Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Here's your chance. Adults? What advice can you give the youth of America about high school?

Just give whatever advice you can or say what you would have done differently.Here's your chance. Adults? What advice can you give the youth of America about high school?
Study hard and stay in school until you have either a degree or a trade certificate. It's going to be even more important in the future but it was important in 1958 when I graduated from high school. I was a 4.0 student and had a full ride scholarship for a doctorate in whatever field I wanted.

I just wanted to be a wife and mother. I started college because my parents insisted and flunked out in two semesters. That determined the course of my entire life, I never earned as much as I would have if I'd even gotten an associates degree and that was pretty important since I was divorced and became a woman supporting herself and three children. It was tough.

My other advice is this: the most important decision any person can make is choosing the other parent for your children. You are stuck with dealing with the person the rest of their life and so are your children. It's cost me literally thousands of dollars on therapy for myself and my children. I made that bad decision when I was 18 years old and I am still living with the consequences at 70.

Give your self credit, don't settle, find work you love to do and learn all you can about it. Wait to find the person that is just right for you to live with the rest of your life and do that before you create a child. Care for your children when they need you, believe it or not, there is life left after children and then you can do just what you want to do.

Good luck and be careful its a big world and it can spin you around in very unexpected ways.Here's your chance. Adults? What advice can you give the youth of America about high school?
Some things seem like such a huge deal right now, but they're most likely going to be NOTHING in a few years. Don't fight with people and stop slacking off on your grades if you are already! Graduating from high school so you'll have a great life one day is your main priority.

And like someone else pointed out already, lay off the constant drinking and getting high. I'm not telling you to not do it because that's your decision (even though it's illegal, let's just be realistic here), but don't do it 24/7. If you're going to have sex (I'm going to be realistic about that one, too), please be as educated as possible and never forget protection. Not just to prevent pregnancy, but have you heard about the crazy amount of STIs out there? I've seen so many wonderful people end up with terrible sicknesses from having careless sex that they'll have to live with for the rest of their lives.
im 17, but i would say...stop drinking and doing drugs, and getting pregnant just to act mature, because your not, your a kid and you need to enjoy being a kid, not partying, you have your whole life for your moment, and have fun just being a child, because once your 18th b-day comes, your out living in the real world baby, and once you keep up the drunk driving, mommy and daddy wont come running to bail you out of jail =)
I could give a good, long answer but I will try to keep it short.

1. Do not give into peer pressure.

2. Avoid anything that is harmful (or potentially harmful) and addictive.

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