Sunday, December 27, 2009

Should America fallow the advice of the most successful man in the planet when it comes to immigration ???鈥?/a>

the most succesful economist of the world seems to agree with him :D ( Mr Alan greenspan )

additional question :

where will the money of the most succesful man in the planet go when he dies ???Should America fallow the advice of the most successful man in the planet when it comes to immigration ???
Bill Gates is a LOT smarter than Bush, Cheny and Rumsfeld all rolled together I'd listen to him!

And Bill's money goes to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Actually most of his money is already there. They've willed enough to their kids so that their kids would be ';able to do anything they want but not enough for them to do nothing';.鈥?/a>Should America fallow the advice of the most successful man in the planet when it comes to immigration ???
Unless I missed a portion of the article, he is only talking about attracting the brightest minds. It is much easier for such people to immigrate here and anywhere else for that matter. He does not address the issues of those who's only skill is to maw lawns or wash dishes.

BTW Bill Gates is a college drop out.
You should learn that Mr Greenspan is not necessarily the most successful economist ';on'; this world. He simply was the man asked to lead our countries economy and did a 'VERY' great job.

As for your second part, his money will revert to his family that will remain ';on'; this planet.
See, people with a high education and open perspective know that mass deportation is an idiotic idea.
Bill Gates made his billions in computer endeavors. That doesn't mean he knows what is best for all Americans.

As for Greenspan, NO. He doesn't give two cents for the American people. He is one of the many top bankers who enslave us by sucking our Fed. Inc. Taxes into their own silk lined pockets so they can live like kings. WE on the other hand are led like sheep assuming what WE are doing is LAW. It's NOT. WE have NO law saying we are required to pay Fed. Inc. Tax. Those fat cats like Greenspan continue to make us 'think' we must pay them this money鈥?/a>

Alan Greenspan (born March 6, 1926) is an American economist and was Chairman of the Board of Governors of the FEDERAL RESERVE of the United States from 1987 to 2006. Following his retirement as Fed chairman, he accepted an honorary (unpaid) position at HM Treasury in the United Kingdom.

....From 1948 to 1953, Greenspan worked as an economic analyst at The Conference Board, a business and industry oriented think-tank in New York City. From 1955 to 1987, Greenspan was Chairman and President of Townsend-Greenspan %26amp; Co., Inc., an economic consulting firm in New York City, a 33-year stint interrupted only from 1974 to 1977 by his service as Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Gerald Ford. Greenspan also has served as a corporate director for Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa); Automatic Data Processing, Inc.; Capital Cities/ABC, Inc.; General Foods, Inc.;

**J.P. MORGAN %26amp; Co., Inc.**;

**Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York;**

Mobil Corporation; and The Pittston Company.[5]鈥?/a>
i have read it. i see whats going on here now. the govt would rather give them work visa and not amnesty. they don't want them staying here. so there for the American govt is using the poor folks for cheap labor. so they can think what they want to think and call us what ever. are govt and farm owners will do anything to have cheap labor and the growers are getting rich off the cheap labor.
it sounds like the man knows about money, but that was obvious before too. I believe that America should follow his advice, but that should suprise no one. So....good for our economy, good for the people. Not a bad plan.
I agree with Mr. Gates' view on the immigration issue, but he's only looking at it from a very narrow perspective. Issues aside from retaining intelligent minds for economic purposes have a bit more bearing on the immigration question, IMO.

More than likely, he's got a bit stashed away for family, and the rest will go to charity.
You do understand that he was speaking of an increase in the number of H1B visas and not amnesty, right? And not 'guest worker' in the traditional sense. These are skilled visas.

And Greenspan spoke of legal immigration and said it would help to a point. Legal immigration is also heavily slanted towards skilled workers.

And the current head of the Fed said that while profits have been booming, wages are the smallest percentage of Gross Domestic Profit since the Great Depression, and cited immigration as one of the reasons.

As to where the money goes, probably mostly to his wife with some post-life-estate gifts to foundations and charity, and his children/relatives. A lot depends on the shape of the inheritance tax when his time comes.


Ahem. From your source:

';鈥淏y passing comprehensive immigration reform legislation today that makes prudent adjustments to the annual H1-B visa and green card caps for high skilled employees, the U.S. Senate has taken a critical step forward in its important work to ensure that our nation remains the global leader in technology innovation.

...鈥淚 applaud the Senate for recognizing that U.S. competitiveness depends on our ability to recruit and retain the world鈥檚 best minds, no matter where they are from. ';

NO WHERE does he say 'undocumented'. It is all about new high skilled visas to engineers who in the future will apply for them LEGALLY.
Yes, this statement has to do with LEGAL immigration. Not the illegal kind.

The lower side doesn't quite get that. I guess that's understandable.

But in fairness, maybe some real smart ditch digger will have a kid who changes the world big time. That is and ILLEGAL ditch digger.

I worry abou t the many who drink, drive and kill amoung other things. Seems like those are a great possibility than the former. But we can all dream on.
You must be talking about Rush Limbaugh. Money isn't success to me. It's common sense.
American, intelligent and successful, I knew he had to be pro-immigrant. What do you think about that anti-immigrants?. LOL.
I read the whole thing, but I still don't know if he's for or against immigration
  • wrinkles
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