Sunday, December 20, 2009

Can I just go and work in South America for the summer? Any advice?

Can i go over and work by day and rave at night? Does the fact that I don鈥檛 speak Portuguese/Spanish hinder me? Got any good websites that offer advice on this?Can I just go and work in South America for the summer? Any advice?
i guess you could teach english as a private teacher or maybe in an institute (the fact that is winter there will help you with that sort of job because ppl isnt on holidays). besides, in some countries there are places like call centers for big companies that look for ppl that speak english fluently so that they talk to natives...i guess being a native would help. im not sure about the legal aspects though.

im afraid i have to disagree with Steve in many aspects. to begin with south america is not north america...there arent officers looking for illegal would have to be very unlucky if they caught you...specially if you are working as a teacher. and i really doubt that you could live with 2 dollars a day...thats about 6 argentinian wouldnt even get a burger with that, maybe in Bolivia, but i dont recommend it. im warning you about this because even tho south america is cheap for north america, is not THAT inexpensive, and you dont want to get false expectations. another thing i dont agree with is the weather. its not so cold in winter, depends on the place, and it only snows in Chile and the southest part of Argentina.

i recommend you to go to Buenos Aires (the capital city of Argentina) because i think you could find some job opportunities and it wouldnt be very expensive. besides, you said you wanted to rave at night and buenos aires has the best nightlife in south america.

good luck!!Can I just go and work in South America for the summer? Any advice?
In order to work legally, you need a permit and you can't get a permit without a visa. If you get a tourist or student visa, it says on it, that you cannot work.

If you spoke the language you might be able to find work off

the books but I doubt it. Why would they hire your when they could hire someone that could speak the language?

You might be able to find a job with a mom and pop company that needs you for your English. But those jobs are sought after by others who would also like to work there.

And those companies fall under the scrutiny of the officials whose job it is to keep out foreigners who take jobs from locals.

If you did find a job, you would be working illegally without a work visa. You know what happens in the USA when they find Mexicans who are illegal? They toss 'em in jail until they can deport them. The same thing would happen to you.

So the bottom line to your question is: Probably NO!

Realize also, that your summer is their winter. It is cold and it snows in many places in South America, unless you go to the northern part of it..

The way to spend the summer is to go in the winter after having saved enough money so that you can live on the cheap in a rented room for a hundred a month and food for

two dollars a day. The natives do that. You could too. Then you could

learn the language make some friends, get the lay of the land and you might be able to land an illegal part time job. But don't count on it.
Well, don't forget that summer there is winter here!

U can work as an English teacher for advanced students, giving conversation classes.
You cant just go anywhere and work. Any country you go to you need to get a work permit even if it's for a short time. Yes, not knowing spanish or portuguese might hinder your job searches since many latin americans don't speak english. Something you might be able to do might be a waiter since you could probably get a job off the books, but even then you still need to know a little spanish or portuguese. Teaching english is another thing you could do from your home without a work permit.
If you want to work full time and make $100 to 300 a month and if you can find work. Why do you think people come to the USA. To find jobs or use the system. It is not because they want to be free or like the USA

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