Sunday, December 20, 2009

What advice to give a student, whose been been in America since 2002 (lives) but is not a legal resident?

I'm trying to help a student of mine but I don't know what to tell him concerning his status in America. he came here when he was 16+ , finished high school, got his diploma, is now in college and stuck after he graduates? I need some immigration advice to give him. He's a B student.What advice to give a student, whose been been in America since 2002 (lives) but is not a legal resident?
He needs to go back to his country of origin and apply to come back legally.What advice to give a student, whose been been in America since 2002 (lives) but is not a legal resident?
1. Contact the University's international office. They take care of student visas. Then,

2. Get an immigration attorney. Considering his status, a good one should be able to sort things out for him. Without one, this might be extremely (impossible?) difficult to sort it out. Try Fragomen Del Rey. They are working on my case, really good and professional people:

3. write a petition to the US President. lol. ;) That last one was a joke.
He's attending school as if he's a resident when he should be paying at the foreign student rate. This is illegal. If you did manage to find a way to legalize his status, which I doubt can be done, he'll owe tens of thousands of dollars in back tuition.

He's not necessarily stuck. He is the citizen of some nation and he can always go back there.
I'm so against illegal immigrants but I have enough heart to feel for someone who graduates high school and college and actually wants to do something good, but no good news here. This issue is hot now but just wait awhile, its going to get worse for illegals. Most should go back to their homeland and try to get back in by legal means and thats the advice I am giving. If he is a graduate from college whats wrong with him going back to his homeland and getting a job in the field he studied and then hopefully return legally? I have friends and family that cant even afford to go to a regular ';tech'; or ';state'; college, how did this person get by? I so want to be human about this and I think I am, tell him to go back before its too late!
Tell him his visit has been nice and you will be happy to come visit him when he gets his place setup in his country.
'Go home' is a legitimate response unless he's a refugee for some reason. If he is, he can aply for asylum. If not, his college education should do him some good in his homeland.
Go to the immigration biro.
Tell him to pray to God and ask him to forgive him for illegally entering this country. God will listen to all our cares and concerns. With God all things are possible and he may even get a excellent job than some US Citizens. God can make the impossible become possible. Dont Give up.
Continue his education. Get as much as he can. It's valuable where ever he live. Hopefully they will get it together in Washington. I wish him the best.
First You will need to Know with status she came in???

a Tourist and Overstay her Visa?

a Student with an Approved Visa that expired?

or did she came in Illegally?

the First 2 can be Fix...

the Last one....Hope she Never gets Caught...
K dont listen to any people that just gave you an answer. For right now, all you can do is wait for a couple more weeks and see how the whole immigration debate in congress will turn out. There is a great possibility that a Dream Act will be passes, giving him a permanent status. If not, there will be some sort of amnesty passed by congress, so I advise you to just wait until the end of the summer.
It's nice to here that he is finishing school. The best thing to do is apply for a student visa as soon as possible then after a year apply for a working permit. If he finds a job, pursue to get an H1 sponsorship. gain and learn more experience. try to find a job that will extend your h1 and then convince them to apply for employment green card petition.

The only problem is that you need to be legal to apply for student visa. if he somehow was legal then applied for a student visa he shouldn't have a problem.
Go home, and come back the right way sorry that's the best I can do.

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