Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm Canadian, but I love America. I want to move down there, but what about my family? I need some advice.

I think America is an awesome country, I love everything about (with the exception of a certain person, but hey,in my opinion he's better than Harper) I also love America's patriotism and I think it's a beautiful country, but if I moved I would feel bad about leaving my family. I need some advice. What do you guys think?I'm Canadian, but I love America. I want to move down there, but what about my family? I need some advice.
go ahead AI'm Canadian, but I love America. I want to move down there, but what about my family? I need some advice.
go for it....A Big Welcome from Wisconsin...ey
I'm assuming you mean NORTH America, but sorry, no more room here, we're all filled up, what with the Mexicans, Chinese, Filipinos, Arabs, etc. coming over.

You might have better luck trying SOUTH America.
Do what you really think is best. Maybe you could move to a bordering state, such as Washington, so you're not too far away. The problem is that if you want to live here long term, it's not a piece of cake. I'm assuming it's the same as if any other nationality moves here. Immigration is quite a long and difficult process, especially after 9/11. You have to have a job here that will get you a green card, win the green card lottery, or fall in love and marry an American. My husband is Swedish and the process was so complicated even though he came here on a student visa and came from a neutral country. We decided to hire a lawyer, so we wouldn't have to try to fill out all of that paperwork. Anyway, it was well worth it. Good luck.
uhm america is crazy and different from canada...but whatever you wanna do is cool, just move to america but stay close to the border so you can go see your family!
Do it!! I have the same dilemna 'cuz I would love to move to Mexico, just for a year, but my family's holding me back (that %26amp; my friend who was supposed to do it with me just backed out!) You only live once - your family can come visit you %26amp; you can visit them. You can keep in touch via phone, emails %26amp; webcam. If you don't like it, move back to Canada!
I live in the U.S. and if you ask me, Canada is looking good these days. I would stay where you are! Maybe move to a different part of Canada.
we have a beautiful country? thats what i thought i live in wisconsin its very beautiful lots of woods to go exploring in the air smells so clean, too even our city miluakee smells clean but one day i went to New York i expected it to be great but once the plane landed and i got out side the air was horrible and i couldnt see a single tree in sight so many people crossing the road it took an hour just to go a few blocks and so much graffti im still getting over it dont move somewhere like this well i heard the candy is sweeter in canada is it true you have so many cool things i want to see....its a diffrent country which makes it cool

everyone wants what they dont have good luck in america
I think you gotta do what you gotta do. You can visit them anytime you want to, its not like your leaving them and never go back.
I moved from the states to Canada, leaving behind my kids, grandkids, parents and friends.

I have never had any regrets, and I do visit them every 2 months or so, as well as contact online and by phone.

Do what you want to do. The process itself to immigrate will take some time, so start planning for it if that is what you want to do.
explain the theme parks and natural wonders
Your family will still be there. Just make sure you keep contact and visit. Life is too short to not experience what you want while you can. If I could do things over I would wait for my family and take the time of my life.

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