Thursday, December 31, 2009

I JUST IMMIGRATED FROM ASIA (SINGAPORE) TO AMERICA. how do i fit into my new high school? any advice?

im afraid i will not be able to fit in and all. i dont have the accent and people probably already have their own cliques and friends to hang out with. how am i suppose to fit in?I JUST IMMIGRATED FROM ASIA (SINGAPORE) TO AMERICA. how do i fit into my new high school? any advice?
One of my friends was in the same situation. She came from Singapore, has a general American accent and went to high school here in the US.

I say don't worry about fitting in and indulge in every minute that you stand out. Everyone else is worrying about fitting in!

Be friendly and approachable. Try to seek out the crowd that's most beneficial to you. Also, taking classes that interest you the most (which I'm guessing you've already done) will most likely draw you to people with similar likes and dislikes. Also, take extracurriculars! Be it cheerleading or yearbook or the newspaper or some sport, you're bound to make lots of friends!

I think during the first day, lunch is probably the hardest part. Not knowing where to sit and all. You'll get through the day and the rest of your high school years! Be sociable and pleasant and just be yourself. I believe the goal of high school and probably every other experience in life is not to fit in but to be as productive and to learn (in ALL aspects) as much as possible.I JUST IMMIGRATED FROM ASIA (SINGAPORE) TO AMERICA. how do i fit into my new high school? any advice?
Who escorted you to this earth?

Who counseled you on how to cope with the weather, mother, and father?

Were you able to speak, read, understand... even express? other than just cry?

You needn't worry; be your natural self and react to the circumstance positively.

You will be a success.

Good luck
dont worry..u will get the accent very fast..TRUST friend was from asia too..and the third month she's in highschool..she can get the accent very fast!~ n the amazing part is..she dont watch tv..this is how she manage:

juz say hi to everybody

be close with ur teacher

be smart..coz everybody will like u..

make sure everytime during lunch..u have somebody with u so that u can keep on practising ur language..

join all the activities..

join the sports..there sure u will have friends..

go to esl class..
Make some good close friends, and hang out with their clique(s). Chances are, if you like them you'll like their friends. And, yes, be yourself and wear what you think looks cool, not what people say looks good... as long as it won't get people thinking about you the wrong way, if you get my drift.
ah! I'd love to live in Singapore for a few years!

Anyway, in high school, people will usually ask you where you're from and just stuff about you and once they find out you're from a whole different continent, they get really interested and then, just be yourself. You'll make friends in no time!
Every person is asking this same question as you in high school! Be yourself!
learn how to drive a car correctly and get freedom.
dont worry. youll be fine! belive in yourself
the funny part is that everyone else in your highschool is asking the same question. showup keep to yourself the first day or so and see who you want to be friends with. the rest will just flow.
I am from Taiwan and when I just came here for highschool I was scared too...but it's fine...

First of all...see if your school has an ';Asia Club';, if you do join it.

It doesn't matter if there is an Asia Club or not...first of very friendly to all the doesn't matter if they speak Chinese or not...As long as they are Asian, ask them if you can eat lunch with them, be friendly to them...if they forgot a pen lend them a pen.

Asians will help Asians in America because of the ';Asian Pride';.

I made friends with all the CHinese in my school...and I'm also starting to know more Koreans and Phillipinos...try to make as much Asian friends as you can...preferbally..find the smart ones with good grades...becuase they will help you if you need help on school and problems when you are applying for college...

Making friends with Asians of all ages (younge and older or same age as you) in your new school will make your American life much easier.
be yourself

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