Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Any advice on backpacking through Central America?

We are planning on going for 2 months. Feb-April of next year.

I think that most of our time will be spent in Costa Rica, but there are other places that we want to see also.

I have never been on a backpacking trip before.

Any advice on the packing aspect?

....... what to bring?

....... where to go?

....... what to avoid?

Any words of wisdom will be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks. :-)Any advice on backpacking through Central America?
Hi Moonshimmer,

My girlfriend and I backpacked around Central America last year at exactly the same time of year She had never been outside Europe so was quite nervous (as she's a girl who likes comfort!) but we both had the time of our lives. We started in Mexico City staying at a friends house, then weaved down through all the countries to Panama, flew to Colombia and then to Cuba. Buy a guidebook or get one out of your local library and started planning/daydreaming! I recommend the Rough Guide series. You can definately be ambitious in what you cover in 2 months because the transport is excellent. Our trip was three months, but we only actually stayed for one day in Costa Rica, as it was really expensive and I didn't like it so much. I think Panama has everything Costa Rica has to offer, but is a bit wilder and much cheaper. I could write a huge post but I dont wanna bore you so here are my main recommendations:

* A spanish evening class before you head out really helps, and gets you excited about your trip too!

* Scuba diving in the region is incredible. We learned on the Honduran Bay Islands where it is super-cheap and breath-taking. We ended up staying two weeks there!

* Spanish classes including homestays are popular and very affordable in Guatemala if that's what you want out of your holiday too.

* Nicaragua - isla de ometepe and masaya are brilliant

* Panama- bocas de toro islands.

* Bring: sleeping back liner to sleep in, lots of cotton t-shirts (its entering rainy season when you'll be there - hot and sticky), a knife and fork (if youre on a budget, so you can make sandwiches in the hostel/on buses etc), a stretchy washing line, a combination padlock (carrying keys around is such a drag), sunglasses, a travel towel (really light weight and dries quickly, cant do without one), some multi-vitamins, travel wash, shower gel (if you use it, its hard to get there), lotion for sunburn/bites, a light rain jacket (especially if youre climing volcanos etc, good for wind too), a couple of good books to read (many hostels have book swaps).

* Cant think of anything to avoid but Burger King - the only thing that gave me food poisoning on the whole trip!

I kept a short diary just sticking things in and writing down just in little lists and bullet points to remind me of our adventures, it makes a really nice momento and gives you something to do when you're lazing in that hammock with a beer in your hand in the evenings :)

Have a great trip.Any advice on backpacking through Central America?
It depends on your interests. If you are only interested in beach and sun, then go only to Costa Rica and Honduras. But if you are interested in other things also, go to Guatemala for great Mayan ruins in Tikal and Yaxha (where the last Survivor was filmed), the beautiful and peaceful colonial city of Antigua where you can learn some spanish for a very affordable price and Lake Atitlan, one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. Costa Rica is really not that good; Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Panama all have better natural beauties than C.R.
ask the local people there are places no one should go without guides take the main roads good if you speak the language take the bus where you can many different bugs there so be prepared dont dring the water unless you boil it well bring noodles and soup mix dry water bottles knife fork spoon and hunting knifeswiss army knife etc sleeping bag if needed small tent nice.walking stick to beat the snakes.i would have a hand gun hidden it my pack.
1. Bring the very basics: jeans, shorts, bathing suits and lots of t-shirts

2. Avoid the big capital cities as some areas may be dangerous. Carry little cash, bring Travelers checks, and two credit cards. You'll find ATM's in all of these places. Heck! HSBC just bought half the banks in the region! (though you will not see the name in any of the signs)

3. Where to go:

Guatemala: Tikal (Maya City), Antigua (colonial town) and Panajachel (lake)

Honduras: Copan (Maya City), Bay Islands (Scuba diving), Comayagua (colonial town)

Costa Rica...well you'll have plenty of national parks to choose from.

Nicaragua: Leon and Granada (Colonial towns)
Get you a copy of the backpackers bible. The ';Lonely Planet, central america';. If you are going mainly to Costa Rica. I think the ';Costa Rica Hand Book'; is a better source.

Two important things to have are a small flashlight and a small Padlock. Travel light, have a good pair of comfortable hiking shoes and no jeans because they are heavy and take to long to dry.

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