Sunday, December 20, 2009

Flying to Israel soon from America, any advice?

I'm a bit nervous to be honest, I have family there but we know that America and Israel are central terrorist targets (as much as I hate the word) and flying FROM America TO Israel is not a very peaceful moment for m, any advice?Flying to Israel soon from America, any advice?
Relax and take a book to read.

It's not your time to die.Flying to Israel soon from America, any advice?
Security on flights to Israel is very strict. There are multiple security checks at the airport (at least when I left from JFK there were) and then more security checks once you get to Israel. The last plane that got hijacked and landed at Ben Gurion was over 30 years ago.

My most practical advice to you is take things that are easy to carry. Don't overstuff your luggage (this irritates the people who search it) and don't expect that you will find your stuff the same way you packed it in there. Make arrangements so that your ride will already be at the airport once you get there. (I'm guessing you're landing in Tel Aviv because that's the only place international flights land... lol)
Just relax...

Security on flights to Israel is all the more stringent, so I'm sure you'll be perfectly fine.

Also, I'm sure you'll be fine while in Israel. You didnt say where you'll be staying, but if you're away from the hotspots, Israel is a safe country, in general.

The media makes it look a lot worse than it is.

I lived there for a number of years, and never saw/experienced anything bad.
Eh, it's alright. Granted there is A LOT of security but overall not to big of a deal. I thought the worse part of the trip was all the turbulence. Other than that we didn't have too much trouble
Don't worry, The Israelis have Extremely strict security
Dont worry God will be with you wherever u are going to go...

and Israelis flyghts are very secures and americans are too!
Tip the flight attendants well. ;)
Wear your seat belt to avoid turbulence. Cheers!
just be calm and don't negatively.....nt will happen
be care full
they love americans, dont u know they got billions of our tax dollars? freakin zionists
America and ersatz israel are the only terrorists. When you invade someone's homeland for colonialist reasons; the indigenous people have every right to conduct an armed struggle to free themselves. In support the Palestinian people and their right to live as free people.

As long as zionists refuse to open their eyes, peace will not be achievable.

My advice to you is to try to spend sometime with Palestinian people. I hope that such a meeting opens your eyes.

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