Sunday, December 20, 2009

Repubs advice to Mccain: just keep lying America wont be smart enough to know the difference!?

I wonder why all the lies, but nothing of policy.Repubs advice to Mccain: just keep lying America wont be smart enough to know the difference!?
Perhaps you should be asking your messiah, the spawn of satan in disguise, about all the lies and not even you know what his policies are because he changes those whenever he feels the 'need' to. Read and weep.鈥?/a>

Repubs advice to Mccain: just keep lying America wont be smart enough to know the difference!?
Well, if Republicans are telling McCain to lie, he's not listening.

This is why there should be one board for registered voters (18 and older, of course) who actually intend to vote in the November election, and another for everyone else.

I've heard both Obama and McCain speak. Neither one appears to think voters are stupid; and we're especially dangerous this year because a lot of us are not happy. I don't know what lies you're talking about, but then, you probably don't either, so I don't feel so bad.

As far as policy is concerned, McCain has spelled out his stand on several issues. Obama may have done the same thing, but I have not come across it.

And that ';McSame'; argument is BS. Nobody believes it anymore.

Do the research - face the facts, even if they go against you. Calling someone names is not persuasive to anyone over the age of 12.

You'll have to step up your game before stepping to McCain.
Idiot! McCain's record is open to the public to see. What he has voted for %26amp; supported. Obama likes to miss votes so that his record cannot be scrutinized!! Your one of those people who believe Obama no matter what he says... NO stopping you voting for him! Obama was for higher corporate tax hikes before he was against them... he was for immediate withdrawal from Iraq before he was against it... He was for rescinding the Bush tax-cuts before he was against it!! Obama can say whatever he wants BECAUSE HE HAS NO RECORD to check!! That is just plain stupid!!
Another Obama Parrot. You sound as ridiculous as Diane Feinstein did on the news parroting the stupid talking points. Its like there isn't one democrat in the country with a brain of their own, and whenever one goes off point they say something stupid and divisive. Who the hell wants Feinsten and Boxer and Pelosi and Harry Reid running this country?

Get a clue before you're very sorry.
Actually you're mistaken. Those have been the Democrat instructions to all of their candidates for years. The Republicans clearly spell out all of their policies while the Democrats deceive and rely on ignorance to get them elected. I don't think it will work this election.
America already knows McCain's policies we have been living with them for almost 8 years. The last thing McCain want to do is remind the American people that he supports George W Bush's policies down the line and has nothing new to offer.
Because they are weak on policy. if they can keep the unaware that way. They may have a slight chance of pulling this off. Let's hope people recognize this for what it is and decided it is unacceptable.
yet no ACTUAL lies. I have been listening to people say Bush lied for years..and everytime i challenge them to provide a quote from the man, a direct complete quote that was an ACTUAL goes silent!

Plenty of policies, no lies, and tons of action to prove it when McCain is elected as the next President of the United States!
Why is Sarah Palin hiding?

Have they not figured out how she can backpedal when people start asking her why her positions have changed in the last 2 weeks?

She is more in line with Bush than McCain.
Yah, basically.

';Learning the issues is too hard, a black man calling a white women a pig, that's something to vote on!'; -typical republican voter
I will take the word of a 22 year Vietnam Vet and 20 years of experience in Congress before I EVER vote for a guy who has anti-american views and is a racist. THAT's why people have been complaining that McCain has been plagiarizing Obama's ';script';...
I totally agree with you I have said it before and now say it again, ';America is truly a country of stupid people if John McSame is elected president.';

Obama-Biden 08
Reverse that one honey. That is Obama. He is going to raise your axes. The guy can't keep anything he says straight, without that teleprompter
And, Obama doesn't tell lies? Obama voted 97% of the time with the Democrats and acts like he is an independent reformer. What a bunch of bull!
actually you have the characters mixed up because Obama believes no American can see through his empty suit.
They have to lie, the truth would cost them the election in all 50 states.
what lies? these dumb statements without any substance will not wash anymore.
Yes, and people buy it. They bought it in the past two elections. They will buy it now. Pathetic.
They can't win if they tell the truth, silly.
the policy details will make people want to move to France
That looks like the dems plan..... How weird....
How can you tell if a politician is lying? His lips are moving!
Sad but true.
yep that's the plan

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