Thursday, December 31, 2009

Need some advice on how to outline my speech. titled '; why america is the worlds policeman.?

i am currently working on it right now. if anyone would please be nice and help me asap i would greatly appreicate itNeed some advice on how to outline my speech. titled '; why america is the worlds policeman.?
It depends what this is for (school, what?), how many works you intend on citing, as well as what your take it on this?

First get your audience together. Who are you talking to? Who is your target audience you want this to appeal to?

Next, figure out your stance and why you are doing this speech. Use more than ';it is for a class.'; The way you have the topic/title phrased it sounds like this is purely an opinion speech instead of logical, thought out debate. Instead of relying on your emotions to drive you, you need to focus on the facts.

Next, you need to look at your time length. Is this a 5 minute or 5 hour speech/lecture? Are you using a slideshow? What?

Next, you need to do your research. You need to do more than just use your own opinions. Find UNBIASED facts and use them instead of spouting off opinions of people. A few opinions of scholars are fine, but don't focus your entire speech on that.Need some advice on how to outline my speech. titled '; why america is the worlds policeman.?
America, from my point of view,

is legalistic: both good and evil.

As such it's more oft terror-ist,

as Moses' law in Deut 34:12[

than any officer of the peace.

America has no peace to offer,

neither at home nor abroad.

Over 25% of America is mentally ill,

according to a Harvard Medical survey.

America has the most violence of all nations,

and also the most violent weather of nations.

Rod of iron rule of law does not make peace.

Peace is the absence of law worketh wrath.

Conclusion: chanGe the title of your speech
First talk about rogue cops.

Seriously, sounds like you want a speech about the steady growth of American power, influence, and hubris since World War II. Maybe a third on the world conditions, a third on why we grabbed the job, and a third on why other countries let us.

Or, just talk about rogue cops.
There is one important thing to remember when talking about government and the world. That is, no one governs the world. Anarchy runs the show. You're not going to get far if you talk of the United States being police officers. Police officers have rules and law they need to obide. What you should refer to the United States as is a hegemon. Write why America is a hegemon and how one who practices hegemony may be interperated as a police officer (more accurately a philanthropic thug).

Explaining HOW instead of WHY makes for a much better speech with less bologna.
This is something I believe in, so I believe I can give you a few main points for your outline.

The world is a big, tough, nasty neighborhood and needs a big, tough cop on the beat. The point of this rather humorously stated sentence is that the world is inherently anarchic. That point leads to other observations.

Anarchism is inherently unstable. Power vacuums get filled, usually by very, very nasty people. Here you have your choice of nasty tyrants from the ages, especially from the 20th century.

When you have a choice, go with the kinder, gentler power. Use the British Empire as an example. They were tough, occasionally brutal, but on the whole much nicer than the competition back then

America is by far the wealthiest, most powerful (in all sense of the word) state, nation, empire (what have you) in the history of the world. If we don't do badly needed world police work, no one will.

America is also the most free, democratic state that ever had this kind of power. World leaders might not like to admit it, but behind closed doors they're very glad that America is walking the beat. What makes them nervous is any hint of what they see as rising American neo-isolationism.

I'm sure you can come up with your own points and supporting arguments.

Good luck.

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