date one particular type of girl? if so then you are the one restricting your options.
Yeah they're is a lot of racism toward Asians. its stupid. but not all girls are like that.i think asian guys are hott =]
i've personally dated 3 asians, i have a thing for them. lol. you'll find the one.
i got two thing for you dude lower expectations and find a dating site
toshi? you better email me if its you, you know who it is
2 words for yo my man

be yourself and keep doing what you're doing

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