Sunday, December 20, 2009

Traveling around South America for several months - what advice can you give?

i.e. what to see, where to stay, what to take along or what to consider...

Am also interested in hearing any experience you may have had visiting there.Traveling around South America for several months - what advice can you give?
Well, I live in South America and have been living here for almost five years, and have done a fair bit of travel in South America.


Usually nice people, but plenty of sleazy men and jealous women, especially if you are blonde. People are pushy and rude in public. Santiago is a stressful city, not the typical ';Latin American'; experience that you are expecting. It doesnt have much character of its own at all. Reasonably safe, but incredibly claustrophobic and its like being in a time warp.


Beautiful people, great food, great lifestyle. The women are lively and the men are just fun, fun, fun... and really hot. Proud, friendly, cultured, worldly people. Buenos Aires is one of the most beautiful cities on the planet.


Bogot谩 is daaaaaaangerous, but absolutely gorgeous. The people are some of the friendliest people around, always smiling and laughing. They are the kind of people that will give you the clothes off of their back and the food off of their plate.


Great, friendly people. Nice food and Montevideo is a gorgeous city... its like someone stopped the clock at the end of the 80s and nothing has changed since then. People smoke a lot..hehehe. Montevideo is pretty safe, beautifuly designed, and very cute. Easy city to love.


Nice people, although they can be a little bit blunt! I wouldnt ever live in Asuncion and it can get kind of seedy at night, but Encarnacion is beautiful.


AWESOME food, nice people, nice beaches, great culture. Although I love Buenos Aires, I have to say that Peru IS the South American experience. Lovely culture and music.

Traveling around South America for several months - what advice can you give?
Well, everything depends of your likes, if you like to relax you should consider a kind of place with a good environment, there are a lot of places in Colombia which offers to you a good experience and a very cheap travel. You can get information about tourism in Colombia, you can find information in:

You'll can select your language and learn about Colombian several offers... Be fine!!!

Well, I'm from Colombia, and you should keep in mind that Colombian people are very friendly and you'll be welcome whenever you want to come!!
I was in South America this summer... spending time in both Chile and Argentina.

In Chile (or Argentina but I stayed in Santiago so it was much closer from there than Buenos Aires) I would definitely recommend taking a trip to the Andes if you're into outdoor things.

It was the beginning of winter when we went but we still went whitewater rafting, ziplining, horseback riding and hiking and it was amazing!!

Cascada de las Animas was the Nature Preserve we visited and I enjoyed it and it wasn't too expensive.

Also try and get to a port town. We went to Valparaiso and Vina del Mar which was very fun. If you make it to those towns (they're practially connected) eat in the rotating restaurant that has an amazing view... I can't remember the name of it now but it's in the center of town and rotates with a 360 degree view of the ocean and city.

If you make it to Buenos Aires go to the Recoleta Artisan Market, it's located right by a church and cemetary where we attended a service and where Eva Peron's mausoleum is.

Also go to a futbol (soccer) game. They're intense! A Tango show in Argentina is fun too! And make sure you eat a steak, they're wonderful.

That's all I can think of at the moment...
South America is great fun! I traveled Peru for a few months a couple years ago, and I am in Chile right now. I also know a bit of Argentina. I must say, Peru was my fave. The food, the beaches, the desert, the mountains and jungle...try a bit of everything! And of course, you can't miss Cuzco. If you go through Lima, try Calle de Las Pizzas for a taste of nightlife Peruvian style. Try to hit up Vina del Mar and Valparaiso in Chile. Santiago isn't all that magic...I would head over to Mendoza or Cordoba instead. Plus, food and drink is uber spendy in Santiago.

Try or for a nice range of hostels along the way. However, try to stay in a real hotel in Lima. Its a bit more dangerous than other places.

Other advise? I would suggest going in spring or fall so as to avoid heat stroke during your adventures. That has always been a problem for me. Also, check out the transportation systems in each country before you end up stranded on the street. For example, buses in Santiago only run on cards that you have to buy; taxis in some countries have meters, while others you have to barter for, etc.

Happy Travels!
I am a real hot latin american and I know my country and it is so beautiful,bogot谩 is the cultural and economic of south america.cartagena is the best romantic city,my country has many pretty places.pleaase visit us.Cuba and puerto rico are so cute.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Colombia--go to Cartagena

Peru-Machu Pichu, Arequipa


Carry money in shoes.

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