Sunday, December 20, 2009

As America struggles 2 get back on track in the wake of Conservative HATE, what advice do U have 4 Pres. Obama?

All answers will be considered, Thx.As America struggles 2 get back on track in the wake of Conservative HATE, what advice do U have 4 Pres. Obama?

Screw the republicans! We need healthcare,the world is laughing at us.

End the wars.As America struggles 2 get back on track in the wake of Conservative HATE, what advice do U have 4 Pres. Obama?
America is a great country. People all over the world want to come here because there is freedom and opportunity. Don't move us toward socialism, don't abandon the constitution, don't blame America for everything that is wrong with the world. I thank God that I was able to (legally) come to this country. I do not want America to become like the corrupt, socialist country I left.
Concentrate on what your detractors are saying. They have valid concerns and might even have constructive ideas. Don't get wrapped up by partisan morons trying to frame the debate as a racial issue or as the result of hate. Those people are a waste of time and not productive in the process of solving problems.
Obama got off track? When did he start supporting the Constitution, capitalism, free enterprise, or freedom in general? Socialism, government control has been his consistent track.
Don't let the idiot b@stards get to you. Stop trying to please everyone, set your course and get moving, we need health care reform , now.

PS, You are the President, claim the title.
Repent. You have stolen from America and used it to further your corrupt political ambitions. Ask God for forgiveness.

oh and if you refuse to do so than grow some balls and start taking responsibility instead of scapegoating on the prior administration. We need a LEADER!!!
conservative hate? hahahha

you mean like pelosi saying people who protest her are an angry mob? haha


stop pursuing marxism

defend the constitution, instead of finding ways around it

recognize that this country is on the brink of civil war
Go ahead and produce your Kenyan birth certificate.
Become a libertarian and stop this trend to intervene in every free market.
Resign and go back to Chicago ... please.
Only our veterans will understand but he should try this:

Lead from the Front Lt.

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