Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I have decided that my life is boring and im sick of it, I want to drift across America/Canada, any advice?

Well, it's good that you're open to change, and have an adventurous spirit. But, I would like to remind you there's an old saying...';You're never bored if you're never boring.'; That's why I hate admitting that I'm bored, because I'm really only admitting that I'm boring. If you're not a boring person, you can find ways to keep yourself entertained anywhere. If you're a boring person, you can be bored anywhere.

If you're always looking for external sources to keep yourself entertained; make you feel validated; or to give yourself a sense of happiness or contentment, then you're destined to be a miserable person. All that comes from within, and it won't magically be provided by changing scenery or meeting new people. (Some of the wealthiest people in the world are incredibly unhappy because they're always looking for external sources of entertainment, validation, etc. And those external forces are always fleeting and never truly satisfying, so people like that always need more and more and more...always unhappy in the interim.)

It's a great idea to travel, don't get me wrong. But if you're doing it to ';fix'; some perceived problem in your life, you're probably barking up the wrong tree. Why not try to figure out what inspires you, and then focus on that for a while? If your inspiration allows for travel, maybe combine the two, so you're getting out and seeing the world (or this continent, at least), but you're doing it in pursuit of something you know...with a purpose? I would think that would be much more satisfying, in the long run.

Well, that's my 2垄.I have decided that my life is boring and im sick of it, I want to drift across America/Canada, any advice?
Life is what you make it.

Drifting will just make it suckier, since you'll have no job, no permanent address, and you'll probably just blame that on everyone.

Suck it up, grasshopper.I have decided that my life is boring and im sick of it, I want to drift across America/Canada, any advice?
Join the Armed Forces. Then you can drift across the whole world.
Go for it. I drifted aimlessly all over Canada and got lost for 12 years. The best years of my life even though I had no money.
drifters have a very short life span in the US...

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