Thursday, December 31, 2009

I am from different country, and i am studying in north america,tell me some advice on things to say?

tell me some things that would make north americans friend to think that i am gay, and how does the gays talk like and sound like (i am askin, cause i won't).

because i don't want them to think i am gay or anythin cause i am straight.

Tell me some stuff that north american friends would think that is weird, or thinks that i shouldn't say because they would think it's weird

and by the way, tell me how to start dating a north american girl, i don't know this american culture really well, like what do they like? and what do american girls talk about?I am from different country, and i am studying in north america,tell me some advice on things to say?
umm...haha ok idk abt the whole gay thing...but far as corny things to say: dont make jokes. thats just like wtf. ya kno? so umm chyea. but just like pay attention to other ppl around u and wat kind of things they say. but dont like go and b all like copyin them word for word. mmkay?I am from different country, and i am studying in north america,tell me some advice on things to say?
Just stick with your native language its weird enough!

2 Points!!
only a gay can answer you. 2 points for me.

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